MediaWiki  REL1_21
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00034 class BitmapMetadataHandler {
00036         private $metadata = array();
00037         private $metaPriority = array(
00038                 20 => array( 'other' ),
00039                 40 => array( 'native' ),
00040                 60 => array( 'iptc-good-hash', 'iptc-no-hash' ),
00041                 70 => array( 'xmp-deprecated' ),
00042                 80 => array( 'xmp-general' ),
00043                 90 => array( 'xmp-exif' ),
00044                 100 => array( 'iptc-bad-hash' ),
00045                 120 => array( 'exif' ),
00046         );
00047         private $iptcType = 'iptc-no-hash';
00057         private function doApp13 ( $app13 ) {
00058                 try {
00059                         $this->iptcType = JpegMetadataExtractor::doPSIR( $app13 );
00060                 } catch ( MWException $e ) {
00061                         // Error reading the iptc hash information.
00062                         // This probably means the App13 segment is something other than what we expect.
00063                         // However, still try to read it, and treat it as if the hash didn't exist.
00064                         wfDebug( "Error parsing iptc data of file: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" );
00065                         $this->iptcType = 'iptc-no-hash';
00066                 }
00068                 $iptc = IPTC::parse( $app13 );
00069                 $this->addMetadata( $iptc, $this->iptcType );
00070         }
00082         function getExif ( $filename, $byteOrder ) {
00083                 global $wgShowEXIF;
00084                 if ( file_exists( $filename ) && $wgShowEXIF ) {
00085                         $exif = new Exif( $filename, $byteOrder );
00086                         $data = $exif->getFilteredData();
00087                         if ( $data ) {
00088                                 $this->addMetadata( $data, 'exif' );
00089                         }
00090                 }
00091         }
00098         function addMetadata ( $metaArray, $type = 'other' ) {
00099                 if ( isset( $this->metadata[$type] ) ) {
00100                         /* merge with old data */
00101                         $metaArray = $metaArray + $this->metadata[$type];
00102                 }
00104                 $this->metadata[$type] = $metaArray;
00105         }
00116         function getMetadataArray () {
00117                 // this seems a bit ugly... This is all so its merged in right order
00118                 // based on the MWG recomendation.
00119                 $temp = Array();
00120                 krsort( $this->metaPriority );
00121                 foreach ( $this->metaPriority as $pri ) {
00122                         foreach ( $pri as $type ) {
00123                                 if ( isset( $this->metadata[$type] ) ) {
00124                                         // Do some special casing for multilingual values.
00125                                         // Don't discard translations if also as a simple value.
00126                                         foreach ( $this->metadata[$type] as $itemName => $item ) {
00127                                                 if ( is_array( $item ) && isset( $item['_type'] ) && $item['_type'] === 'lang' ) {
00128                                                         if ( isset( $temp[$itemName] ) && !is_array( $temp[$itemName] ) ) {
00129                                                                 $default = $temp[$itemName];
00130                                                                 $temp[$itemName] = $item;
00131                                                                 $temp[$itemName]['x-default'] = $default;
00132                                                                 unset( $this->metadata[$type][$itemName] );
00133                                                         }
00134                                                 }
00135                                         }
00137                                         $temp = $temp + $this->metadata[$type];
00138                                 }
00139                         }
00140                 }
00141                 return $temp;
00142         }
00150         static function Jpeg ( $filename ) {
00151                 $showXMP = function_exists( 'xml_parser_create_ns' );
00152                 $meta = new self();
00154                 $seg = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $filename );
00155                 if ( isset( $seg['COM'] ) && isset( $seg['COM'][0] ) ) {
00156                         $meta->addMetadata( Array( 'JPEGFileComment' => $seg['COM'] ), 'native' );
00157                 }
00158                 if ( isset( $seg['PSIR'] ) && count( $seg['PSIR'] ) > 0 ) {
00159                         foreach( $seg['PSIR'] as $curPSIRValue ) {
00160                                 $meta->doApp13( $curPSIRValue );
00161                         }
00162                 }
00163                 if ( isset( $seg['XMP'] ) && $showXMP ) {
00164                         $xmp = new XMPReader();
00165                         $xmp->parse( $seg['XMP'] );
00166                         foreach ( $seg['XMP_ext'] as $xmpExt ) {
00167                                 /* Support for extended xmp in jpeg files
00168                                  * is not well tested and a bit fragile.
00169                                  */
00170                                 $xmp->parseExtended( $xmpExt );
00172                         }
00173                         $res = $xmp->getResults();
00174                         foreach ( $res as $type => $array ) {
00175                                 $meta->addMetadata( $array, $type );
00176                         }
00177                 }
00178                 if ( isset( $seg['byteOrder'] ) ) {
00179                         $meta->getExif( $filename, $seg['byteOrder'] );
00180                 }
00181                 return $meta->getMetadataArray();
00182         }
00192         public static function PNG ( $filename ) {
00193                 $showXMP = function_exists( 'xml_parser_create_ns' );
00195                 $meta = new self();
00196                 $array = PNGMetadataExtractor::getMetadata( $filename );
00197                 if ( isset( $array['text']['xmp']['x-default'] ) && $array['text']['xmp']['x-default'] !== '' && $showXMP ) {
00198                         $xmp = new XMPReader();
00199                         $xmp->parse( $array['text']['xmp']['x-default'] );
00200                         $xmpRes = $xmp->getResults();
00201                         foreach ( $xmpRes as $type => $xmpSection ) {
00202                                 $meta->addMetadata( $xmpSection, $type );
00203                         }
00204                 }
00205                 unset( $array['text']['xmp'] );
00206                 $meta->addMetadata( $array['text'], 'native' );
00207                 unset( $array['text'] );
00208                 $array['metadata'] = $meta->getMetadataArray();
00209                 $array['metadata']['_MW_PNG_VERSION'] = PNGMetadataExtractor::VERSION;
00210                 return $array;
00211         }
00221         public static function GIF ( $filename ) {
00223                 $meta = new self();
00224                 $baseArray = GIFMetadataExtractor::getMetadata( $filename );
00226                 if ( count( $baseArray['comment'] ) > 0 ) {
00227                         $meta->addMetadata( array( 'GIFFileComment' => $baseArray['comment'] ), 'native' );
00228                 }
00230                 if ( $baseArray['xmp'] !== '' && function_exists( 'xml_parser_create_ns' ) ) {
00231                         $xmp = new XMPReader();
00232                         $xmp->parse( $baseArray['xmp'] );
00233                         $xmpRes = $xmp->getResults();
00234                         foreach ( $xmpRes as $type => $xmpSection ) {
00235                                 $meta->addMetadata( $xmpSection, $type );
00236                         }
00238                 }
00240                 unset( $baseArray['comment'] );
00241                 unset( $baseArray['xmp'] );
00243                 $baseArray['metadata'] = $meta->getMetadataArray();
00244                 $baseArray['metadata']['_MW_GIF_VERSION'] = GIFMetadataExtractor::VERSION;
00245                 return $baseArray;
00246         }
00262         public static function Tiff ( $filename ) {
00263                 if ( file_exists( $filename ) ) {
00264                         $byteOrder = self::getTiffByteOrder( $filename );
00265                         if ( !$byteOrder ) {
00266                                 throw new MWException( "Error determining byte order of $filename" );
00267                         }
00268                         $exif = new Exif( $filename, $byteOrder );
00269                         $data = $exif->getFilteredData();
00270                         if ( $data ) {
00271                                 $data['MEDIAWIKI_EXIF_VERSION'] = Exif::version();
00272                                 return $data;
00273                         } else {
00274                                 throw new MWException( "Could not extract data from tiff file $filename" );
00275                         }
00276                 } else {
00277                         throw new MWException( "File doesn't exist - $filename" );
00278                 }
00279         }
00287         static function getTiffByteOrder( $filename ) {
00288                 $fh = fopen( $filename, 'rb' );
00289                 if ( !$fh ) return false;
00290                 $head = fread( $fh, 2 );
00291                 fclose( $fh );
00293                 switch( $head ) {
00294                         case 'II':
00295                                 return 'LE'; // II for intel.
00296                         case 'MM':
00297                                 return 'BE'; // MM for motorla.
00298                         default:
00299                                 return false; // Something went wrong.
00301                 }
00302         }
00303 }