00001 <?php 00026 class UserPreferencesTestCase extends SeleniumTestCase { 00027 // Verify user information 00028 public function testUserInfoDisplay() { 00029 00030 $this->open( $this->getUrl() . 00031 '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' ); 00032 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "My preferences" ); 00033 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00034 00035 // Verify correct username displayed in User Preferences 00036 $this->assertEquals( $this->getText( "//li[@id='pt-userpage']/a" ), 00037 $this->getText( "//table[@id='mw-htmlform-info']/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]" ) ); 00038 00039 // Verify existing Signature Displayed correctly 00040 $this->assertEquals( $this->selenium->getUser(), 00041 $this->getTable( "mw-htmlform-signature.0.1" ) ); 00042 } 00043 00044 // Verify change password 00045 public function testChangePassword() { 00046 00047 $this->open( $this->getUrl() . 00048 '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' ); 00049 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "My preferences" ); 00050 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00051 00052 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "Change password" ); 00053 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00054 00055 $this->type( "wpPassword", "12345" ); 00056 $this->type( "wpNewPassword", "54321" ); 00057 $this->type( "wpRetype", "54321" ); 00058 $this->click( "//input[@value='Change password']" ); 00059 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00060 00061 $this->assertEquals( "Preferences", $this->getText( "firstHeading" ) ); 00062 00063 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "Change password" ); 00064 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00065 00066 $this->type( "wpPassword", "54321" ); 00067 $this->type( "wpNewPassword", "12345" ); 00068 $this->type( "wpRetype", "12345" ); 00069 $this->click( "//input[@value='Change password']" ); 00070 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00071 $this->assertEquals( "Preferences", $this->getText( "firstHeading" ) ); 00072 00073 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "Change password" ); 00074 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00075 00076 $this->type( "wpPassword", "54321" ); 00077 $this->type( "wpNewPassword", "12345" ); 00078 $this->type( "wpRetype", "12345" ); 00079 $this->click( "//input[@value='Change password']" ); 00080 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00081 } 00082 00083 // Verify successful preferences save 00084 public function testSuccessfullSave() { 00085 00086 $this->open( $this->getUrl() . 00087 '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' ); 00088 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "My preferences" ); 00089 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00090 00091 $this->type( "mw-input-realname", "Test User" ); 00092 $this->click( "prefcontrol" ); 00093 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00094 00095 // Verify "Your preferences have been saved." message 00096 $this->assertEquals( "Your preferences have been saved.", 00097 $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div[4]/strong/p" ) ); 00098 $this->type( "mw-input-realname", "" ); 00099 $this->click( "prefcontrol" ); 00100 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00101 } 00102 00103 // Verify change signature 00104 public function testChangeSignature() { 00105 $this->open( $this->getUrl() . 00106 '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' ); 00107 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "My preferences" ); 00108 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00109 00110 $this->type( "mw-input-nickname", "TestSignature" ); 00111 $this->click( "prefcontrol" ); 00112 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00113 00114 // Verify change user signature 00115 $this->assertEquals( "TestSignature", $this->getText( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "TestSignature" ) ); 00116 $this->type( "mw-input-nickname", "Test" ); 00117 $this->click( "prefcontrol" ); 00118 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00119 } 00120 00121 // Verify change date format 00122 public function testChangeDateFormatTimeZone() { 00123 $this->open( $this->getUrl() . 00124 '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' ); 00125 00126 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "My preferences" ); 00127 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00128 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "Date and time" ); 00129 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00130 00131 $this->click( "mw-input-date-dmy" ); 00132 $this->select( "mw-input-timecorrection", "label=Asia/Colombo" ); 00133 $this->click( "prefcontrol" ); 00134 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00135 00136 // Verify Date format and time zome saved 00137 $this->assertEquals( "Your preferences have been saved.", 00138 $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div[4]/strong/p" ) ); 00139 } 00140 00141 // Verify restoring all default settings 00142 public function testSetAllDefault() { 00143 $this->open( $this->getUrl() . 00144 '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' ); 00145 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "My preferences" ); 00146 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00147 00148 // Verify restoring all default settings 00149 $this->assertEquals( "Restore all default settings", 00150 $this->getText( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START . "Restore all default settings" ) ); 00151 00152 $this->click( "//*[@id='preferences']/div/a" ); 00153 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00154 00155 // Verify 'This can not be undone' warning message displayed 00156 $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( "//input[@value='Restore all default settings']" ) ); 00157 00158 // Verify 'Restore all default settings' button available 00159 $this->assertEquals( "You can use this page to reset your preferences to the site defaults. This cannot be undone.", 00160 $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/p" ) ); 00161 00162 $this->click( "//input[@value='Restore all default settings']" ); 00163 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00164 00165 // Verify preferences saved successfully 00166 $this->assertEquals( "Your preferences have been saved.", 00167 $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div[4]/strong/p" ) ); 00168 } 00169 } 00170