00001 <?php 00061 class MagicWord { 00065 var $mId, $mSynonyms, $mCaseSensitive; 00066 var $mRegex = ''; 00067 var $mRegexStart = ''; 00068 var $mBaseRegex = ''; 00069 var $mVariableRegex = ''; 00070 var $mVariableStartToEndRegex = ''; 00071 var $mModified = false; 00072 var $mFound = false; 00073 00074 static public $mVariableIDsInitialised = false; 00075 static public $mVariableIDs = array( 00076 'currentmonth', 00077 'currentmonth1', 00078 'currentmonthname', 00079 'currentmonthnamegen', 00080 'currentmonthabbrev', 00081 'currentday', 00082 'currentday2', 00083 'currentdayname', 00084 'currentyear', 00085 'currenttime', 00086 'currenthour', 00087 'localmonth', 00088 'localmonth1', 00089 'localmonthname', 00090 'localmonthnamegen', 00091 'localmonthabbrev', 00092 'localday', 00093 'localday2', 00094 'localdayname', 00095 'localyear', 00096 'localtime', 00097 'localhour', 00098 'numberofarticles', 00099 'numberoffiles', 00100 'numberofedits', 00101 'articlepath', 00102 'pageid', 00103 'sitename', 00104 'server', 00105 'servername', 00106 'scriptpath', 00107 'stylepath', 00108 'pagename', 00109 'pagenamee', 00110 'fullpagename', 00111 'fullpagenamee', 00112 'namespace', 00113 'namespacee', 00114 'namespacenumber', 00115 'currentweek', 00116 'currentdow', 00117 'localweek', 00118 'localdow', 00119 'revisionid', 00120 'revisionday', 00121 'revisionday2', 00122 'revisionmonth', 00123 'revisionmonth1', 00124 'revisionyear', 00125 'revisiontimestamp', 00126 'revisionuser', 00127 'subpagename', 00128 'subpagenamee', 00129 'talkspace', 00130 'talkspacee', 00131 'subjectspace', 00132 'subjectspacee', 00133 'talkpagename', 00134 'talkpagenamee', 00135 'subjectpagename', 00136 'subjectpagenamee', 00137 'numberofusers', 00138 'numberofactiveusers', 00139 'numberofpages', 00140 'currentversion', 00141 'basepagename', 00142 'basepagenamee', 00143 'currenttimestamp', 00144 'localtimestamp', 00145 'directionmark', 00146 'contentlanguage', 00147 'numberofadmins', 00148 'numberofviews', 00149 ); 00150 00151 /* Array of caching hints for ParserCache */ 00152 static public $mCacheTTLs = array ( 00153 'currentmonth' => 86400, 00154 'currentmonth1' => 86400, 00155 'currentmonthname' => 86400, 00156 'currentmonthnamegen' => 86400, 00157 'currentmonthabbrev' => 86400, 00158 'currentday' => 3600, 00159 'currentday2' => 3600, 00160 'currentdayname' => 3600, 00161 'currentyear' => 86400, 00162 'currenttime' => 3600, 00163 'currenthour' => 3600, 00164 'localmonth' => 86400, 00165 'localmonth1' => 86400, 00166 'localmonthname' => 86400, 00167 'localmonthnamegen' => 86400, 00168 'localmonthabbrev' => 86400, 00169 'localday' => 3600, 00170 'localday2' => 3600, 00171 'localdayname' => 3600, 00172 'localyear' => 86400, 00173 'localtime' => 3600, 00174 'localhour' => 3600, 00175 'numberofarticles' => 3600, 00176 'numberoffiles' => 3600, 00177 'numberofedits' => 3600, 00178 'currentweek' => 3600, 00179 'currentdow' => 3600, 00180 'localweek' => 3600, 00181 'localdow' => 3600, 00182 'numberofusers' => 3600, 00183 'numberofactiveusers' => 3600, 00184 'numberofpages' => 3600, 00185 'currentversion' => 86400, 00186 'currenttimestamp' => 3600, 00187 'localtimestamp' => 3600, 00188 'pagesinnamespace' => 3600, 00189 'numberofadmins' => 3600, 00190 'numberofviews' => 3600, 00191 'numberingroup' => 3600, 00192 ); 00193 00194 static public $mDoubleUnderscoreIDs = array( 00195 'notoc', 00196 'nogallery', 00197 'forcetoc', 00198 'toc', 00199 'noeditsection', 00200 'newsectionlink', 00201 'nonewsectionlink', 00202 'hiddencat', 00203 'index', 00204 'noindex', 00205 'staticredirect', 00206 'notitleconvert', 00207 'nocontentconvert', 00208 ); 00209 00210 static public $mSubstIDs = array( 00211 'subst', 00212 'safesubst', 00213 ); 00214 00215 static public $mObjects = array(); 00216 static public $mDoubleUnderscoreArray = null; 00217 00220 function __construct( $id = 0, $syn = array(), $cs = false ) { 00221 $this->mId = $id; 00222 $this->mSynonyms = (array)$syn; 00223 $this->mCaseSensitive = $cs; 00224 } 00225 00233 static function &get( $id ) { 00234 if ( !isset( self::$mObjects[$id] ) ) { 00235 $mw = new MagicWord(); 00236 $mw->load( $id ); 00237 self::$mObjects[$id] = $mw; 00238 } 00239 return self::$mObjects[$id]; 00240 } 00241 00247 static function getVariableIDs() { 00248 if ( !self::$mVariableIDsInitialised ) { 00249 # Get variable IDs 00250 wfRunHooks( 'MagicWordwgVariableIDs', array( &self::$mVariableIDs ) ); 00251 self::$mVariableIDsInitialised = true; 00252 } 00253 return self::$mVariableIDs; 00254 } 00255 00260 static function getSubstIDs() { 00261 return self::$mSubstIDs; 00262 } 00263 00270 static function getCacheTTL( $id ) { 00271 if ( array_key_exists( $id, self::$mCacheTTLs ) ) { 00272 return self::$mCacheTTLs[$id]; 00273 } else { 00274 return -1; 00275 } 00276 } 00277 00283 static function getDoubleUnderscoreArray() { 00284 if ( is_null( self::$mDoubleUnderscoreArray ) ) { 00285 wfRunHooks( 'GetDoubleUnderscoreIDs', array( &self::$mDoubleUnderscoreIDs ) ); 00286 self::$mDoubleUnderscoreArray = new MagicWordArray( self::$mDoubleUnderscoreIDs ); 00287 } 00288 return self::$mDoubleUnderscoreArray; 00289 } 00290 00295 public static function clearCache() { 00296 self::$mObjects = array(); 00297 } 00298 00305 function load( $id ) { 00306 global $wgContLang; 00307 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); 00308 $this->mId = $id; 00309 $wgContLang->getMagic( $this ); 00310 if ( !$this->mSynonyms ) { 00311 $this->mSynonyms = array( 'dkjsagfjsgashfajsh' ); 00312 throw new MWException( "Error: invalid magic word '$id'" ); 00313 #wfDebugLog( 'exception', "Error: invalid magic word '$id'\n" ); 00314 } 00315 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); 00316 } 00317 00322 function initRegex() { 00323 // Sort the synonyms by length, descending, so that the longest synonym 00324 // matches in precedence to the shortest 00325 $synonyms = $this->mSynonyms; 00326 usort( $synonyms, array( $this, 'compareStringLength' ) ); 00327 00328 $escSyn = array(); 00329 foreach ( $synonyms as $synonym ) 00330 // In case a magic word contains /, like that's going to happen;) 00331 $escSyn[] = preg_quote( $synonym, '/' ); 00332 $this->mBaseRegex = implode( '|', $escSyn ); 00333 00334 $case = $this->mCaseSensitive ? '' : 'iu'; 00335 $this->mRegex = "/{$this->mBaseRegex}/{$case}"; 00336 $this->mRegexStart = "/^(?:{$this->mBaseRegex})/{$case}"; 00337 $this->mVariableRegex = str_replace( "\\$1", "(.*?)", $this->mRegex ); 00338 $this->mVariableStartToEndRegex = str_replace( "\\$1", "(.*?)", 00339 "/^(?:{$this->mBaseRegex})$/{$case}" ); 00340 } 00341 00352 function compareStringLength( $s1, $s2 ) { 00353 $l1 = strlen( $s1 ); 00354 $l2 = strlen( $s2 ); 00355 if ( $l1 < $l2 ) { 00356 return 1; 00357 } elseif ( $l1 > $l2 ) { 00358 return -1; 00359 } else { 00360 return 0; 00361 } 00362 } 00363 00369 function getRegex() { 00370 if ( $this->mRegex == '' ) { 00371 $this->initRegex(); 00372 } 00373 return $this->mRegex; 00374 } 00375 00383 function getRegexCase() { 00384 if ( $this->mRegex === '' ) 00385 $this->initRegex(); 00386 00387 return $this->mCaseSensitive ? '' : 'iu'; 00388 } 00389 00395 function getRegexStart() { 00396 if ( $this->mRegex == '' ) { 00397 $this->initRegex(); 00398 } 00399 return $this->mRegexStart; 00400 } 00401 00407 function getBaseRegex() { 00408 if ( $this->mRegex == '' ) { 00409 $this->initRegex(); 00410 } 00411 return $this->mBaseRegex; 00412 } 00413 00421 function match( $text ) { 00422 return (bool)preg_match( $this->getRegex(), $text ); 00423 } 00424 00432 function matchStart( $text ) { 00433 return (bool)preg_match( $this->getRegexStart(), $text ); 00434 } 00435 00446 function matchVariableStartToEnd( $text ) { 00447 $matches = array(); 00448 $matchcount = preg_match( $this->getVariableStartToEndRegex(), $text, $matches ); 00449 if ( $matchcount == 0 ) { 00450 return null; 00451 } else { 00452 # multiple matched parts (variable match); some will be empty because of 00453 # synonyms. The variable will be the second non-empty one so remove any 00454 # blank elements and re-sort the indices. 00455 # See also bug 6526 00456 00457 $matches = array_values( array_filter( $matches ) ); 00458 00459 if ( count( $matches ) == 1 ) { 00460 return $matches[0]; 00461 } else { 00462 return $matches[1]; 00463 } 00464 } 00465 } 00466 00475 function matchAndRemove( &$text ) { 00476 $this->mFound = false; 00477 $text = preg_replace_callback( $this->getRegex(), array( &$this, 'pregRemoveAndRecord' ), $text ); 00478 return $this->mFound; 00479 } 00480 00485 function matchStartAndRemove( &$text ) { 00486 $this->mFound = false; 00487 $text = preg_replace_callback( $this->getRegexStart(), array( &$this, 'pregRemoveAndRecord' ), $text ); 00488 return $this->mFound; 00489 } 00490 00496 function pregRemoveAndRecord() { 00497 $this->mFound = true; 00498 return ''; 00499 } 00500 00510 function replace( $replacement, $subject, $limit = -1 ) { 00511 $res = preg_replace( $this->getRegex(), StringUtils::escapeRegexReplacement( $replacement ), $subject, $limit ); 00512 $this->mModified = !($res === $subject); 00513 return $res; 00514 } 00515 00526 function substituteCallback( $text, $callback ) { 00527 $res = preg_replace_callback( $this->getVariableRegex(), $callback, $text ); 00528 $this->mModified = !($res === $text); 00529 return $res; 00530 } 00531 00537 function getVariableRegex() { 00538 if ( $this->mVariableRegex == '' ) { 00539 $this->initRegex(); 00540 } 00541 return $this->mVariableRegex; 00542 } 00543 00549 function getVariableStartToEndRegex() { 00550 if ( $this->mVariableStartToEndRegex == '' ) { 00551 $this->initRegex(); 00552 } 00553 return $this->mVariableStartToEndRegex; 00554 } 00555 00563 function getSynonym( $i ) { 00564 return $this->mSynonyms[$i]; 00565 } 00566 00570 function getSynonyms() { 00571 return $this->mSynonyms; 00572 } 00573 00580 function getWasModified() { 00581 return $this->mModified; 00582 } 00583 00597 function replaceMultiple( $magicarr, $subject, &$result ) { 00598 $search = array(); 00599 $replace = array(); 00600 foreach( $magicarr as $id => $replacement ) { 00601 $mw = MagicWord::get( $id ); 00602 $search[] = $mw->getRegex(); 00603 $replace[] = $replacement; 00604 } 00605 00606 $result = preg_replace( $search, $replace, $subject ); 00607 return !($result === $subject); 00608 } 00609 00617 function addToArray( &$array, $value ) { 00618 global $wgContLang; 00619 foreach ( $this->mSynonyms as $syn ) { 00620 $array[$wgContLang->lc( $syn )] = $value; 00621 } 00622 } 00623 00627 function isCaseSensitive() { 00628 return $this->mCaseSensitive; 00629 } 00630 00634 function getId() { 00635 return $this->mId; 00636 } 00637 } 00638 00643 class MagicWordArray { 00644 var $names = array(); 00645 var $hash; 00646 var $baseRegex, $regex; 00647 var $matches; 00648 00652 function __construct( $names = array() ) { 00653 $this->names = $names; 00654 } 00655 00661 public function add( $name ) { 00662 $this->names[] = $name; 00663 $this->hash = $this->baseRegex = $this->regex = null; 00664 } 00665 00671 public function addArray( $names ) { 00672 $this->names = array_merge( $this->names, array_values( $names ) ); 00673 $this->hash = $this->baseRegex = $this->regex = null; 00674 } 00675 00679 function getHash() { 00680 if ( is_null( $this->hash ) ) { 00681 global $wgContLang; 00682 $this->hash = array( 0 => array(), 1 => array() ); 00683 foreach ( $this->names as $name ) { 00684 $magic = MagicWord::get( $name ); 00685 $case = intval( $magic->isCaseSensitive() ); 00686 foreach ( $magic->getSynonyms() as $syn ) { 00687 if ( !$case ) { 00688 $syn = $wgContLang->lc( $syn ); 00689 } 00690 $this->hash[$case][$syn] = $name; 00691 } 00692 } 00693 } 00694 return $this->hash; 00695 } 00696 00700 function getBaseRegex() { 00701 if ( is_null( $this->baseRegex ) ) { 00702 $this->baseRegex = array( 0 => '', 1 => '' ); 00703 foreach ( $this->names as $name ) { 00704 $magic = MagicWord::get( $name ); 00705 $case = intval( $magic->isCaseSensitive() ); 00706 foreach ( $magic->getSynonyms() as $i => $syn ) { 00707 // Group name must start with a non-digit in PCRE 8.34+ 00708 $it = strtr( $i, '0123456789', 'abcdefghij' ); 00709 $group = "(?P<{$it}_{$name}>" . preg_quote( $syn, '/' ) . ')'; 00710 if ( $this->baseRegex[$case] === '' ) { 00711 $this->baseRegex[$case] = $group; 00712 } else { 00713 $this->baseRegex[$case] .= '|' . $group; 00714 } 00715 } 00716 } 00717 } 00718 return $this->baseRegex; 00719 } 00720 00724 function getRegex() { 00725 if ( is_null( $this->regex ) ) { 00726 $base = $this->getBaseRegex(); 00727 $this->regex = array( '', '' ); 00728 if ( $this->baseRegex[0] !== '' ) { 00729 $this->regex[0] = "/{$base[0]}/iuS"; 00730 } 00731 if ( $this->baseRegex[1] !== '' ) { 00732 $this->regex[1] = "/{$base[1]}/S"; 00733 } 00734 } 00735 return $this->regex; 00736 } 00737 00743 function getVariableRegex() { 00744 return str_replace( "\\$1", "(.*?)", $this->getRegex() ); 00745 } 00746 00752 function getRegexStart() { 00753 $base = $this->getBaseRegex(); 00754 $newRegex = array( '', '' ); 00755 if ( $base[0] !== '' ) { 00756 $newRegex[0] = "/^(?:{$base[0]})/iuS"; 00757 } 00758 if ( $base[1] !== '' ) { 00759 $newRegex[1] = "/^(?:{$base[1]})/S"; 00760 } 00761 return $newRegex; 00762 } 00763 00769 function getVariableStartToEndRegex() { 00770 $base = $this->getBaseRegex(); 00771 $newRegex = array( '', '' ); 00772 if ( $base[0] !== '' ) { 00773 $newRegex[0] = str_replace( "\\$1", "(.*?)", "/^(?:{$base[0]})$/iuS" ); 00774 } 00775 if ( $base[1] !== '' ) { 00776 $newRegex[1] = str_replace( "\\$1", "(.*?)", "/^(?:{$base[1]})$/S" ); 00777 } 00778 return $newRegex; 00779 } 00780 00785 public function getNames() { 00786 return $this->names; 00787 } 00788 00799 function parseMatch( $m ) { 00800 reset( $m ); 00801 while ( list( $key, $value ) = each( $m ) ) { 00802 if ( $key === 0 || $value === '' ) { 00803 continue; 00804 } 00805 $parts = explode( '_', $key, 2 ); 00806 if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) { 00807 // This shouldn't happen 00808 // continue; 00809 throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': bad parameter name' ); 00810 } 00811 list( /* $synIndex */, $magicName ) = $parts; 00812 $paramValue = next( $m ); 00813 return array( $magicName, $paramValue ); 00814 } 00815 // This shouldn't happen either 00816 throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': parameter not found' ); 00817 } 00818 00829 public function matchVariableStartToEnd( $text ) { 00830 $regexes = $this->getVariableStartToEndRegex(); 00831 foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) { 00832 if ( $regex !== '' ) { 00833 $m = array(); 00834 if ( preg_match( $regex, $text, $m ) ) { 00835 return $this->parseMatch( $m ); 00836 } 00837 } 00838 } 00839 return array( false, false ); 00840 } 00841 00850 public function matchStartToEnd( $text ) { 00851 $hash = $this->getHash(); 00852 if ( isset( $hash[1][$text] ) ) { 00853 return $hash[1][$text]; 00854 } 00855 global $wgContLang; 00856 $lc = $wgContLang->lc( $text ); 00857 if ( isset( $hash[0][$lc] ) ) { 00858 return $hash[0][$lc]; 00859 } 00860 return false; 00861 } 00862 00871 public function matchAndRemove( &$text ) { 00872 $found = array(); 00873 $regexes = $this->getRegex(); 00874 foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) { 00875 if ( $regex === '' ) { 00876 continue; 00877 } 00878 preg_match_all( $regex, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ); 00879 foreach ( $matches as $m ) { 00880 list( $name, $param ) = $this->parseMatch( $m ); 00881 $found[$name] = $param; 00882 } 00883 $text = preg_replace( $regex, '', $text ); 00884 } 00885 return $found; 00886 } 00887 00898 public function matchStartAndRemove( &$text ) { 00899 $regexes = $this->getRegexStart(); 00900 foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) { 00901 if ( $regex === '' ) { 00902 continue; 00903 } 00904 if ( preg_match( $regex, $text, $m ) ) { 00905 list( $id, ) = $this->parseMatch( $m ); 00906 if ( strlen( $m[0] ) >= strlen( $text ) ) { 00907 $text = ''; 00908 } else { 00909 $text = substr( $text, strlen( $m[0] ) ); 00910 } 00911 return $id; 00912 } 00913 } 00914 return false; 00915 } 00916 }