MediaWiki  REL1_22
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00044 require_once __DIR__ . '/../Maintenance.php';
00051 class CompressOld extends Maintenance {
00055     const LS_INDIVIDUAL = 0;
00056     const LS_CHUNKED = 1;
00058     public function __construct() {
00059         parent::__construct();
00060         $this->mDescription = 'Compress the text of a wiki';
00061         $this->addOption( 'type', 'Set compression type to either: gzip|concat', false, true, 't' );
00062         $this->addOption( 'chunksize', 'Maximum number of revisions in a concat chunk', false, true, 'c' );
00063         $this->addOption( 'begin-date', 'Earliest date to check for uncompressed revisions', false, true, 'b' );
00064         $this->addOption( 'end-date', 'Latest revision date to compress', false, true, 'e' );
00065         $this->addOption( 'startid', 'The id to start from (gzip -> text table, concat -> page table)', false, true, 's' );
00066         $this->addOption( 'extdb', 'Store specified revisions in an external cluster (untested)', false, true );
00067         $this->addOption( 'endid', 'The page_id to stop at (only when using concat compression type)', false, true, 'n' );
00068     }
00070     public function execute() {
00071         global $wgDBname;
00072         if ( !function_exists( "gzdeflate" ) ) {
00073             $this->error( "You must enable zlib support in PHP to compress old revisions!\n" .
00074                 "Please see\n", true );
00075         }
00077         $type = $this->getOption( 'type', 'concat' );
00078         $chunkSize = $this->getOption( 'chunksize', 20 );
00079         $startId = $this->getOption( 'startid', 0 );
00080         $beginDate = $this->getOption( 'begin-date', '' );
00081         $endDate = $this->getOption( 'end-date', '' );
00082         $extDB = $this->getOption( 'extdb', '' );
00083         $endId = $this->getOption( 'endid', false );
00085         if ( $type != 'concat' && $type != 'gzip' ) {
00086             $this->error( "Type \"{$type}\" not supported" );
00087         }
00089         if ( $extDB != '' ) {
00090             $this->output( "Compressing database {$wgDBname} to external cluster {$extDB}\n"
00091                 . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n" );
00092         } else {
00093             $this->output( "Compressing database {$wgDBname}\n"
00094                 . str_repeat( '-', 76 ) . "\n\n" );
00095         }
00097         $success = true;
00098         if ( $type == 'concat' ) {
00099             $success = $this->compressWithConcat( $startId, $chunkSize, $beginDate,
00100                 $endDate, $extDB, $endId );
00101         } else {
00102             $this->compressOldPages( $startId, $extDB );
00103         }
00105         if ( $success ) {
00106             $this->output( "Done.\n" );
00107         }
00108     }
00111     private function compressOldPages( $start = 0, $extdb = '' ) {
00112         $chunksize = 50;
00113         $this->output( "Starting from old_id $start...\n" );
00114         $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
00115         do {
00116             $res = $dbw->select( 'text', array( 'old_id', 'old_flags', 'old_text' ),
00117                 "old_id>=$start", __METHOD__, array( 'ORDER BY' => 'old_id', 'LIMIT' => $chunksize, 'FOR UPDATE' ) );
00118             if ( $res->numRows() == 0 ) {
00119                 break;
00120             }
00121             $last = $start;
00122             foreach ( $res as $row ) {
00123                 # print "  {$row->old_id} - {$row->old_namespace}:{$row->old_title}\n";
00124                 $this->compressPage( $row, $extdb );
00125                 $last = $row->old_id;
00126             }
00127             $start = $last + 1; # Deletion may leave long empty stretches
00128             $this->output( "$start...\n" );
00129         } while ( true );
00130     }
00138     private function compressPage( $row, $extdb ) {
00139         if ( false !== strpos( $row->old_flags, 'gzip' ) || false !== strpos( $row->old_flags, 'object' ) ) {
00140             #print "Already compressed row {$row->old_id}\n";
00141             return false;
00142         }
00143         $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
00144         $flags = $row->old_flags ? "{$row->old_flags},gzip" : "gzip";
00145         $compress = gzdeflate( $row->old_text );
00147         # Store in external storage if required
00148         if ( $extdb !== '' ) {
00149             $storeObj = new ExternalStoreDB;
00150             $compress = $storeObj->store( $extdb, $compress );
00151             if ( $compress === false ) {
00152                 $this->error( "Unable to store object" );
00153                 return false;
00154             }
00155         }
00157         # Update text row
00158         $dbw->update( 'text',
00159             array( /* SET */
00160                 'old_flags' => $flags,
00161                 'old_text' => $compress
00162             ), array( /* WHERE */
00163                 'old_id' => $row->old_id
00164             ), __METHOD__,
00165             array( 'LIMIT' => 1 )
00166         );
00167         return true;
00168     }
00179     private function compressWithConcat( $startId, $maxChunkSize, $beginDate,
00180         $endDate, $extdb = "", $maxPageId = false )
00181     {
00182         $loadStyle = self::LS_CHUNKED;
00184         $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
00185         $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
00187         # Set up external storage
00188         if ( $extdb != '' ) {
00189             $storeObj = new ExternalStoreDB;
00190         }
00192         # Get all articles by page_id
00193         if ( !$maxPageId ) {
00194             $maxPageId = $dbr->selectField( 'page', 'max(page_id)', '', __METHOD__ );
00195         }
00196         $this->output( "Starting from $startId of $maxPageId\n" );
00197         $pageConds = array();
00199         /*
00200         if ( $exclude_ns0 ) {
00201             print "Excluding main namespace\n";
00202             $pageConds[] = 'page_namespace<>0';
00203         }
00204         if ( $queryExtra ) {
00205                     $pageConds[] = $queryExtra;
00206         }
00207          */
00209         # For each article, get a list of revisions which fit the criteria
00211         # No recompression, use a condition on old_flags
00212         # Don't compress object type entities, because that might produce data loss when
00213         # overwriting bulk storage concat rows. Don't compress external references, because
00214         # the script doesn't yet delete rows from external storage.
00215         $conds = array(
00216             'old_flags NOT ' . $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), 'object', $dbr->anyString() ) . ' AND old_flags NOT '
00217                 . $dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(), 'external', $dbr->anyString() ) );
00219         if ( $beginDate ) {
00220             if ( !preg_match( '/^\d{14}$/', $beginDate ) ) {
00221                 $this->error( "Invalid begin date \"$beginDate\"\n" );
00222                 return false;
00223             }
00224             $conds[] = "rev_timestamp>'" . $beginDate . "'";
00225         }
00226         if ( $endDate ) {
00227             if ( !preg_match( '/^\d{14}$/', $endDate ) ) {
00228                 $this->error( "Invalid end date \"$endDate\"\n" );
00229                 return false;
00230             }
00231             $conds[] = "rev_timestamp<'" . $endDate . "'";
00232         }
00233         if ( $loadStyle == self::LS_CHUNKED ) {
00234             $tables = array( 'revision', 'text' );
00235             $fields = array( 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id', 'old_flags', 'old_text' );
00236             $conds[] = 'rev_text_id=old_id';
00237             $revLoadOptions = 'FOR UPDATE';
00238         } else {
00239             $tables = array( 'revision' );
00240             $fields = array( 'rev_id', 'rev_text_id' );
00241             $revLoadOptions = array();
00242         }
00244         # Don't work with current revisions
00245         # Don't lock the page table for update either -- TS 2006-04-04
00246         #$tables[] = 'page';
00247         #$conds[] = 'page_id=rev_page AND rev_id != page_latest';
00249         for ( $pageId = $startId; $pageId <= $maxPageId; $pageId++ ) {
00250             wfWaitForSlaves();
00252             # Wake up
00253             $dbr->ping();
00255             # Get the page row
00256             $pageRes = $dbr->select( 'page',
00257                 array( 'page_id', 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_latest' ),
00258                 $pageConds + array( 'page_id' => $pageId ), __METHOD__ );
00259             if ( $pageRes->numRows() == 0 ) {
00260                 continue;
00261             }
00262             $pageRow = $dbr->fetchObject( $pageRes );
00264             # Display progress
00265             $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( $pageRow->page_namespace, $pageRow->page_title );
00266             $this->output( "$pageId\t" . $titleObj->getPrefixedDBkey() . " " );
00268             # Load revisions
00269             $revRes = $dbw->select( $tables, $fields,
00270                 array_merge( array(
00271                     'rev_page' => $pageRow->page_id,
00272                     # Don't operate on the current revision
00273                     # Use < instead of <> in case the current revision has changed
00274                     # since the page select, which wasn't locking
00275                     'rev_id < ' . $pageRow->page_latest
00276                 ), $conds ),
00277                 __METHOD__,
00278                 $revLoadOptions
00279             );
00280             $revs = array();
00281             foreach ( $revRes as $revRow ) {
00282                 $revs[] = $revRow;
00283             }
00285             if ( count( $revs ) < 2 ) {
00286                 # No revisions matching, no further processing
00287                 $this->output( "\n" );
00288                 continue;
00289             }
00291             # For each chunk
00292             $i = 0;
00293             while ( $i < count( $revs ) ) {
00294                 if ( $i < count( $revs ) - $maxChunkSize ) {
00295                     $thisChunkSize = $maxChunkSize;
00296                 } else {
00297                     $thisChunkSize = count( $revs ) - $i;
00298                 }
00300                 $chunk = new ConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlob();
00301                 $stubs = array();
00302                 $dbw->begin( __METHOD__ );
00303                 $usedChunk = false;
00304                 $primaryOldid = $revs[$i]->rev_text_id;
00306                 # Get the text of each revision and add it to the object
00307                 for ( $j = 0; $j < $thisChunkSize && $chunk->isHappy(); $j++ ) {
00308                     $oldid = $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id;
00310                     # Get text
00311                     if ( $loadStyle == self::LS_INDIVIDUAL ) {
00312                         $textRow = $dbw->selectRow( 'text',
00313                             array( 'old_flags', 'old_text' ),
00314                             array( 'old_id' => $oldid ),
00315                             __METHOD__,
00316                             'FOR UPDATE'
00317                         );
00318                         $text = Revision::getRevisionText( $textRow );
00319                     } else {
00320                         $text = Revision::getRevisionText( $revs[$i + $j] );
00321                     }
00323                     if ( $text === false ) {
00324                         $this->error( "\nError, unable to get text in old_id $oldid" );
00325                         #$dbw->delete( 'old', array( 'old_id' => $oldid ) );
00326                     }
00328                     if ( $extdb == "" && $j == 0 ) {
00329                         $chunk->setText( $text );
00330                         $this->output( '.' );
00331                     } else {
00332                         # Don't make a stub if it's going to be longer than the article
00333                         # Stubs are typically about 100 bytes
00334                         if ( strlen( $text ) < 120 ) {
00335                             $stub = false;
00336                             $this->output( 'x' );
00337                         } else {
00338                             $stub = new HistoryBlobStub( $chunk->addItem( $text ) );
00339                             $stub->setLocation( $primaryOldid );
00340                             $stub->setReferrer( $oldid );
00341                             $this->output( '.' );
00342                             $usedChunk = true;
00343                         }
00344                         $stubs[$j] = $stub;
00345                     }
00346                 }
00347                 $thisChunkSize = $j;
00349                 # If we couldn't actually use any stubs because the pages were too small, do nothing
00350                 if ( $usedChunk ) {
00351                     if ( $extdb != "" ) {
00352                         # Move blob objects to External Storage
00353                         $stored = $storeObj->store( $extdb, serialize( $chunk ));
00354                         if ( $stored === false ) {
00355                             $this->error( "Unable to store object" );
00356                             return false;
00357                         }
00358                         # Store External Storage URLs instead of Stub placeholders
00359                         foreach ( $stubs as $stub ) {
00360                             if ( $stub === false ) {
00361                                 continue;
00362                             }
00363                             # $stored should provide base path to a BLOB
00364                             $url = $stored . "/" . $stub->getHash();
00365                             $dbw->update( 'text',
00366                                 array( /* SET */
00367                                     'old_text' => $url,
00368                                     'old_flags' => 'external,utf-8',
00369                                 ), array( /* WHERE */
00370                                     'old_id' => $stub->getReferrer(),
00371                                 )
00372                             );
00373                         }
00374                     } else {
00375                         # Store the main object locally
00376                         $dbw->update( 'text',
00377                             array( /* SET */
00378                                 'old_text' => serialize( $chunk ),
00379                                 'old_flags' => 'object,utf-8',
00380                             ), array( /* WHERE */
00381                                 'old_id' => $primaryOldid
00382                             )
00383                         );
00385                         # Store the stub objects
00386                         for ( $j = 1; $j < $thisChunkSize; $j++ ) {
00387                             # Skip if not compressing and don't overwrite the first revision
00388                             if ( $stubs[$j] !== false && $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id != $primaryOldid ) {
00389                                 $dbw->update( 'text',
00390                                     array( /* SET */
00391                                         'old_text' => serialize( $stubs[$j] ),
00392                                         'old_flags' => 'object,utf-8',
00393                                     ), array( /* WHERE */
00394                                         'old_id' => $revs[$i + $j]->rev_text_id
00395                                     )
00396                                 );
00397                             }
00398                         }
00399                     }
00400                 }
00401                 # Done, next
00402                 $this->output( "/" );
00403                 $dbw->commit( __METHOD__ );
00404                 $i += $thisChunkSize;
00405                 wfWaitForSlaves();
00406             }
00407             $this->output( "\n" );
00408         }
00409         return true;
00410     }
00412 }
00414 $maintClass = 'CompressOld';
00415 require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;