MediaWiki  REL1_21
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00038 class ApiQuery extends ApiBase {
00044         private static $QueryPropModules = array(
00045                 'categories' => 'ApiQueryCategories',
00046                 'categoryinfo' => 'ApiQueryCategoryInfo',
00047                 'duplicatefiles' => 'ApiQueryDuplicateFiles',
00048                 'extlinks' => 'ApiQueryExternalLinks',
00049                 'images' => 'ApiQueryImages',
00050                 'imageinfo' => 'ApiQueryImageInfo',
00051                 'info' => 'ApiQueryInfo',
00052                 'links' => 'ApiQueryLinks',
00053                 'iwlinks' => 'ApiQueryIWLinks',
00054                 'langlinks' => 'ApiQueryLangLinks',
00055                 'pageprops' => 'ApiQueryPageProps',
00056                 'revisions' => 'ApiQueryRevisions',
00057                 'stashimageinfo' => 'ApiQueryStashImageInfo',
00058                 'templates' => 'ApiQueryLinks',
00059         );
00065         private static $QueryListModules = array(
00066                 'allcategories' => 'ApiQueryAllCategories',
00067                 'allimages' => 'ApiQueryAllImages',
00068                 'alllinks' => 'ApiQueryAllLinks',
00069                 'allpages' => 'ApiQueryAllPages',
00070                 'alltransclusions' => 'ApiQueryAllLinks',
00071                 'allusers' => 'ApiQueryAllUsers',
00072                 'backlinks' => 'ApiQueryBacklinks',
00073                 'blocks' => 'ApiQueryBlocks',
00074                 'categorymembers' => 'ApiQueryCategoryMembers',
00075                 'deletedrevs' => 'ApiQueryDeletedrevs',
00076                 'embeddedin' => 'ApiQueryBacklinks',
00077                 'exturlusage' => 'ApiQueryExtLinksUsage',
00078                 'filearchive' => 'ApiQueryFilearchive',
00079                 'imageusage' => 'ApiQueryBacklinks',
00080                 'iwbacklinks' => 'ApiQueryIWBacklinks',
00081                 'langbacklinks' => 'ApiQueryLangBacklinks',
00082                 'logevents' => 'ApiQueryLogEvents',
00083                 'pageswithprop' => 'ApiQueryPagesWithProp',
00084                 'pagepropnames' => 'ApiQueryPagePropNames',
00085                 'protectedtitles' => 'ApiQueryProtectedTitles',
00086                 'querypage' => 'ApiQueryQueryPage',
00087                 'random' => 'ApiQueryRandom',
00088                 'recentchanges' => 'ApiQueryRecentChanges',
00089                 'search' => 'ApiQuerySearch',
00090                 'tags' => 'ApiQueryTags',
00091                 'usercontribs' => 'ApiQueryContributions',
00092                 'users' => 'ApiQueryUsers',
00093                 'watchlist' => 'ApiQueryWatchlist',
00094                 'watchlistraw' => 'ApiQueryWatchlistRaw',
00095         );
00101         private static $QueryMetaModules = array(
00102                 'allmessages' => 'ApiQueryAllMessages',
00103                 'siteinfo' => 'ApiQuerySiteinfo',
00104                 'userinfo' => 'ApiQueryUserInfo',
00105         );
00110         private $mPageSet;
00112         private $mParams;
00113         private $mNamedDB = array();
00114         private $mModuleMgr;
00115         private $mGeneratorContinue;
00116         private $mUseLegacyContinue;
00122         public function __construct( $main, $action ) {
00123                 parent::__construct( $main, $action );
00125                 $this->mModuleMgr = new ApiModuleManager( $this );
00127                 // Allow custom modules to be added in LocalSettings.php
00128                 global $wgAPIPropModules, $wgAPIListModules, $wgAPIMetaModules;
00129                 $this->mModuleMgr->addModules( self::$QueryPropModules, 'prop' );
00130                 $this->mModuleMgr->addModules( $wgAPIPropModules, 'prop' );
00131                 $this->mModuleMgr->addModules( self::$QueryListModules, 'list' );
00132                 $this->mModuleMgr->addModules( $wgAPIListModules, 'list' );
00133                 $this->mModuleMgr->addModules( self::$QueryMetaModules, 'meta' );
00134                 $this->mModuleMgr->addModules( $wgAPIMetaModules, 'meta' );
00136                 // Create PageSet that will process titles/pageids/revids/generator
00137                 $this->mPageSet = new ApiPageSet( $this );
00138         }
00144         public function getModuleManager() {
00145                 return $this->mModuleMgr;
00146         }
00158         public function getNamedDB( $name, $db, $groups ) {
00159                 if ( !array_key_exists( $name, $this->mNamedDB ) ) {
00160                         $this->profileDBIn();
00161                         $this->mNamedDB[$name] = wfGetDB( $db, $groups );
00162                         $this->profileDBOut();
00163                 }
00164                 return $this->mNamedDB[$name];
00165         }
00171         public function getPageSet() {
00172                 return $this->mPageSet;
00173         }
00180         public function getModules() {
00181                 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.21' );
00182                 return $this->getModuleManager()->getNamesWithClasses();
00183         }
00190         public function getGenerators() {
00191                 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.21' );
00192                 $gens = array();
00193                 foreach ( $this->mModuleMgr->getNamesWithClasses() as $name => $class ) {
00194                         if ( is_subclass_of( $class, 'ApiQueryGeneratorBase' ) ) {
00195                                 $gens[$name] = $class;
00196                         }
00197                 }
00198                 return $gens;
00199         }
00207         function getModuleType( $moduleName ) {
00208                 return $this->getModuleManager()->getModuleGroup( $moduleName );
00209         }
00214         public function getCustomPrinter() {
00215                 // If &exportnowrap is set, use the raw formatter
00216                 if ( $this->getParameter( 'export' ) &&
00217                                 $this->getParameter( 'exportnowrap' ) )
00218                 {
00219                         return new ApiFormatRaw( $this->getMain(),
00220                                 $this->getMain()->createPrinterByName( 'xml' ) );
00221                 } else {
00222                         return null;
00223                 }
00224         }
00236         public function execute() {
00237                 $this->mParams = $this->extractRequestParams();
00239                 // $pagesetParams is a array of parameter names used by the pageset generator
00240                 //   or null if pageset has already finished and is no longer needed
00241                 // $completeModules is a set of complete modules with the name as key
00242                 $this->initContinue( $pagesetParams, $completeModules );
00244                 // Instantiate requested modules
00245                 $allModules = array();
00246                 $this->instantiateModules( $allModules, 'prop' );
00247                 $propModules = $allModules; // Keep a copy
00248                 $this->instantiateModules( $allModules, 'list' );
00249                 $this->instantiateModules( $allModules, 'meta' );
00251                 // Filter modules based on continue parameter
00252                 $modules = $this->initModules( $allModules, $completeModules, $pagesetParams !== null );
00254                 // Execute pageset if in legacy mode or if pageset is not done
00255                 if ( $completeModules === null || $pagesetParams !== null ) {
00256                         // Populate page/revision information
00257                         $this->mPageSet->execute();
00258                         // Record page information (title, namespace, if exists, etc)
00259                         $this->outputGeneralPageInfo();
00260                 } else {
00261                         $this->mPageSet->executeDryRun();
00262                 }
00264                 $cacheMode = $this->mPageSet->getCacheMode();
00266                 // Execute all unfinished modules
00268                 foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
00269                         $params = $module->extractRequestParams();
00270                         $cacheMode = $this->mergeCacheMode(
00271                                 $cacheMode, $module->getCacheMode( $params ) );
00272                         $module->profileIn();
00273                         $module->execute();
00274                         wfRunHooks( 'APIQueryAfterExecute', array( &$module ) );
00275                         $module->profileOut();
00276                 }
00278                 // Set the cache mode
00279                 $this->getMain()->setCacheMode( $cacheMode );
00281                 if ( $completeModules === null ) {
00282                         return; // Legacy continue, we are done
00283                 }
00285                 // Reformat query-continue result section
00286                 $result = $this->getResult();
00287                 $qc = $result->getData();
00288                 if ( isset( $qc['query-continue'] ) ) {
00289                         $qc = $qc['query-continue'];
00290                         $result->unsetValue( null, 'query-continue' );
00291                 } elseif ( $this->mGeneratorContinue !== null ) {
00292                         $qc = array();
00293                 } else {
00294                         // no more "continue"s, we are done!
00295                         return;
00296                 }
00298                 // we are done with all the modules that do not have result in query-continue
00299                 $completeModules = array_merge( $completeModules, array_diff_key( $modules, $qc ) );
00300                 if ( $pagesetParams !== null ) {
00301                         // The pageset is still in use, check if all props have finished
00302                         $incompleteProps = array_intersect_key( $propModules, $qc );
00303                         if ( count( $incompleteProps ) > 0 ) {
00304                                 // Properties are not done, continue with the same pageset state - copy current parameters
00305                                 $main = $this->getMain();
00306                                 $contValues = array();
00307                                 foreach ( $pagesetParams as $param ) {
00308                                         // The param name is already prefix-encoded
00309                                         $contValues[$param] = $main->getVal( $param );
00310                                 }
00311                         } elseif ( $this->mGeneratorContinue !== null ) {
00312                                 // Move to the next set of pages produced by pageset, properties need to be restarted
00313                                 $contValues = $this->mGeneratorContinue;
00314                                 $pagesetParams = array_keys( $contValues );
00315                                 $completeModules = array_diff_key( $completeModules, $propModules );
00316                         } else {
00317                                 // Done with the pageset, finish up with the the lists and meta modules
00318                                 $pagesetParams = null;
00319                         }
00320                 }
00322                 $continue = '||' . implode( '|', array_keys( $completeModules ) );
00323                 if ( $pagesetParams !== null ) {
00324                         // list of all pageset parameters to use in the next request
00325                         $continue = implode( '|', $pagesetParams ) . $continue;
00326                 } else {
00327                         // we are done with the pageset
00328                         $contValues = array();
00329                         $continue = '-' . $continue;
00330                 }
00331                 $contValues['continue'] = $continue;
00332                 foreach ( $qc as $qcModule ) {
00333                         foreach ( $qcModule as $qcKey => $qcValue ) {
00334                                 $contValues[$qcKey] = $qcValue;
00335                         }
00336                 }
00337                 $this->getResult()->addValue( null, 'continue', $contValues );
00338         }
00345         private function initContinue( &$pagesetParams, &$completeModules ) {
00346                 $pagesetParams = array();
00347                 $continue = $this->mParams['continue'];
00348                 if ( $continue !== null ) {
00349                         $this->mUseLegacyContinue = false;
00350                         if ( $continue !== '' ) {
00351                                 // Format: ' pagesetParam1 | pagesetParam2 || module1 | module2 | module3 | ...
00352                                 // If pageset is done, use '-'
00353                                 $continue = explode( '||', $continue );
00354                                 $this->dieContinueUsageIf( count( $continue ) !== 2 );
00355                                 if ( $continue[0] === '-' ) {
00356                                         $pagesetParams = null; // No need to execute pageset
00357                                 } elseif ( $continue[0] !== '' ) {
00358                                         // list of pageset params that might need to be repeated
00359                                         $pagesetParams = explode( '|', $continue[0] );
00360                                 }
00361                                 $continue = $continue[1];
00362                         }
00363                         if ( $continue !== '' ) {
00364                                 $completeModules = array_flip( explode( '|', $continue ) );
00365                         } else {
00366                                 $completeModules = array();
00367                         }
00368                 } else {
00369                         $this->mUseLegacyContinue = true;
00370                         $completeModules = null;
00371                 }
00372         }
00381         private function initModules( $allModules, $completeModules, $usePageset ) {
00382                 $modules = $allModules;
00383                 $tmp = $completeModules;
00384                 $wasPosted = $this->getRequest()->wasPosted();
00385                 $main = $this->getMain();
00388                 foreach ( $allModules as $moduleName => $module ) {
00389                         if ( !$wasPosted && $module->mustBePosted() ) {
00390                                 $this->dieUsageMsgOrDebug( array( 'mustbeposted', $moduleName ) );
00391                         }
00392                         if ( $completeModules !== null && array_key_exists( $moduleName, $completeModules ) ) {
00393                                 // If this module is done, mark all its params as used
00394                                 $module->extractRequestParams();
00395                                 // Make sure this module is not used during execution
00396                                 unset( $modules[$moduleName] );
00397                                 unset( $tmp[$moduleName] );
00398                         } elseif ( $completeModules === null || $usePageset ) {
00399                                 // Query modules may optimize data requests through the $this->getPageSet()
00400                                 // object by adding extra fields from the page table.
00401                                 // This function will gather all the extra request fields from the modules.
00402                                 $module->requestExtraData( $this->mPageSet );
00403                         } else {
00404                                 // Error - this prop module must have finished before generator is done
00405                                 $this->dieContinueUsageIf( $this->mModuleMgr->getModuleGroup( $moduleName ) === 'prop' );
00406                         }
00407                 }
00408                 $this->dieContinueUsageIf( $completeModules !== null && count( $tmp ) !== 0 );
00409                 return $modules;
00410         }
00421         protected function mergeCacheMode( $cacheMode, $modCacheMode ) {
00422                 if ( $modCacheMode === 'anon-public-user-private' ) {
00423                         if ( $cacheMode !== 'private' ) {
00424                                 $cacheMode = 'anon-public-user-private';
00425                         }
00426                 } elseif ( $modCacheMode === 'public' ) {
00427                         // do nothing, if it's public already it will stay public
00428                 } else { // private
00429                         $cacheMode = 'private';
00430                 }
00431                 return $cacheMode;
00432         }
00439         private function instantiateModules( &$modules, $param ) {
00440                 if ( isset( $this->mParams[$param] ) ) {
00441                         foreach ( $this->mParams[$param] as $moduleName ) {
00442                                 $instance = $this->mModuleMgr->getModule( $moduleName, $param );
00443                                 if ( $instance === null ) {
00444                                         ApiBase::dieDebug( __METHOD__, 'Error instantiating module' );
00445                                 }
00446                                 // Ignore duplicates. TODO 2.0: die()?
00447                                 if ( !array_key_exists( $moduleName, $modules ) ) {
00448                                         $modules[$moduleName] = $instance;
00449                                 }
00450                         }
00451                 }
00452         }
00459         private function outputGeneralPageInfo() {
00460                 $pageSet = $this->getPageSet();
00461                 $result = $this->getResult();
00463                 // We don't check for a full result set here because we can't be adding
00464                 // more than 380K. The maximum revision size is in the megabyte range,
00465                 // and the maximum result size must be even higher than that.
00467                 $values = $pageSet->getNormalizedTitlesAsResult( $result );
00468                 if ( $values ) {
00469                         $result->addValue( 'query', 'normalized', $values );
00470                 }
00471                 $values = $pageSet->getConvertedTitlesAsResult( $result );
00472                 if ( $values ) {
00473                         $result->addValue( 'query', 'converted', $values );
00474                 }
00475                 $values = $pageSet->getInterwikiTitlesAsResult( $result, $this->mParams['iwurl'] );
00476                 if ( $values ) {
00477                         $result->addValue( 'query', 'interwiki', $values );
00478                 }
00479                 $values = $pageSet->getRedirectTitlesAsResult( $result );
00480                 if ( $values ) {
00481                         $result->addValue( 'query', 'redirects', $values );
00482                 }
00483                 $values = $pageSet->getMissingRevisionIDsAsResult( $result );
00484                 if ( $values ) {
00485                         $result->addValue( 'query', 'badrevids', $values );
00486                 }
00488                 // Page elements
00489                 $pages = array();
00491                 // Report any missing titles
00492                 foreach ( $pageSet->getMissingTitles() as $fakeId => $title ) {
00493                         $vals = array();
00494                         ApiQueryBase::addTitleInfo( $vals, $title );
00495                         $vals['missing'] = '';
00496                         $pages[$fakeId] = $vals;
00497                 }
00498                 // Report any invalid titles
00499                 foreach ( $pageSet->getInvalidTitles() as $fakeId => $title ) {
00500                         $pages[$fakeId] = array( 'title' => $title, 'invalid' => '' );
00501                 }
00502                 // Report any missing page ids
00503                 foreach ( $pageSet->getMissingPageIDs() as $pageid ) {
00504                         $pages[$pageid] = array(
00505                                 'pageid' => $pageid,
00506                                 'missing' => ''
00507                         );
00508                 }
00509                 // Report special pages
00511                 foreach ( $pageSet->getSpecialTitles() as $fakeId => $title ) {
00512                         $vals = array();
00513                         ApiQueryBase::addTitleInfo( $vals, $title );
00514                         $vals['special'] = '';
00515                         if ( $title->isSpecialPage() &&
00516                                         !SpecialPageFactory::exists( $title->getDbKey() ) ) {
00517                                 $vals['missing'] = '';
00518                         } elseif ( $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIA &&
00519                                         !wfFindFile( $title ) ) {
00520                                 $vals['missing'] = '';
00521                         }
00522                         $pages[$fakeId] = $vals;
00523                 }
00525                 // Output general page information for found titles
00526                 foreach ( $pageSet->getGoodTitles() as $pageid => $title ) {
00527                         $vals = array();
00528                         $vals['pageid'] = $pageid;
00529                         ApiQueryBase::addTitleInfo( $vals, $title );
00530                         $pages[$pageid] = $vals;
00531                 }
00533                 if ( count( $pages ) ) {
00534                         if ( $this->mParams['indexpageids'] ) {
00535                                 $pageIDs = array_keys( $pages );
00536                                 // json treats all map keys as strings - converting to match
00537                                 $pageIDs = array_map( 'strval', $pageIDs );
00538                                 $result->setIndexedTagName( $pageIDs, 'id' );
00539                                 $result->addValue( 'query', 'pageids', $pageIDs );
00540                         }
00542                         $result->setIndexedTagName( $pages, 'page' );
00543                         $result->addValue( 'query', 'pages', $pages );
00544                 }
00545                 if ( $this->mParams['export'] ) {
00546                         $this->doExport( $pageSet, $result );
00547                 }
00548         }
00559         public function setGeneratorContinue( $module, $paramName, $paramValue ) {
00560                 if ( $this->mUseLegacyContinue ) {
00561                         return false;
00562                 }
00563                 $paramName = $module->encodeParamName( $paramName );
00564                 if ( $this->mGeneratorContinue === null ) {
00565                         $this->mGeneratorContinue = array();
00566                 }
00567                 $this->mGeneratorContinue[$paramName] = $paramValue;
00568                 return true;
00569         }
00575         private function doExport( $pageSet, $result ) {
00576                 $exportTitles = array();
00577                 $titles = $pageSet->getGoodTitles();
00578                 if ( count( $titles ) ) {
00579                         $user = $this->getUser();
00581                         foreach ( $titles as $title ) {
00582                                 if ( $title->userCan( 'read', $user ) ) {
00583                                         $exportTitles[] = $title;
00584                                 }
00585                         }
00586                 }
00588                 $exporter = new WikiExporter( $this->getDB() );
00589                 // WikiExporter writes to stdout, so catch its
00590                 // output with an ob
00591                 ob_start();
00592                 $exporter->openStream();
00593                 foreach ( $exportTitles as $title ) {
00594                         $exporter->pageByTitle( $title );
00595                 }
00596                 $exporter->closeStream();
00597                 $exportxml = ob_get_contents();
00598                 ob_end_clean();
00600                 // Don't check the size of exported stuff
00601                 // It's not continuable, so it would cause more
00602                 // problems than it'd solve
00603                 $result->disableSizeCheck();
00604                 if ( $this->mParams['exportnowrap'] ) {
00605                         $result->reset();
00606                         // Raw formatter will handle this
00607                         $result->addValue( null, 'text', $exportxml );
00608                         $result->addValue( null, 'mime', 'text/xml' );
00609                 } else {
00610                         $r = array();
00611                         ApiResult::setContent( $r, $exportxml );
00612                         $result->addValue( 'query', 'export', $r );
00613                 }
00614                 $result->enableSizeCheck();
00615         }
00617         public function getAllowedParams( $flags = 0 ) {
00618                 $result = array(
00619                         'prop' => array(
00620                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00621                                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => $this->mModuleMgr->getNames( 'prop' )
00622                         ),
00623                         'list' => array(
00624                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00625                                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => $this->mModuleMgr->getNames( 'list' )
00626                         ),
00627                         'meta' => array(
00628                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00629                                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => $this->mModuleMgr->getNames( 'meta' )
00630                         ),
00631                         'indexpageids' => false,
00632                         'export' => false,
00633                         'exportnowrap' => false,
00634                         'iwurl' => false,
00635                         'continue' => null,
00636                 );
00637                 if ( $flags ) {
00638                         $result += $this->getPageSet()->getFinalParams( $flags );
00639                 }
00640                 return $result;
00641         }
00647         public function makeHelpMsg() {
00649                 // Use parent to make default message for the query module
00650                 $msg = parent::makeHelpMsg();
00652                 $querySeparator = str_repeat( '--- ', 12 );
00653                 $moduleSeparator = str_repeat( '*** ', 14 );
00654                 $msg .= "\n$querySeparator Query: Prop  $querySeparator\n\n";
00655                 $msg .= $this->makeHelpMsgHelper( 'prop' );
00656                 $msg .= "\n$querySeparator Query: List  $querySeparator\n\n";
00657                 $msg .= $this->makeHelpMsgHelper( 'list' );
00658                 $msg .= "\n$querySeparator Query: Meta  $querySeparator\n\n";
00659                 $msg .= $this->makeHelpMsgHelper( 'meta' );
00660                 $msg .= "\n\n$moduleSeparator Modules: continuation  $moduleSeparator\n\n";
00662                 return $msg;
00663         }
00670         private function makeHelpMsgHelper( $group ) {
00671                 $moduleDescriptions = array();
00673                 $moduleNames = $this->mModuleMgr->getNames( $group );
00674                 sort( $moduleNames );
00675                 foreach ( $moduleNames as $name ) {
00679                         $module = $this->mModuleMgr->getModule( $name );
00681                         $msg = ApiMain::makeHelpMsgHeader( $module, $group );
00682                         $msg2 = $module->makeHelpMsg();
00683                         if ( $msg2 !== false ) {
00684                                 $msg .= $msg2;
00685                         }
00686                         if ( $module instanceof ApiQueryGeneratorBase ) {
00687                                 $msg .= "Generator:\n  This module may be used as a generator\n";
00688                         }
00689                         $moduleDescriptions[] = $msg;
00690                 }
00692                 return implode( "\n", $moduleDescriptions );
00693         }
00695         public function shouldCheckMaxlag() {
00696                 return true;
00697         }
00699         public function getParamDescription() {
00700                 return $this->getPageSet()->getParamDescription() + array(
00701                         'prop' => 'Which properties to get for the titles/revisions/pageids. Module help is available below',
00702                         'list' => 'Which lists to get. Module help is available below',
00703                         'meta' => 'Which metadata to get about the site. Module help is available below',
00704                         'indexpageids' => 'Include an additional pageids section listing all returned page IDs',
00705                         'export' => 'Export the current revisions of all given or generated pages',
00706                         'exportnowrap' => 'Return the export XML without wrapping it in an XML result (same format as Special:Export). Can only be used with export',
00707                         'iwurl' => 'Whether to get the full URL if the title is an interwiki link',
00708                         'continue' => array(
00709                                 'When present, formats query-continue as key-value pairs that should simply be merged into the original request.',
00710                                 'This parameter must be set to an empty string in the initial query.',
00711                                 'This parameter is recommended for all new development, and will be made default in the next API version.' ),
00712                 );
00713         }
00715         public function getDescription() {
00716                 return array(
00717                         'Query API module allows applications to get needed pieces of data from the MediaWiki databases,',
00718                         'and is loosely based on the old query.php interface.',
00719                         'All data modifications will first have to use query to acquire a token to prevent abuse from malicious sites'
00720                 );
00721         }
00723         public function getPossibleErrors() {
00724                 return array_merge(
00725                         parent::getPossibleErrors(),
00726                         $this->getPageSet()->getPossibleErrors()
00727                 );
00728         }
00730         public function getExamples() {
00731                 return array(
00732                         'api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&meta=siteinfo&titles=Main%20Page&rvprop=user|comment&continue=',
00733                         'api.php?action=query&generator=allpages&gapprefix=API/&prop=revisions&continue=',
00734                 );
00735         }
00737         public function getHelpUrls() {
00738                 return array(
00739                         '',
00740                         '',
00741                         '',
00742                 );
00743         }
00744 }