MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00033 class ApiOptions extends ApiBase {
00037     public function execute() {
00038         $user = $this->getUser();
00040         if ( $user->isAnon() ) {
00041             $this->dieUsage( 'Anonymous users cannot change preferences', 'notloggedin' );
00042         }
00044         if ( !$user->isAllowed( 'editmyoptions' ) ) {
00045             $this->dieUsage( 'You don\'t have permission to edit your options', 'permissiondenied' );
00046         }
00048         $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
00049         $changed = false;
00051         if ( isset( $params['optionvalue'] ) && !isset( $params['optionname'] ) ) {
00052             $this->dieUsageMsg( array( 'missingparam', 'optionname' ) );
00053         }
00055         if ( $params['reset'] ) {
00056             $user->resetOptions( $params['resetkinds'], $this->getContext() );
00057             $changed = true;
00058         }
00060         $changes = array();
00061         if ( count( $params['change'] ) ) {
00062             foreach ( $params['change'] as $entry ) {
00063                 $array = explode( '=', $entry, 2 );
00064                 $changes[$array[0]] = isset( $array[1] ) ? $array[1] : null;
00065             }
00066         }
00067         if ( isset( $params['optionname'] ) ) {
00068             $newValue = isset( $params['optionvalue'] ) ? $params['optionvalue'] : null;
00069             $changes[$params['optionname']] = $newValue;
00070         }
00071         if ( !$changed && !count( $changes ) ) {
00072             $this->dieUsage( 'No changes were requested', 'nochanges' );
00073         }
00075         $prefs = Preferences::getPreferences( $user, $this->getContext() );
00076         $prefsKinds = $user->getOptionKinds( $this->getContext(), $changes );
00078         foreach ( $changes as $key => $value ) {
00079             switch ( $prefsKinds[$key] ) {
00080                 case 'registered':
00081                     // Regular option.
00082                     $field = HTMLForm::loadInputFromParameters( $key, $prefs[$key] );
00083                     $validation = $field->validate( $value, $user->getOptions() );
00084                     break;
00085                 case 'registered-multiselect':
00086                 case 'registered-checkmatrix':
00087                     // A key for a multiselect or checkmatrix option.
00088                     $validation = true;
00089                     $value = $value !== null ? (bool)$value : null;
00090                     break;
00091                 case 'userjs':
00092                     // Allow non-default preferences prefixed with 'userjs-', to be set by user scripts
00093                     if ( strlen( $key ) > 255 ) {
00094                         $validation = "key too long (no more than 255 bytes allowed)";
00095                     } elseif ( preg_match( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/", $key ) !== 0 ) {
00096                         $validation = "invalid key (only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, - allowed)";
00097                     } else {
00098                         $validation = true;
00099                     }
00100                     break;
00101                 case 'special':
00102                     $validation = "cannot be set by this module";
00103                     break;
00104                 case 'unused':
00105                 default:
00106                     $validation = "not a valid preference";
00107                     break;
00108             }
00109             if ( $validation === true ) {
00110                 $user->setOption( $key, $value );
00111                 $changed = true;
00112             } else {
00113                 $this->setWarning( "Validation error for '$key': $validation" );
00114             }
00115         }
00117         if ( $changed ) {
00118             // Commit changes
00119             $user->saveSettings();
00120         }
00122         $this->getResult()->addValue( null, $this->getModuleName(), 'success' );
00123     }
00125     public function mustBePosted() {
00126         return true;
00127     }
00129     public function isWriteMode() {
00130         return true;
00131     }
00133     public function getAllowedParams() {
00134         $optionKinds = User::listOptionKinds();
00135         $optionKinds[] = 'all';
00137         return array(
00138             'reset' => false,
00139             'resetkinds' => array(
00140                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => $optionKinds,
00141                 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'all',
00142                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true
00143             ),
00144             'change' => array(
00145                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00146             ),
00147             'optionname' => array(
00148                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'string',
00149             ),
00150             'optionvalue' => array(
00151                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'string',
00152             ),
00153         );
00154     }
00156     public function getParamDescription() {
00157         return array(
00158             'reset' => 'Resets preferences to the site defaults',
00159             'resetkinds' => 'List of types of options to reset when the "reset" option is set',
00160             'change' => array( 'List of changes, formatted name=value (e.g. skin=vector), ' .
00161                 'value cannot contain pipe characters. If no value is given (not ',
00162                 'even an equals sign), e.g., optionname|otheroption|..., the ' .
00163                 'option will be reset to its default value'
00164             ),
00165             'optionname' => 'A name of a option which should have an optionvalue set',
00166             'optionvalue' => 'A value of the option specified by the optionname, ' .
00167                 'can contain pipe characters',
00168         );
00169     }
00171     public function getDescription() {
00172         return array(
00173             'Change preferences of the current user.',
00174             'Only options which are registered in core or in one of installed extensions,',
00175             'or as options with keys prefixed with \'userjs-\' (intended to be used by user',
00176             'scripts), can be set.'
00177         );
00178     }
00180     public function needsToken() {
00181         return 'csrf';
00182     }
00184     public function getHelpUrls() {
00185         return '';
00186     }
00188     public function getExamples() {
00189         return array(
00190             'api.php?action=options&reset=&token=123ABC',
00191             'api.php?action=options&change=skin=vector|hideminor=1&token=123ABC',
00192             'api.php?action=options&reset=&change=skin=monobook&optionname=nickname&' .
00193                 'optionvalue=[[User:Beau|Beau]]%20([[User_talk:Beau|talk]])&token=123ABC',
00194         );
00195     }
00196 }