00001 <?php 00029 class UIDGenerator { 00031 protected static $instance = null; 00032 00033 protected $nodeId32; // string; node ID in binary (32 bits) 00034 protected $nodeId48; // string; node ID in binary (48 bits) 00035 00036 protected $lockFile88; // string; local file path 00037 protected $lockFile128; // string; local file path 00038 00040 protected $fileHandles = array(); // cache file handles 00041 00042 const QUICK_RAND = 1; // get randomness from fast and insecure sources 00043 00044 protected function __construct() { 00045 $idFile = wfTempDir() . '/mw-' . __CLASS__ . '-UID-nodeid'; 00046 $nodeId = is_file( $idFile ) ? file_get_contents( $idFile ) : ''; 00047 // Try to get some ID that uniquely identifies this machine (RFC 4122)... 00048 if ( !preg_match( '/^[0-9a-f]{12}$/i', $nodeId ) ) { 00049 wfSuppressWarnings(); 00050 if ( wfIsWindows() ) { 00051 // 00052 $csv = trim( wfShellExec( 'getmac /NH /FO CSV' ) ); 00053 $line = substr( $csv, 0, strcspn( $csv, "\n" ) ); 00054 $info = str_getcsv( $line ); 00055 $nodeId = isset( $info[0] ) ? str_replace( '-', '', $info[0] ) : ''; 00056 } elseif ( is_executable( '/sbin/ifconfig' ) ) { // Linux/BSD/Solaris/OS X 00057 // See 00058 $m = array(); 00059 preg_match( '/\s([0-9a-f]{2}(:[0-9a-f]{2}){5})\s/', 00060 wfShellExec( '/sbin/ifconfig -a' ), $m ); 00061 $nodeId = isset( $m[1] ) ? str_replace( ':', '', $m[1] ) : ''; 00062 } 00063 wfRestoreWarnings(); 00064 if ( !preg_match( '/^[0-9a-f]{12}$/i', $nodeId ) ) { 00065 $nodeId = MWCryptRand::generateHex( 12, true ); 00066 $nodeId[1] = dechex( hexdec( $nodeId[1] ) | 0x1 ); // set multicast bit 00067 } 00068 file_put_contents( $idFile, $nodeId ); // cache 00069 } 00070 $this->nodeId32 = wfBaseConvert( substr( sha1( $nodeId ), 0, 8 ), 16, 2, 32 ); 00071 $this->nodeId48 = wfBaseConvert( $nodeId, 16, 2, 48 ); 00072 // If different processes run as different users, they may have different temp dirs. 00073 // This is dealt with by initializing the clock sequence number and counters randomly. 00074 $this->lockFile88 = wfTempDir() . '/mw-' . __CLASS__ . '-UID-88'; 00075 $this->lockFile128 = wfTempDir() . '/mw-' . __CLASS__ . '-UID-128'; 00076 } 00077 00081 protected static function singleton() { 00082 if ( self::$instance === null ) { 00083 self::$instance = new self(); 00084 } 00085 return self::$instance; 00086 } 00087 00103 public static function newTimestampedUID88( $base = 10 ) { 00104 if ( !is_integer( $base ) || $base > 36 || $base < 2 ) { 00105 throw new MWException( "Base must an integer be between 2 and 36" ); 00106 } 00107 $gen = self::singleton(); 00108 $time = $gen->getTimestampAndDelay( 'lockFile88', 1, 1024 ); 00109 return wfBaseConvert( $gen->getTimestampedID88( $time ), 2, $base ); 00110 } 00111 00116 protected function getTimestampedID88( array $info ) { 00117 list( $time, $counter ) = $info; 00118 // Take the 46 MSBs of "milliseconds since epoch" 00119 $id_bin = $this->millisecondsSinceEpochBinary( $time ); 00120 // Add a 10 bit counter resulting in 56 bits total 00121 $id_bin .= str_pad( decbin( $counter ), 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); 00122 // Add the 32 bit node ID resulting in 88 bits total 00123 $id_bin .= $this->nodeId32; 00124 // Convert to a 1-27 digit integer string 00125 if ( strlen( $id_bin ) !== 88 ) { 00126 throw new MWException( "Detected overflow for millisecond timestamp." ); 00127 } 00128 return $id_bin; 00129 } 00130 00145 public static function newTimestampedUID128( $base = 10 ) { 00146 if ( !is_integer( $base ) || $base > 36 || $base < 2 ) { 00147 throw new MWException( "Base must be an integer between 2 and 36" ); 00148 } 00149 $gen = self::singleton(); 00150 $time = $gen->getTimestampAndDelay( 'lockFile128', 16384, 1048576 ); 00151 return wfBaseConvert( $gen->getTimestampedID128( $time ), 2, $base ); 00152 } 00153 00158 protected function getTimestampedID128( array $info ) { 00159 list( $time, $counter, $clkSeq ) = $info; 00160 // Take the 46 MSBs of "milliseconds since epoch" 00161 $id_bin = $this->millisecondsSinceEpochBinary( $time ); 00162 // Add a 20 bit counter resulting in 66 bits total 00163 $id_bin .= str_pad( decbin( $counter ), 20, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); 00164 // Add a 14 bit clock sequence number resulting in 80 bits total 00165 $id_bin .= str_pad( decbin( $clkSeq ), 14, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); 00166 // Add the 48 bit node ID resulting in 128 bits total 00167 $id_bin .= $this->nodeId48; 00168 // Convert to a 1-39 digit integer string 00169 if ( strlen( $id_bin ) !== 128 ) { 00170 throw new MWException( "Detected overflow for millisecond timestamp." ); 00171 } 00172 return $id_bin; 00173 } 00174 00182 public static function newUUIDv4( $flags = 0 ) { 00183 $hex = ( $flags & self::QUICK_RAND ) 00184 ? wfRandomString( 31 ) 00185 : MWCryptRand::generateHex( 31 ); 00186 00187 return sprintf( '%s-%s-%s-%s-%s', 00188 // "time_low" (32 bits) 00189 substr( $hex, 0, 8 ), 00190 // "time_mid" (16 bits) 00191 substr( $hex, 8, 4 ), 00192 // "time_hi_and_version" (16 bits) 00193 '4' . substr( $hex, 12, 3 ), 00194 // "clk_seq_hi_res (8 bits, variant is binary 10x) and "clk_seq_low" (8 bits) 00195 dechex( 0x8 | ( hexdec( $hex[15] ) & 0x3 ) ) . $hex[16] . substr( $hex, 17, 2 ), 00196 // "node" (48 bits) 00197 substr( $hex, 19, 12 ) 00198 ); 00199 } 00200 00208 public static function newRawUUIDv4( $flags = 0 ) { 00209 return str_replace( '-', '', self::newUUIDv4( $flags ) ); 00210 } 00211 00223 protected function getTimestampAndDelay( $lockFile, $clockSeqSize, $counterSize ) { 00224 // Get the UID lock file handle 00225 if ( isset( $this->fileHandles[$lockFile] ) ) { 00226 $handle = $this->fileHandles[$lockFile]; 00227 } else { 00228 $handle = fopen( $this->$lockFile, 'cb+' ); 00229 $this->fileHandles[$lockFile] = $handle ?: null; // cache 00230 } 00231 // Acquire the UID lock file 00232 if ( $handle === false ) { 00233 throw new MWException( "Could not open '{$this->$lockFile}'." ); 00234 } elseif ( !flock( $handle, LOCK_EX ) ) { 00235 throw new MWException( "Could not acquire '{$this->$lockFile}'." ); 00236 } 00237 // Get the current timestamp, clock sequence number, last time, and counter 00238 rewind( $handle ); 00239 $data = explode( ' ', fgets( $handle ) ); // "<clk seq> <sec> <msec> <counter> <offset>" 00240 $clockChanged = false; // clock set back significantly? 00241 if ( count( $data ) == 5 ) { // last UID info already initialized 00242 $clkSeq = (int) $data[0] % $clockSeqSize; 00243 $prevTime = array( (int) $data[1], (int) $data[2] ); 00244 $offset = (int) $data[4] % $counterSize; // random counter offset 00245 $counter = 0; // counter for UIDs with the same timestamp 00246 // Delay until the clock reaches the time of the last ID. 00247 // This detects any microtime() drift among processes. 00248 $time = $this->timeWaitUntil( $prevTime ); 00249 if ( !$time ) { // too long to delay? 00250 $clockChanged = true; // bump clock sequence number 00251 $time = self::millitime(); 00252 } elseif ( $time == $prevTime ) { 00253 // Bump the counter if there are timestamp collisions 00254 $counter = (int) $data[3] % $counterSize; 00255 if ( ++$counter >= $counterSize ) { // sanity (starts at 0) 00256 flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); // abort 00257 throw new MWException( "Counter overflow for timestamp value." ); 00258 } 00259 } 00260 } else { // last UID info not initialized 00261 $clkSeq = mt_rand( 0, $clockSeqSize - 1 ); 00262 $counter = 0; 00263 $offset = mt_rand( 0, $counterSize - 1 ); 00264 $time = self::millitime(); 00265 } 00266 // microtime() and gettimeofday() can drift from time() at least on Windows. 00267 // The drift is immediate for processes running while the system clock changes. 00268 // time() does not have this problem. See 00269 if ( abs( time() - $time[0] ) >= 2 ) { 00270 // We don't want processes using too high or low timestamps to avoid duplicate 00271 // UIDs and clock sequence number churn. This process should just be restarted. 00272 flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); // abort 00273 throw new MWException( "Process clock is outdated or drifted." ); 00274 } 00275 // If microtime() is synced and a clock change was detected, then the clock went back 00276 if ( $clockChanged ) { 00277 // Bump the clock sequence number and also randomize the counter offset, 00278 // which is useful for UIDs that do not include the clock sequence number. 00279 $clkSeq = ( $clkSeq + 1 ) % $clockSeqSize; 00280 $offset = mt_rand( 0, $counterSize - 1 ); 00281 trigger_error( "Clock was set back; sequence number incremented." ); 00282 } 00283 // Update the (clock sequence number, timestamp, counter) 00284 ftruncate( $handle, 0 ); 00285 rewind( $handle ); 00286 fwrite( $handle, "{$clkSeq} {$time[0]} {$time[1]} {$counter} {$offset}" ); 00287 fflush( $handle ); 00288 // Release the UID lock file 00289 flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); 00290 00291 return array( $time, ( $counter + $offset ) % $counterSize, $clkSeq ); 00292 } 00293 00301 protected function timeWaitUntil( array $time ) { 00302 do { 00303 $ct = self::millitime(); 00304 if ( $ct >= $time ) { // 00305 return $ct; // current timestamp is higher than $time 00306 } 00307 } while ( ( ( $time[0] - $ct[0] )*1000 + ( $time[1] - $ct[1] ) ) <= 10 ); 00308 00309 return false; 00310 } 00311 00316 protected function millisecondsSinceEpochBinary( array $time ) { 00317 list( $sec, $msec ) = $time; 00318 if ( PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8 ) { // 64 bit integers 00319 $ts = ( 1000 * $sec + $msec ); 00320 $id_bin = str_pad( decbin( $ts % pow( 2, 46 ) ), 46, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); 00321 } elseif ( extension_loaded( 'gmp' ) ) { 00322 $ts = gmp_mod( // wrap around 00323 gmp_add( gmp_mul( (string) $sec, (string) 1000 ), (string) $msec ), 00324 gmp_pow( '2', '46' ) 00325 ); 00326 $id_bin = str_pad( gmp_strval( $ts, 2 ), 46, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); 00327 } elseif ( extension_loaded( 'bcmath' ) ) { 00328 $ts = bcmod( // wrap around 00329 bcadd( bcmul( $sec, 1000 ), $msec ), 00330 bcpow( 2, 46 ) 00331 ); 00332 $id_bin = wfBaseConvert( $ts, 10, 2, 46 ); 00333 } else { 00334 throw new MWException( 'bcmath or gmp extension required for 32 bit machines.' ); 00335 } 00336 return $id_bin; 00337 } 00338 00342 protected static function millitime() { 00343 list( $msec, $sec ) = explode( ' ', microtime() ); 00344 return array( (int) $sec, (int) ( $msec * 1000 ) ); 00345 } 00346 00347 function __destruct() { 00348 array_map( 'fclose', $this->fileHandles ); 00349 } 00350 }