MediaWiki  REL1_22
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00001 <?php
00030 class LanguageOs extends Language {
00056     function convertGrammar( $word, $case ) {
00057         global $wgGrammarForms;
00058         if ( isset( $wgGrammarForms['os'][$case][$word] ) ) {
00059             return $wgGrammarForms['os'][$case][$word];
00060         }
00061         # Ending for allative case
00062         $end_allative = 'мæ';
00063         # Variable for 'j' beetwen vowels
00064         $jot = '';
00065         # Variable for "-" for not Ossetic words
00066         $hyphen = '';
00067         # Variable for ending
00068         $ending = '';
00071         # CHecking if the $word is in plural form
00072         if ( preg_match( '/тæ$/u', $word ) ) {
00073             $word = mb_substr( $word, 0, -1 );
00074             $end_allative = 'æм';
00075         }
00076         # Works if $word is in singular form.
00077         # Checking if $word ends on one of the vowels: е, ё, и, о, ы, э, ю, я.
00078         elseif ( preg_match( "/[аæеёиоыэюя]$/u", $word ) ) {
00079             $jot = 'й';
00080         }
00081         # Checking if $word ends on 'у'. 'У' can be either consonant 'W' or vowel 'U' in cyrillic Ossetic.
00082         # Examples: {{grammar:genitive|аунеу}} = аунеуы, {{grammar:genitive|лæппу}} = лæппуйы.
00083         elseif ( preg_match( "/у$/u", $word ) ) {
00084             if ( !preg_match( "/[аæеёиоыэюя]$/u", mb_substr( $word, -2, 1 ) ) ) {
00085                 $jot = 'й';
00086             }
00087         } elseif ( !preg_match( "/[бвгджзйклмнопрстфхцчшщьъ]$/u", $word ) ) {
00088             $hyphen = '-';
00089         }
00091         switch ( $case ) {
00092             case 'genitive':
00093                 $ending = $hyphen . $jot . 'ы';
00094                 break;
00095             case 'dative':
00096                 $ending = $hyphen . $jot . 'æн';
00097                 break;
00098             case 'allative':
00099                 $ending = $hyphen . $end_allative;
00100                 break;
00101             case 'ablative':
00102                 if ( $jot == 'й' ) {
00103                     $ending = $hyphen . $jot . 'æ';
00104                 } else {
00105                     $ending = $hyphen . $jot . 'æй';
00106                 }
00107                 break;
00108             case 'inessive':
00109                 break;
00110             case 'superessive':
00111                 $ending = $hyphen . $jot . 'ыл';
00112                 break;
00113             case 'equative':
00114                 $ending = $hyphen . $jot . 'ау';
00115                 break;
00116             case 'comitative':
00117                 $ending = $hyphen . 'имæ';
00118                 break;
00119         }
00120         return $word . $ending;
00121     }
00122 }