MediaWiki  REL1_21
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00030 class JobQueueAggregatorMemc extends JobQueueAggregator {
00032         protected $cache;
00034         protected $cacheTTL; // integer; seconds
00043         protected function __construct( array $params ) {
00044                 parent::__construct( $params );
00045                 $this->cache = isset( $params['objectCache'] )
00046                         ? wfGetCache( $params['objectCache'] )
00047                         : wfGetMainCache();
00048                 $this->cacheTTL = isset( $params['cacheTTL'] ) ? $params['cacheTTL'] : 180; // 3 min
00049         }
00054         protected function doNotifyQueueEmpty( $wiki, $type ) {
00055                 $key = $this->getReadyQueueCacheKey();
00056                 // Delist the queue from the "ready queue" list
00057                 if ( $this->cache->add( "$key:lock", 1, 60 ) ) { // lock
00058                         $curInfo = $this->cache->get( $key );
00059                         if ( is_array( $curInfo ) && isset( $curInfo['pendingDBs'][$type] ) ) {
00060                                 if ( in_array( $wiki, $curInfo['pendingDBs'][$type] ) ) {
00061                                         $curInfo['pendingDBs'][$type] = array_diff(
00062                                                 $curInfo['pendingDBs'][$type], array( $wiki ) );
00063                                         $this->cache->set( $key, $curInfo );
00064                                 }
00065                         }
00066                         $this->cache->delete( "$key:lock" ); // unlock
00067                 }
00068                 return true;
00069         }
00074         protected function doNotifyQueueNonEmpty( $wiki, $type ) {
00075                 return true; // updated periodically
00076         }
00081         protected function doGetAllReadyWikiQueues() {
00082                 $key = $this->getReadyQueueCacheKey();
00083                 // If the cache entry wasn't present, is stale, or in .1% of cases otherwise,
00084                 // regenerate the cache. Use any available stale cache if another process is
00085                 // currently regenerating the pending DB information.
00086                 $pendingDbInfo = $this->cache->get( $key );
00087                 if ( !is_array( $pendingDbInfo )
00088                         || ( time() - $pendingDbInfo['timestamp'] ) > $this->cacheTTL
00089                         || mt_rand( 0, 999 ) == 0
00090                 ) {
00091                         if ( $this->cache->add( "$key:rebuild", 1, 1800 ) ) { // lock
00092                                 $pendingDbInfo = array(
00093                                         'pendingDBs' => $this->findPendingWikiQueues(),
00094                                         'timestamp'  => time()
00095                                 );
00096                                 for ( $attempts=1; $attempts <= 25; ++$attempts ) {
00097                                         if ( $this->cache->add( "$key:lock", 1, 60 ) ) { // lock
00098                                                 $this->cache->set( $key, $pendingDbInfo );
00099                                                 $this->cache->delete( "$key:lock" ); // unlock
00100                                                 break;
00101                                         }
00102                                 }
00103                                 $this->cache->delete( "$key:rebuild" ); // unlock
00104                         }
00105                 }
00106                 return is_array( $pendingDbInfo )
00107                         ? $pendingDbInfo['pendingDBs']
00108                         : array(); // cache is both empty and locked
00109         }
00114         private function getReadyQueueCacheKey() {
00115                 return "jobqueue:aggregator:ready-queues:v1"; // global
00116         }
00117 }