MediaWiki  REL1_22
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00001 <?php
00034 class FileOpBatch {
00035     /* Timeout related parameters */
00036     const MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; // integer
00057     public static function attempt( array $performOps, array $opts, FileJournal $journal ) {
00058         wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
00059         $status = Status::newGood();
00061         $n = count( $performOps );
00062         if ( $n > self::MAX_BATCH_SIZE ) {
00063             $status->fatal( 'backend-fail-batchsize', $n, self::MAX_BATCH_SIZE );
00064             wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00065             return $status;
00066         }
00068         $batchId = $journal->getTimestampedUUID();
00069         $ignoreErrors = !empty( $opts['force'] );
00070         $journaled = empty( $opts['nonJournaled'] );
00071         $maxConcurrency = isset( $opts['concurrency'] ) ? $opts['concurrency'] : 1;
00073         $entries = array(); // file journal entry list
00074         $predicates = FileOp::newPredicates(); // account for previous ops in prechecks
00075         $curBatch = array(); // concurrent FileOp sub-batch accumulation
00076         $curBatchDeps = FileOp::newDependencies(); // paths used in FileOp sub-batch
00077         $pPerformOps = array(); // ordered list of concurrent FileOp sub-batches
00078         $lastBackend = null; // last op backend name
00079         // Do pre-checks for each operation; abort on failure...
00080         foreach ( $performOps as $index => $fileOp ) {
00081             $backendName = $fileOp->getBackend()->getName();
00082             $fileOp->setBatchId( $batchId ); // transaction ID
00083             // Decide if this op can be done concurrently within this sub-batch
00084             // or if a new concurrent sub-batch must be started after this one...
00085             if ( $fileOp->dependsOn( $curBatchDeps )
00086                 || count( $curBatch ) >= $maxConcurrency
00087                 || ( $backendName !== $lastBackend && count( $curBatch ) )
00088             ) {
00089                 $pPerformOps[] = $curBatch; // push this batch
00090                 $curBatch = array(); // start a new sub-batch
00091                 $curBatchDeps = FileOp::newDependencies();
00092             }
00093             $lastBackend = $backendName;
00094             $curBatch[$index] = $fileOp; // keep index
00095             // Update list of affected paths in this batch
00096             $curBatchDeps = $fileOp->applyDependencies( $curBatchDeps );
00097             // Simulate performing the operation...
00098             $oldPredicates = $predicates;
00099             $subStatus = $fileOp->precheck( $predicates ); // updates $predicates
00100             $status->merge( $subStatus );
00101             if ( $subStatus->isOK() ) {
00102                 if ( $journaled ) { // journal log entries
00103                     $entries = array_merge( $entries,
00104                         $fileOp->getJournalEntries( $oldPredicates, $predicates ) );
00105                 }
00106             } else { // operation failed?
00107                 $status->success[$index] = false;
00108                 ++$status->failCount;
00109                 if ( !$ignoreErrors ) {
00110                     wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00111                     return $status; // abort
00112                 }
00113             }
00114         }
00115         // Push the last sub-batch
00116         if ( count( $curBatch ) ) {
00117             $pPerformOps[] = $curBatch;
00118         }
00120         // Log the operations in the file journal...
00121         if ( count( $entries ) ) {
00122             $subStatus = $journal->logChangeBatch( $entries, $batchId );
00123             if ( !$subStatus->isOK() ) {
00124                 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00125                 return $subStatus; // abort
00126             }
00127         }
00129         if ( $ignoreErrors ) { // treat precheck() fatals as mere warnings
00130             $status->setResult( true, $status->value );
00131         }
00133         // Attempt each operation (in parallel if allowed and possible)...
00134         self::runParallelBatches( $pPerformOps, $status );
00136         wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00137         return $status;
00138     }
00152     protected static function runParallelBatches( array $pPerformOps, Status $status ) {
00153         $aborted = false; // set to true on unexpected errors
00154         foreach ( $pPerformOps as $performOpsBatch ) {
00155             if ( $aborted ) { // check batch op abort flag...
00156                 // We can't continue (even with $ignoreErrors) as $predicates is wrong.
00157                 // Log the remaining ops as failed for recovery...
00158                 foreach ( $performOpsBatch as $i => $fileOp ) {
00159                     $performOpsBatch[$i]->logFailure( 'attempt_aborted' );
00160                 }
00161                 continue;
00162             }
00163             $statuses = array();
00164             $opHandles = array();
00165             // Get the backend; all sub-batch ops belong to a single backend
00166             $backend = reset( $performOpsBatch )->getBackend();
00167             // Get the operation handles or actually do it if there is just one.
00168             // If attemptAsync() returns a Status, it was either due to an error
00169             // or the backend does not support async ops and did it synchronously.
00170             foreach ( $performOpsBatch as $i => $fileOp ) {
00171                 if ( !$fileOp->failed() ) { // failed => already has Status
00172                     // If the batch is just one operation, it's faster to avoid
00173                     // pipelining as that can involve creating new TCP connections.
00174                     $subStatus = ( count( $performOpsBatch ) > 1 )
00175                         ? $fileOp->attemptAsync()
00176                         : $fileOp->attempt();
00177                     if ( $subStatus->value instanceof FileBackendStoreOpHandle ) {
00178                         $opHandles[$i] = $subStatus->value; // deferred
00179                     } else {
00180                         $statuses[$i] = $subStatus; // done already
00181                     }
00182                 }
00183             }
00184             // Try to do all the operations concurrently...
00185             $statuses = $statuses + $backend->executeOpHandlesInternal( $opHandles );
00186             // Marshall and merge all the responses (blocking)...
00187             foreach ( $performOpsBatch as $i => $fileOp ) {
00188                 if ( !$fileOp->failed() ) { // failed => already has Status
00189                     $subStatus = $statuses[$i];
00190                     $status->merge( $subStatus );
00191                     if ( $subStatus->isOK() ) {
00192                         $status->success[$i] = true;
00193                         ++$status->successCount;
00194                     } else {
00195                         $status->success[$i] = false;
00196                         ++$status->failCount;
00197                         $aborted = true; // set abort flag; we can't continue
00198                     }
00199                 }
00200             }
00201         }
00202         return $status;
00203     }
00204 }