00001 #!/usr/bin/env php 00002 <?php 00027 if ( PHP_SAPI != 'cli' ) { 00028 die( "Run me from the command line please.\n" ); 00029 } 00030 00031 define( 'SELENIUMTEST', true ); 00032 00033 require( __DIR__ . '/../maintenance/Maintenance.php' ); 00034 00035 require_once( 'PHPUnit/Runner/Version.php' ); 00036 if ( version_compare( PHPUnit_Runner_Version::id(), '3.5.0', '>=' ) ) { 00037 # PHPUnit 3.5.0 introduced a nice autoloader based on class name 00038 require_once( 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php' ); 00039 } else { 00040 # Keep the old pre PHPUnit 3.5.0 behavior for compatibility 00041 require_once( 'PHPUnit/TextUI/Command.php' ); 00042 } 00043 00044 require_once( 'PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php' ); 00045 include_once( 'PHPUnit/Util/Log/JUnit.php' ); 00046 00047 require_once( __DIR__ . "/selenium/SeleniumServerManager.php" ); 00048 00049 class SeleniumTester extends Maintenance { 00050 protected $selenium; 00051 protected $serverManager; 00052 protected $seleniumServerExecPath; 00053 00054 public function __construct() { 00055 parent::__construct(); 00056 $this->mDescription = "Selenium Test Runner. For documentation, visit"; 00057 $this->addOption( 'port', 'Port used by selenium server. Default: 4444', false, true ); 00058 $this->addOption( 'host', 'Host selenium server. Default: $wgServer . $wgScriptPath', false, true ); 00059 $this->addOption( 'testBrowser', 'The browser used during testing. Default: firefox', false, true ); 00060 $this->addOption( 'wikiUrl', 'The Mediawiki installation to point to. Default: http://localhost', false, true ); 00061 $this->addOption( 'username', 'The login username for sunning tests. Default: empty', false, true ); 00062 $this->addOption( 'userPassword', 'The login password for running tests. Default: empty', false, true ); 00063 $this->addOption( 'seleniumConfig', 'Location of the selenium config file. Default: empty', false, true ); 00064 $this->addOption( 'list-browsers', 'List the available browsers.' ); 00065 $this->addOption( 'verbose', 'Be noisier.' ); 00066 $this->addOption( 'startserver', 'Start Selenium Server (on localhost) before the run.' ); 00067 $this->addOption( 'stopserver', 'Stop Selenium Server (on localhost) after the run.' ); 00068 $this->addOption( 'jUnitLogFile', 'Log results in a specified JUnit log file. Default: empty', false, true ); 00069 $this->addOption( 'runAgainstGrid', 'The test will be run against a Selenium Grid. Default: false.', false, true ); 00070 $this->deleteOption( 'dbpass' ); 00071 $this->deleteOption( 'dbuser' ); 00072 $this->deleteOption( 'globals' ); 00073 $this->deleteOption( 'wiki' ); 00074 } 00075 00076 public function listBrowsers() { 00077 $desc = "Available browsers:\n"; 00078 00079 foreach ( $this->selenium->getAvailableBrowsers() as $k => $v ) { 00080 $desc .= " $k => $v\n"; 00081 } 00082 00083 echo $desc; 00084 } 00085 00086 protected function startServer() { 00087 if ( $this->seleniumServerExecPath == '' ) { 00088 die ( "The selenium server exec path is not set in " . 00089 "selenium_settings.ini. Cannot start server \n" . 00090 "as requested - terminating RunSeleniumTests\n" ); 00091 } 00092 $this->serverManager = new SeleniumServerManager( 'true', 00093 $this->selenium->getPort(), 00094 $this->seleniumServerExecPath ); 00095 switch ( $this->serverManager->start() ) { 00096 case 'started': 00097 break; 00098 case 'failed': 00099 die ( "Unable to start the Selenium Server - " . 00100 "terminating RunSeleniumTests\n" ); 00101 case 'running': 00102 echo ( "Warning: The Selenium Server is " . 00103 "already running\n" ); 00104 break; 00105 } 00106 00107 return; 00108 } 00109 00110 protected function stopServer() { 00111 if ( !isset ( $this->serverManager ) ) { 00112 echo ( "Warning: Request to stop Selenium Server, but it was " . 00113 "not stared by RunSeleniumTests\n" . 00114 "RunSeleniumTests cannot stop a Selenium Server it " . 00115 "did not start\n" ); 00116 } else { 00117 switch ( $this->serverManager->stop() ) { 00118 case 'stopped': 00119 break; 00120 case 'failed': 00121 echo ( "unable to stop the Selenium Server\n" ); 00122 } 00123 } 00124 return; 00125 } 00126 00127 protected function runTests( $seleniumTestSuites = array() ) { 00128 $result = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult; 00129 $result->addListener( new SeleniumTestListener( $this->selenium->getLogger() ) ); 00130 if ( $this->selenium->getJUnitLogFile() ) { 00131 $jUnitListener = new PHPUnit_Util_Log_JUnit( $this->selenium->getJUnitLogFile(), true ); 00132 $result->addListener( $jUnitListener ); 00133 } 00134 00135 foreach ( $seleniumTestSuites as $testSuiteName => $testSuiteFile ) { 00136 require( $testSuiteFile ); 00137 $suite = new $testSuiteName(); 00138 $suite->setName( $testSuiteName ); 00139 $suite->addTests(); 00140 00141 try { 00142 $suite->run( $result ); 00143 } catch ( Testing_Selenium_Exception $e ) { 00144 $suite->tearDown(); 00145 throw new MWException( $e->getMessage() ); 00146 } 00147 } 00148 00149 if ( $this->selenium->getJUnitLogFile() ) { 00150 $jUnitListener->flush(); 00151 } 00152 } 00153 00154 public function execute() { 00155 global $wgServer, $wgScriptPath, $wgHooks; 00156 00157 $seleniumSettings = array(); 00158 $seleniumBrowsers = array(); 00159 $seleniumTestSuites = array(); 00160 00161 $configFile = $this->getOption( 'seleniumConfig', '' ); 00162 if ( strlen( $configFile ) > 0 ) { 00163 $this->output( "Using Selenium Configuration file: " . $configFile . "\n" ); 00164 SeleniumConfig::getSeleniumSettings( $seleniumSettings, 00165 $seleniumBrowsers, 00166 $seleniumTestSuites, 00167 $configFile ); 00168 } elseif ( !isset( $wgHooks['SeleniumSettings'] ) ) { 00169 $this->output( "No command line, configuration file or configuration hook found.\n" ); 00170 SeleniumConfig::getSeleniumSettings( $seleniumSettings, 00171 $seleniumBrowsers, 00172 $seleniumTestSuites 00173 ); 00174 } else { 00175 $this->output( "Using 'SeleniumSettings' hook for configuration.\n" ); 00176 wfRunHooks( 'SeleniumSettings', array( $seleniumSettings, 00177 $seleniumBrowsers, 00178 $seleniumTestSuites ) ); 00179 } 00180 00181 // State for starting/stopping the Selenium server has nothing to do with the Selenium 00182 // class. Keep this state local to SeleniumTester class. Using getOption() is clumsy, but 00183 // the Maintenance class does not have a setOption() 00184 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['startserver'] ) ) { 00185 $this->getOption( 'startserver', true ); 00186 } 00187 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['stopserver'] ) ) { 00188 $this->getOption( 'stopserver', true ); 00189 } 00190 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['seleniumserverexecpath'] ) ) { 00191 $seleniumSettings['seleniumserverexecpath'] = ''; 00192 } 00193 $this->seleniumServerExecPath = $seleniumSettings['seleniumserverexecpath']; 00194 00195 //set reasonable defaults if we did not find the settings 00196 if ( !isset( $seleniumBrowsers ) ) { 00197 $seleniumBrowsers = array( 'firefox' => '*firefox' ); 00198 } 00199 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['host'] ) ) { 00200 $seleniumSettings['host'] = $wgServer . $wgScriptPath; 00201 } 00202 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['port'] ) ) { 00203 $seleniumSettings['port'] = '4444'; 00204 } 00205 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['wikiUrl'] ) ) { 00206 $seleniumSettings['wikiUrl'] = 'http://localhost'; 00207 } 00208 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['username'] ) ) { 00209 $seleniumSettings['username'] = ''; 00210 } 00211 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['userPassword'] ) ) { 00212 $seleniumSettings['userPassword'] = ''; 00213 } 00214 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['testBrowser'] ) ) { 00215 $seleniumSettings['testBrowser'] = 'firefox'; 00216 } 00217 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['jUnitLogFile'] ) ) { 00218 $seleniumSettings['jUnitLogFile'] = false; 00219 } 00220 if ( !isset( $seleniumSettings['runAgainstGrid'] ) ) { 00221 $seleniumSettings['runAgainstGrid'] = false; 00222 } 00223 00224 // Setup Selenium class 00225 $this->selenium = new Selenium(); 00226 $this->selenium->setAvailableBrowsers( $seleniumBrowsers ); 00227 $this->selenium->setRunAgainstGrid( $this->getOption( 'runAgainstGrid', $seleniumSettings['runAgainstGrid'] ) ); 00228 $this->selenium->setUrl( $this->getOption( 'wikiUrl', $seleniumSettings['wikiUrl'] ) ); 00229 $this->selenium->setBrowser( $this->getOption( 'testBrowser', $seleniumSettings['testBrowser'] ) ); 00230 $this->selenium->setPort( $this->getOption( 'port', $seleniumSettings['port'] ) ); 00231 $this->selenium->setHost( $this->getOption( 'host', $seleniumSettings['host'] ) ); 00232 $this->selenium->setUser( $this->getOption( 'username', $seleniumSettings['username'] ) ); 00233 $this->selenium->setPass( $this->getOption( 'userPassword', $seleniumSettings['userPassword'] ) ); 00234 $this->selenium->setVerbose( $this->hasOption( 'verbose' ) ); 00235 $this->selenium->setJUnitLogFile( $this->getOption( 'jUnitLogFile', $seleniumSettings['jUnitLogFile'] ) ); 00236 00237 if ( $this->hasOption( 'list-browsers' ) ) { 00238 $this->listBrowsers(); 00239 exit( 0 ); 00240 } 00241 if ( $this->hasOption( 'startserver' ) ) { 00242 $this->startServer(); 00243 } 00244 00245 $logger = new SeleniumTestConsoleLogger; 00246 $this->selenium->setLogger( $logger ); 00247 00248 $this->runTests( $seleniumTestSuites ); 00249 00250 if ( $this->hasOption( 'stopserver' ) ) { 00251 $this->stopServer(); 00252 } 00253 } 00254 } 00255 00256 $maintClass = "SeleniumTester"; 00257 00258 require_once( RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN );