00001 <?php 00026 require_once ( __DIR__ . '/MediaWikiInstallationCommonFunction.php' ); 00027 00033 class MediaWikiUpgradeExistingDatabaseTestCase extends MediaWikiInstallationCommonFunction { 00034 function setUp() { 00035 parent::setUp(); 00036 } 00037 00038 // Install Mediawiki using 'MySQL' database type. 00039 public function testUpgradeExistingDatabase() { 00040 00041 $databaseName = DB_NAME_PREFIX . "_upgrade_existing"; 00042 parent::navigateInstallPage( $databaseName ); 00043 00044 $this->open( "http://localhost:" . PORT . "/" . DIRECTORY_NAME . "/config/index.php" ); 00045 $this->assertEquals( "Install", $this->getText( LINK_DIV . "h2" ) ); 00046 $this->assertEquals( 00047 "Warning: You seem to have already installed MediaWiki and are trying to install it again. Please proceed to the next page.", 00048 $this->getText( LINK_DIV . "div[2]/form/div[1]/div[2]" ) 00049 ); 00050 00051 // 'Optionis' page 00052 parent::clickBackButton(); 00053 00054 // 'Name' page 00055 parent::clickBackButton(); 00056 00057 // 'Database settings' page 00058 parent::clickBackButton(); 00059 00060 // 'Connect to database' page 00061 parent::clickBackButton(); 00062 $this->type( "mysql_wgDBname", $databaseName ); 00063 parent::clickContinueButton(); 00064 00065 // 'Upgrade existing installation' page displayed next to the 'Connect to database' page. 00066 $this->assertEquals( "Upgrade existing installation", $this->getText( LINK_DIV . "h2" ) ); 00067 00068 // Warning message displayed. 00069 $this->assertEquals( "There are MediaWiki tables in this database. To upgrade them to MediaWiki 1.18alpha, click Continue.", 00070 $this->getText( LINK_DIV . "div[2]/form/div[1]/div[2]" ) ); 00071 00072 parent::clickContinueButton(); 00073 $this->assertEquals( "Upgrade existing installation", 00074 $this->getText( LINK_DIV . "h2" ) ); 00075 00076 // 'Upgrade complete.' text display 00077 $this->assertEquals( "Upgrade complete.", 00078 $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div/div[1]/div[4]/form/div[1]/div[2]/p[1]" ) ); 00079 00080 $this->assertEquals( "You can now Folder/index.php start using your wiki.", 00081 $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div/div[1]/div[4]/form/div[1]/div[2]/p[2]" ) ); 00082 00083 $this->assertEquals( "Folder/index.php start using your wiki", 00084 $this->getText( "link=Folder/index.php start using your wiki" ) ); 00085 00086 $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( "submit-regenerate" ) ); 00087 $this->click( "submit-regenerate" ); 00088 $this->waitForPageToLoad( PAGE_LOAD_TIME ); 00089 $this->assertEquals( "Database settings", 00090 $this->getText( LINK_DIV . "h2" ) ); 00091 00092 // 'Database settings' page 00093 parent::clickContinueButton(); 00094 00095 // Name page 00096 parent::completeNamePage(); 00097 00098 // Options page 00099 parent::clickContinueButton(); 00100 00101 // Install page 00102 $this->assertEquals( "Warning: You seem to have already installed MediaWiki and are trying to install it again. Please proceed to the next page.", 00103 $this->getText( LINK_FORM . "div[1]/div[2]" ) ); 00104 parent::clickContinueButton(); 00105 00106 // complete 00107 parent::completePageSuccessfull(); 00108 $this->chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation(); 00109 parent::restartInstallation(); 00110 } 00111 }