MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00028 class CoreParserFunctions {
00033     public static function register( $parser ) {
00034         global $wgAllowDisplayTitle, $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions;
00036         # Syntax for arguments (see Parser::setFunctionHook):
00037         #  "name for lookup in localized magic words array",
00038         #  function callback,
00039         #  optional SFH_NO_HASH to omit the hash from calls (e.g. {{int:...}}
00040         #    instead of {{#int:...}})
00041         $noHashFunctions = array(
00042             'ns', 'nse', 'urlencode', 'lcfirst', 'ucfirst', 'lc', 'uc',
00043             'localurl', 'localurle', 'fullurl', 'fullurle', 'canonicalurl',
00044             'canonicalurle', 'formatnum', 'grammar', 'gender', 'plural',
00045             'numberofpages', 'numberofusers', 'numberofactiveusers',
00046             'numberofarticles', 'numberoffiles', 'numberofadmins',
00047             'numberingroup', 'numberofedits', 'numberofviews', 'language',
00048             'padleft', 'padright', 'anchorencode', 'defaultsort', 'filepath',
00049             'pagesincategory', 'pagesize', 'protectionlevel',
00050             'namespacee', 'namespacenumber', 'talkspace', 'talkspacee',
00051             'subjectspace', 'subjectspacee', 'pagename', 'pagenamee',
00052             'fullpagename', 'fullpagenamee', 'rootpagename', 'rootpagenamee',
00053             'basepagename', 'basepagenamee', 'subpagename', 'subpagenamee',
00054             'talkpagename', 'talkpagenamee', 'subjectpagename',
00055             'subjectpagenamee', 'pageid', 'revisionid', 'revisionday',
00056             'revisionday2', 'revisionmonth', 'revisionmonth1', 'revisionyear',
00057             'revisiontimestamp', 'revisionuser', 'cascadingsources',
00058         );
00059         foreach ( $noHashFunctions as $func ) {
00060             $parser->setFunctionHook( $func, array( __CLASS__, $func ), SFH_NO_HASH );
00061         }
00063         $parser->setFunctionHook( 'namespace', array( __CLASS__, 'mwnamespace' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
00064         $parser->setFunctionHook( 'int', array( __CLASS__, 'intFunction' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
00065         $parser->setFunctionHook( 'special', array( __CLASS__, 'special' ) );
00066         $parser->setFunctionHook( 'speciale', array( __CLASS__, 'speciale' ) );
00067         $parser->setFunctionHook( 'tag', array( __CLASS__, 'tagObj' ), SFH_OBJECT_ARGS );
00068         $parser->setFunctionHook( 'formatdate', array( __CLASS__, 'formatDate' ) );
00070         if ( $wgAllowDisplayTitle ) {
00071             $parser->setFunctionHook( 'displaytitle', array( __CLASS__, 'displaytitle' ), SFH_NO_HASH );
00072         }
00073         if ( $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions ) {
00074             $parser->setFunctionHook(
00075                 'pagesinnamespace',
00076                 array( __CLASS__, 'pagesinnamespace' ),
00077                 SFH_NO_HASH
00078             );
00079         }
00080     }
00087     public static function intFunction( $parser, $part1 = '' /*, ... */ ) {
00088         if ( strval( $part1 ) !== '' ) {
00089             $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 );
00090             $message = wfMessage( $part1, $args )
00091                 ->inLanguage( $parser->getOptions()->getUserLangObj() )->plain();
00093             return array( $message, 'noparse' => false );
00094         } else {
00095             return array( 'found' => false );
00096         }
00097     }
00106     public static function formatDate( $parser, $date, $defaultPref = null ) {
00107         $lang = $parser->getFunctionLang();
00108         $df = DateFormatter::getInstance( $lang );
00110         $date = trim( $date );
00112         $pref = $parser->getOptions()->getDateFormat();
00114         // Specify a different default date format other than the the normal default
00115         // if the user has 'default' for their setting
00116         if ( $pref == 'default' && $defaultPref ) {
00117             $pref = $defaultPref;
00118         }
00120         $date = $df->reformat( $pref, $date, array( 'match-whole' ) );
00121         return $date;
00122     }
00124     public static function ns( $parser, $part1 = '' ) {
00125         global $wgContLang;
00126         if ( intval( $part1 ) || $part1 == "0" ) {
00127             $index = intval( $part1 );
00128         } else {
00129             $index = $wgContLang->getNsIndex( str_replace( ' ', '_', $part1 ) );
00130         }
00131         if ( $index !== false ) {
00132             return $wgContLang->getFormattedNsText( $index );
00133         } else {
00134             return array( 'found' => false );
00135         }
00136     }
00138     public static function nse( $parser, $part1 = '' ) {
00139         $ret = self::ns( $parser, $part1 );
00140         if ( is_string( $ret ) ) {
00141             $ret = wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $ret ) );
00142         }
00143         return $ret;
00144     }
00158     public static function urlencode( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00159         static $magicWords = null;
00160         if ( is_null( $magicWords ) ) {
00161             $magicWords = new MagicWordArray( array( 'url_path', 'url_query', 'url_wiki' ) );
00162         }
00163         switch ( $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $arg ) ) {
00165             // Encode as though it's a wiki page, '_' for ' '.
00166             case 'url_wiki':
00167                 $func = 'wfUrlencode';
00168                 $s = str_replace( ' ', '_', $s );
00169                 break;
00171             // Encode for an HTTP Path, '%20' for ' '.
00172             case 'url_path':
00173                 $func = 'rawurlencode';
00174                 break;
00176             // Encode for HTTP query, '+' for ' '.
00177             case 'url_query':
00178             default:
00179                 $func = 'urlencode';
00180         }
00181         return $parser->markerSkipCallback( $s, $func );
00182     }
00184     public static function lcfirst( $parser, $s = '' ) {
00185         global $wgContLang;
00186         return $wgContLang->lcfirst( $s );
00187     }
00189     public static function ucfirst( $parser, $s = '' ) {
00190         global $wgContLang;
00191         return $wgContLang->ucfirst( $s );
00192     }
00199     public static function lc( $parser, $s = '' ) {
00200         global $wgContLang;
00201         return $parser->markerSkipCallback( $s, array( $wgContLang, 'lc' ) );
00202     }
00209     public static function uc( $parser, $s = '' ) {
00210         global $wgContLang;
00211         return $parser->markerSkipCallback( $s, array( $wgContLang, 'uc' ) );
00212     }
00214     public static function localurl( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00215         return self::urlFunction( 'getLocalURL', $s, $arg );
00216     }
00218     public static function localurle( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00219         $temp = self::urlFunction( 'getLocalURL', $s, $arg );
00220         if ( !is_string( $temp ) ) {
00221             return $temp;
00222         } else {
00223             return htmlspecialchars( $temp );
00224         }
00225     }
00227     public static function fullurl( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00228         return self::urlFunction( 'getFullURL', $s, $arg );
00229     }
00231     public static function fullurle( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00232         $temp = self::urlFunction( 'getFullURL', $s, $arg );
00233         if ( !is_string( $temp ) ) {
00234             return $temp;
00235         } else {
00236             return htmlspecialchars( $temp );
00237         }
00238     }
00240     public static function canonicalurl( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00241         return self::urlFunction( 'getCanonicalURL', $s, $arg );
00242     }
00244     public static function canonicalurle( $parser, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00245         $temp = self::urlFunction( 'getCanonicalURL', $s, $arg );
00246         if ( !is_string( $temp ) ) {
00247             return $temp;
00248         } else {
00249             return htmlspecialchars( $temp );
00250         }
00251     }
00253     public static function urlFunction( $func, $s = '', $arg = null ) {
00254         $title = Title::newFromText( $s );
00255         # Due to order of execution of a lot of bits, the values might be encoded
00256         # before arriving here; if that's true, then the title can't be created
00257         # and the variable will fail. If we can't get a decent title from the first
00258         # attempt, url-decode and try for a second.
00259         if ( is_null( $title ) ) {
00260             $title = Title::newFromURL( urldecode( $s ) );
00261         }
00262         if ( !is_null( $title ) ) {
00263             # Convert NS_MEDIA -> NS_FILE
00264             if ( $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIA ) {
00265                 $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $title->getDBkey() );
00266             }
00267             if ( !is_null( $arg ) ) {
00268                 $text = $title->$func( $arg );
00269             } else {
00270                 $text = $title->$func();
00271             }
00272             return $text;
00273         } else {
00274             return array( 'found' => false );
00275         }
00276     }
00284     public static function formatnum( $parser, $num = '', $arg = null ) {
00285         if ( self::matchAgainstMagicword( 'rawsuffix', $arg ) ) {
00286             $func = array( $parser->getFunctionLang(), 'parseFormattedNumber' );
00287         } elseif ( self::matchAgainstMagicword( 'nocommafysuffix', $arg ) ) {
00288             $func = array( $parser->getFunctionLang(), 'formatNumNoSeparators' );
00289         } else {
00290             $func = array( $parser->getFunctionLang(), 'formatNum' );
00291         }
00292         return $parser->markerSkipCallback( $num, $func );
00293     }
00301     public static function grammar( $parser, $case = '', $word = '' ) {
00302         $word = $parser->killMarkers( $word );
00303         return $parser->getFunctionLang()->convertGrammar( $word, $case );
00304     }
00311     public static function gender( $parser, $username ) {
00312         wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
00313         $forms = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 );
00315         // Some shortcuts to avoid loading user data unnecessarily
00316         if ( count( $forms ) === 0 ) {
00317             wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00318             return '';
00319         } elseif ( count( $forms ) === 1 ) {
00320             wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00321             return $forms[0];
00322         }
00324         $username = trim( $username );
00326         // default
00327         $gender = User::getDefaultOption( 'gender' );
00329         // allow prefix.
00330         $title = Title::newFromText( $username );
00332         if ( $title && $title->getNamespace() == NS_USER ) {
00333             $username = $title->getText();
00334         }
00336         // check parameter, or use the ParserOptions if in interface message
00337         $user = User::newFromName( $username );
00338         if ( $user ) {
00339             $gender = GenderCache::singleton()->getGenderOf( $user, __METHOD__ );
00340         } elseif ( $username === '' && $parser->getOptions()->getInterfaceMessage() ) {
00341             $gender = GenderCache::singleton()->getGenderOf( $parser->getOptions()->getUser(), __METHOD__ );
00342         }
00343         $ret = $parser->getFunctionLang()->gender( $gender, $forms );
00344         wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00345         return $ret;
00346     }
00353     public static function plural( $parser, $text = '' ) {
00354         $forms = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 );
00355         $text = $parser->getFunctionLang()->parseFormattedNumber( $text );
00356         settype( $text, ctype_digit( $text ) ? 'int' : 'float' );
00357         return $parser->getFunctionLang()->convertPlural( $text, $forms );
00358     }
00369     public static function displaytitle( $parser, $text = '', $uarg = '' ) {
00370         global $wgRestrictDisplayTitle;
00372         static $magicWords = null;
00373         if ( is_null( $magicWords ) ) {
00374             $magicWords = new MagicWordArray( array( 'displaytitle_noerror', 'displaytitle_noreplace' ) );
00375         }
00376         $arg = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $uarg );
00378         // parse a limited subset of wiki markup (just the single quote items)
00379         $text = $parser->doQuotes( $text );
00381         // remove stripped text (e.g. the UNIQ-QINU stuff) that was generated by tag extensions/whatever
00382         $text = preg_replace( '/' . preg_quote( $parser->uniqPrefix(), '/' ) . '.*?'
00383             . preg_quote( Parser::MARKER_SUFFIX, '/' ) . '/', '', $text );
00385         // list of disallowed tags for DISPLAYTITLE
00386         // these will be escaped even though they are allowed in normal wiki text
00387         $bad = array( 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'div', 'blockquote', 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'hr',
00388             'table', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'dl', 'dd', 'caption', 'p', 'ruby', 'rb', 'rt', 'rtc', 'rp', 'br' );
00390         // disallow some styles that could be used to bypass $wgRestrictDisplayTitle
00391         if ( $wgRestrictDisplayTitle ) {
00392             $htmlTagsCallback = function ( &$params ) {
00393                 $decoded = Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes( $params );
00395                 if ( isset( $decoded['style'] ) ) {
00396                     // this is called later anyway, but we need it right now for the regexes below to be safe
00397                     // calling it twice doesn't hurt
00398                     $decoded['style'] = Sanitizer::checkCss( $decoded['style'] );
00400                     if ( preg_match( '/(display|user-select|visibility)\s*:/i', $decoded['style'] ) ) {
00401                         $decoded['style'] = '/* attempt to bypass $wgRestrictDisplayTitle */';
00402                     }
00403                 }
00405                 $params = Sanitizer::safeEncodeTagAttributes( $decoded );
00406             };
00407         } else {
00408             $htmlTagsCallback = null;
00409         }
00411         // only requested titles that normalize to the actual title are allowed through
00412         // if $wgRestrictDisplayTitle is true (it is by default)
00413         // mimic the escaping process that occurs in OutputPage::setPageTitle
00414         $text = Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences( Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags(
00415             $text,
00416             $htmlTagsCallback,
00417             array(),
00418             array(),
00419             $bad
00420         ) );
00421         $title = Title::newFromText( Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $text ) );
00423         if ( !$wgRestrictDisplayTitle ||
00424             ( $title instanceof Title
00425             && !$title->hasFragment()
00426             && $title->equals( $parser->mTitle ) )
00427         ) {
00428             $old = $parser->mOutput->getProperty( 'displaytitle' );
00429             if ( $old === false || $arg !== 'displaytitle_noreplace' ) {
00430                 $parser->mOutput->setDisplayTitle( $text );
00431             }
00432             if ( $old !== false && $old !== $text && !$arg ) {
00433                 $converter = $parser->getConverterLanguage()->getConverter();
00434                 return '<span class="error">' .
00435                     wfMessage( 'duplicate-displaytitle',
00436                         // Message should be parsed, but these params should only be escaped.
00437                         $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $old ) ),
00438                         $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $text ) )
00439                     )->inContentLanguage()->text() .
00440                     '</span>';
00441             }
00442         }
00444         return '';
00445     }
00454     private static function matchAgainstMagicword( $magicword, $value ) {
00455         $value = trim( strval( $value ) );
00456         if ( $value === '' ) {
00457             return false;
00458         }
00459         $mwObject = MagicWord::get( $magicword );
00460         return $mwObject->matchStartToEnd( $value );
00461     }
00463     public static function formatRaw( $num, $raw ) {
00464         if ( self::matchAgainstMagicword( 'rawsuffix', $raw ) ) {
00465             return $num;
00466         } else {
00467             global $wgContLang;
00468             return $wgContLang->formatNum( $num );
00469         }
00470     }
00471     public static function numberofpages( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00472         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::pages(), $raw );
00473     }
00474     public static function numberofusers( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00475         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::users(), $raw );
00476     }
00477     public static function numberofactiveusers( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00478         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::activeUsers(), $raw );
00479     }
00480     public static function numberofarticles( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00481         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::articles(), $raw );
00482     }
00483     public static function numberoffiles( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00484         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::images(), $raw );
00485     }
00486     public static function numberofadmins( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00487         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::numberingroup( 'sysop' ), $raw );
00488     }
00489     public static function numberofedits( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00490         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::edits(), $raw );
00491     }
00492     public static function numberofviews( $parser, $raw = null ) {
00493         global $wgDisableCounters;
00494         return !$wgDisableCounters ? self::formatRaw( SiteStats::views(), $raw ) : '';
00495     }
00496     public static function pagesinnamespace( $parser, $namespace = 0, $raw = null ) {
00497         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::pagesInNs( intval( $namespace ) ), $raw );
00498     }
00499     public static function numberingroup( $parser, $name = '', $raw = null ) {
00500         return self::formatRaw( SiteStats::numberingroup( strtolower( $name ) ), $raw );
00501     }
00512     public static function mwnamespace( $parser, $title = null ) {
00513         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00514         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00515             return '';
00516         }
00517         return str_replace( '_', ' ', $t->getNsText() );
00518     }
00519     public static function namespacee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00520         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00521         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00522             return '';
00523         }
00524         return wfUrlencode( $t->getNsText() );
00525     }
00526     public static function namespacenumber( $parser, $title = null ) {
00527         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00528         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00529             return '';
00530         }
00531         return $t->getNamespace();
00532     }
00533     public static function talkspace( $parser, $title = null ) {
00534         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00535         if ( is_null( $t ) || !$t->canTalk() ) {
00536             return '';
00537         }
00538         return str_replace( '_', ' ', $t->getTalkNsText() );
00539     }
00540     public static function talkspacee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00541         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00542         if ( is_null( $t ) || !$t->canTalk() ) {
00543             return '';
00544         }
00545         return wfUrlencode( $t->getTalkNsText() );
00546     }
00547     public static function subjectspace( $parser, $title = null ) {
00548         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00549         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00550             return '';
00551         }
00552         return str_replace( '_', ' ', $t->getSubjectNsText() );
00553     }
00554     public static function subjectspacee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00555         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00556         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00557             return '';
00558         }
00559         return wfUrlencode( $t->getSubjectNsText() );
00560     }
00569     public static function pagename( $parser, $title = null ) {
00570         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00571         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00572             return '';
00573         }
00574         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getText() );
00575     }
00576     public static function pagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00577         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00578         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00579             return '';
00580         }
00581         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getPartialURL() );
00582     }
00583     public static function fullpagename( $parser, $title = null ) {
00584         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00585         if ( is_null( $t ) || !$t->canTalk() ) {
00586             return '';
00587         }
00588         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getPrefixedText() );
00589     }
00590     public static function fullpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00591         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00592         if ( is_null( $t ) || !$t->canTalk() ) {
00593             return '';
00594         }
00595         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getPrefixedURL() );
00596     }
00597     public static function subpagename( $parser, $title = null ) {
00598         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00599         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00600             return '';
00601         }
00602         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubpageText() );
00603     }
00604     public static function subpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00605         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00606         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00607             return '';
00608         }
00609         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubpageUrlForm() );
00610     }
00611     public static function rootpagename( $parser, $title = null ) {
00612         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00613         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00614             return '';
00615         }
00616         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getRootText() );
00617     }
00618     public static function rootpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00619         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00620         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00621             return '';
00622         }
00623         return wfEscapeWikiText( wfUrlEncode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $t->getRootText() ) ) );
00624     }
00625     public static function basepagename( $parser, $title = null ) {
00626         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00627         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00628             return '';
00629         }
00630         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getBaseText() );
00631     }
00632     public static function basepagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00633         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00634         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00635             return '';
00636         }
00637         return wfEscapeWikiText( wfUrlEncode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $t->getBaseText() ) ) );
00638     }
00639     public static function talkpagename( $parser, $title = null ) {
00640         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00641         if ( is_null( $t ) || !$t->canTalk() ) {
00642             return '';
00643         }
00644         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getTalkPage()->getPrefixedText() );
00645     }
00646     public static function talkpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00647         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00648         if ( is_null( $t ) || !$t->canTalk() ) {
00649             return '';
00650         }
00651         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getTalkPage()->getPrefixedURL() );
00652     }
00653     public static function subjectpagename( $parser, $title = null ) {
00654         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00655         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00656             return '';
00657         }
00658         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubjectPage()->getPrefixedText() );
00659     }
00660     public static function subjectpagenamee( $parser, $title = null ) {
00661         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
00662         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
00663             return '';
00664         }
00665         return wfEscapeWikiText( $t->getSubjectPage()->getPrefixedURL() );
00666     }
00678     public static function pagesincategory( $parser, $name = '', $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null ) {
00679         global $wgContLang;
00680         static $magicWords = null;
00681         if ( is_null( $magicWords ) ) {
00682             $magicWords = new MagicWordArray( array(
00683                 'pagesincategory_all',
00684                 'pagesincategory_pages',
00685                 'pagesincategory_subcats',
00686                 'pagesincategory_files'
00687             ) );
00688         }
00689         static $cache = array();
00691         // split the given option to its variable
00692         if ( self::matchAgainstMagicword( 'rawsuffix', $arg1 ) ) {
00693             //{{pagesincategory:|raw[|type]}}
00694             $raw = $arg1;
00695             $type = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $arg2 );
00696         } else {
00697             //{{pagesincategory:[|type[|raw]]}}
00698             $type = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $arg1 );
00699             $raw = $arg2;
00700         }
00701         if ( !$type ) { //backward compatibility
00702             $type = 'pagesincategory_all';
00703         }
00705         $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_CATEGORY, $name );
00706         if ( !$title ) { # invalid title
00707             return self::formatRaw( 0, $raw );
00708         }
00709         $wgContLang->findVariantLink( $name, $title, true );
00711         // Normalize name for cache
00712         $name = $title->getDBkey();
00714         if ( !isset( $cache[$name] ) ) {
00715             $category = Category::newFromTitle( $title );
00717             $allCount = $subcatCount = $fileCount = $pagesCount = 0;
00718             if ( $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) {
00719                 // $allCount is the total number of cat members,
00720                 // not the count of how many members are normal pages.
00721                 $allCount = (int)$category->getPageCount();
00722                 $subcatCount = (int)$category->getSubcatCount();
00723                 $fileCount = (int)$category->getFileCount();
00724                 $pagesCount = $allCount - $subcatCount - $fileCount;
00725             }
00726             $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_all'] = $allCount;
00727             $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_pages'] = $pagesCount;
00728             $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_subcats'] = $subcatCount;
00729             $cache[$name]['pagesincategory_files'] = $fileCount;
00730         }
00732         $count = $cache[$name][$type];
00733         return self::formatRaw( $count, $raw );
00734     }
00745     public static function pagesize( $parser, $page = '', $raw = null ) {
00746         $title = Title::newFromText( $page );
00748         if ( !is_object( $title ) ) {
00749             return self::formatRaw( 0, $raw );
00750         }
00752         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
00753         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $title );
00754         $length = $rev ? $rev->getSize() : 0;
00755         return self::formatRaw( $length, $raw );
00756     }
00770     public static function protectionlevel( $parser, $type = '', $title = '' ) {
00771         $titleObject = Title::newFromText( $title );
00772         if ( !( $titleObject instanceof Title ) ) {
00773             $titleObject = $parser->mTitle;
00774         }
00775         if ( $titleObject->areRestrictionsLoaded() || $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) {
00776             $restrictions = $titleObject->getRestrictions( strtolower( $type ) );
00777             # Title::getRestrictions returns an array, its possible it may have
00778             # multiple values in the future
00779             return implode( $restrictions, ',' );
00780         }
00781         return '';
00782     }
00791     public static function language( $parser, $code = '', $inLanguage = '' ) {
00792         $code = strtolower( $code );
00793         $inLanguage = strtolower( $inLanguage );
00794         $lang = Language::fetchLanguageName( $code, $inLanguage );
00795         return $lang !== '' ? $lang : wfBCP47( $code );
00796     }
00807     public static function pad( $parser, $string, $length, $padding = '0', $direction = STR_PAD_RIGHT ) {
00808         $padding = $parser->killMarkers( $padding );
00809         $lengthOfPadding = mb_strlen( $padding );
00810         if ( $lengthOfPadding == 0 ) {
00811             return $string;
00812         }
00814         # The remaining length to add counts down to 0 as padding is added
00815         $length = min( $length, 500 ) - mb_strlen( $string );
00816         # $finalPadding is just $padding repeated enough times so that
00817         # mb_strlen( $string ) + mb_strlen( $finalPadding ) == $length
00818         $finalPadding = '';
00819         while ( $length > 0 ) {
00820             # If $length < $lengthofPadding, truncate $padding so we get the
00821             # exact length desired.
00822             $finalPadding .= mb_substr( $padding, 0, $length );
00823             $length -= $lengthOfPadding;
00824         }
00826         if ( $direction == STR_PAD_LEFT ) {
00827             return $finalPadding . $string;
00828         } else {
00829             return $string . $finalPadding;
00830         }
00831     }
00833     public static function padleft( $parser, $string = '', $length = 0, $padding = '0' ) {
00834         return self::pad( $parser, $string, $length, $padding, STR_PAD_LEFT );
00835     }
00837     public static function padright( $parser, $string = '', $length = 0, $padding = '0' ) {
00838         return self::pad( $parser, $string, $length, $padding );
00839     }
00846     public static function anchorencode( $parser, $text ) {
00847         $text = $parser->killMarkers( $text );
00848         return (string)substr( $parser->guessSectionNameFromWikiText( $text ), 1 );
00849     }
00851     public static function special( $parser, $text ) {
00852         list( $page, $subpage ) = SpecialPageFactory::resolveAlias( $text );
00853         if ( $page ) {
00854             $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $page, $subpage );
00855             return $title->getPrefixedText();
00856         } else {
00857             // unknown special page, just use the given text as its title, if at all possible
00858             $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_SPECIAL, $text );
00859             return $title ? $title->getPrefixedText() : self::special( $parser, 'Badtitle' );
00860         }
00861     }
00863     public static function speciale( $parser, $text ) {
00864         return wfUrlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', self::special( $parser, $text ) ) );
00865     }
00875     public static function defaultsort( $parser, $text, $uarg = '' ) {
00876         static $magicWords = null;
00877         if ( is_null( $magicWords ) ) {
00878             $magicWords = new MagicWordArray( array( 'defaultsort_noerror', 'defaultsort_noreplace' ) );
00879         }
00880         $arg = $magicWords->matchStartToEnd( $uarg );
00882         $text = trim( $text );
00883         if ( strlen( $text ) == 0 ) {
00884             return '';
00885         }
00886         $old = $parser->getCustomDefaultSort();
00887         if ( $old === false || $arg !== 'defaultsort_noreplace' ) {
00888             $parser->setDefaultSort( $text );
00889         }
00891         if ( $old === false || $old == $text || $arg ) {
00892             return '';
00893         } else {
00894             $converter = $parser->getConverterLanguage()->getConverter();
00895             return '<span class="error">' .
00896                 wfMessage( 'duplicate-defaultsort',
00897                     // Message should be parsed, but these params should only be escaped.
00898                     $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $old ) ),
00899                     $converter->markNoConversion( wfEscapeWikiText( $text ) )
00900                 )->inContentLanguage()->text() .
00901                 '</span>';
00902         }
00903     }
00905     // Usage {{filepath|300}}, {{filepath|nowiki}}, {{filepath|nowiki|300}}
00906     // or {{filepath|300|nowiki}} or {{filepath|300px}}, {{filepath|200x300px}},
00907     // {{filepath|nowiki|200x300px}}, {{filepath|200x300px|nowiki}}.
00908     public static function filepath( $parser, $name = '', $argA = '', $argB = '' ) {
00909         $file = wfFindFile( $name );
00911         if ( $argA == 'nowiki' ) {
00912             // {{filepath: | option [| size] }}
00913             $isNowiki = true;
00914             $parsedWidthParam = $parser->parseWidthParam( $argB );
00915         } else {
00916             // {{filepath: [| size [|option]] }}
00917             $parsedWidthParam = $parser->parseWidthParam( $argA );
00918             $isNowiki = ( $argB == 'nowiki' );
00919         }
00921         if ( $file ) {
00922             $url = $file->getFullUrl();
00924             // If a size is requested...
00925             if ( count( $parsedWidthParam ) ) {
00926                 $mto = $file->transform( $parsedWidthParam );
00927                 // ... and we can
00928                 if ( $mto && !$mto->isError() ) {
00929                     // ... change the URL to point to a thumbnail.
00930                     $url = wfExpandUrl( $mto->getUrl(), PROTO_RELATIVE );
00931                 }
00932             }
00933             if ( $isNowiki ) {
00934                 return array( $url, 'nowiki' => true );
00935             }
00936             return $url;
00937         } else {
00938             return '';
00939         }
00940     }
00949     public static function tagObj( $parser, $frame, $args ) {
00950         if ( !count( $args ) ) {
00951             return '';
00952         }
00953         $tagName = strtolower( trim( $frame->expand( array_shift( $args ) ) ) );
00955         if ( count( $args ) ) {
00956             $inner = $frame->expand( array_shift( $args ) );
00957         } else {
00958             $inner = null;
00959         }
00961         $stripList = $parser->getStripList();
00962         if ( !in_array( $tagName, $stripList ) ) {
00963             return '<span class="error">' .
00964                 wfMessage( 'unknown_extension_tag', $tagName )->inContentLanguage()->text() .
00965                 '</span>';
00966         }
00968         $attributes = array();
00969         foreach ( $args as $arg ) {
00970             $bits = $arg->splitArg();
00971             if ( strval( $bits['index'] ) === '' ) {
00972                 $name = trim( $frame->expand( $bits['name'], PPFrame::STRIP_COMMENTS ) );
00973                 $value = trim( $frame->expand( $bits['value'] ) );
00974                 if ( preg_match( '/^(?:["\'](.+)["\']|""|\'\')$/s', $value, $m ) ) {
00975                     $value = isset( $m[1] ) ? $m[1] : '';
00976                 }
00977                 $attributes[$name] = $value;
00978             }
00979         }
00981         $params = array(
00982             'name' => $tagName,
00983             'inner' => $inner,
00984             'attributes' => $attributes,
00985             'close' => "</$tagName>",
00986         );
00987         return $parser->extensionSubstitution( $params, $frame );
00988     }
01002     private static function getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $title = null ) {
01003         static $cache = null;
01004         if ( $cache == null ) {
01005             $cache = new MapCacheLRU( 50 );
01006         }
01008         if ( is_null( $title ) ) {
01009             return null;
01010         }
01012         // Use the revision from the parser itself, when param is the current page
01013         // and the revision is the current one
01014         if ( $title->equals( $parser->getTitle() ) ) {
01015             $parserRev = $parser->getRevisionObject();
01016             if ( $parserRev && $parserRev->isCurrent() ) {
01017                 // force reparse after edit with vary-revision flag
01018                 $parser->getOutput()->setFlag( 'vary-revision' );
01019                 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": use current revision from parser, setting vary-revision...\n" );
01020                 return $parserRev;
01021             }
01022         }
01024         // Normalize name for cache
01025         $page = $title->getPrefixedDBkey();
01027         if ( $cache->has( $page ) ) { // cache contains null values
01028             return $cache->get( $page );
01029         }
01030         if ( $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) {
01031             $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $title, false, Revision::READ_NORMAL );
01032             $pageID = $rev ? $rev->getPage() : 0;
01033             $revID = $rev ? $rev->getId() : 0;
01034             $cache->set( $page, $rev ); // maybe null
01036             // Register dependency in templatelinks
01037             $parser->getOutput()->addTemplate( $title, $pageID, $revID );
01039             return $rev;
01040         }
01041         $cache->set( $page, null );
01042         return null;
01043     }
01052     public static function pageid( $parser, $title = null ) {
01053         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01054         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01055             return '';
01056         }
01057         // Use title from parser to have correct pageid after edit
01058         if ( $t->equals( $parser->getTitle() ) ) {
01059             $t = $parser->getTitle();
01060             return $t->getArticleID();
01061         }
01063         // These can't have ids
01064         if ( !$t->canExist() || $t->isExternal() ) {
01065             return 0;
01066         }
01068         // Check the link cache, maybe something already looked it up.
01069         $linkCache = LinkCache::singleton();
01070         $pdbk = $t->getPrefixedDBkey();
01071         $id = $linkCache->getGoodLinkID( $pdbk );
01072         if ( $id != 0 ) {
01073             $parser->mOutput->addLink( $t, $id );
01074             return $id;
01075         }
01076         if ( $linkCache->isBadLink( $pdbk ) ) {
01077             $parser->mOutput->addLink( $t, 0 );
01078             return $id;
01079         }
01081         // We need to load it from the DB, so mark expensive
01082         if ( $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount() ) {
01083             $id = $t->getArticleID();
01084             $parser->mOutput->addLink( $t, $id );
01085             return $id;
01086         }
01087         return null;
01088     }
01097     public static function revisionid( $parser, $title = null ) {
01098         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01099         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01100             return '';
01101         }
01102         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01103         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01104         return $rev ? $rev->getId() : '';
01105     }
01114     public static function revisionday( $parser, $title = null ) {
01115         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01116         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01117             return '';
01118         }
01119         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01120         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01121         return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'j' ) : '';
01122     }
01131     public static function revisionday2( $parser, $title = null ) {
01132         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01133         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01134             return '';
01135         }
01136         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01137         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01138         return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'd' ) : '';
01139     }
01148     public static function revisionmonth( $parser, $title = null ) {
01149         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01150         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01151             return '';
01152         }
01153         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01154         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01155         return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'm' ) : '';
01156     }
01165     public static function revisionmonth1( $parser, $title = null ) {
01166         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01167         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01168             return '';
01169         }
01170         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01171         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01172         return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'n' ) : '';
01173     }
01182     public static function revisionyear( $parser, $title = null ) {
01183         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01184         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01185             return '';
01186         }
01187         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01188         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01189         return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'Y' ) : '';
01190     }
01199     public static function revisiontimestamp( $parser, $title = null ) {
01200         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01201         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01202             return '';
01203         }
01204         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01205         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01206         return $rev ? MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance( $rev->getTimestamp() )->format( 'YmdHis' ) : '';
01207     }
01216     public static function revisionuser( $parser, $title = null ) {
01217         $t = Title::newFromText( $title );
01218         if ( is_null( $t ) ) {
01219             return '';
01220         }
01221         // fetch revision from cache/database and return the value
01222         $rev = self::getCachedRevisionObject( $parser, $t );
01223         return $rev ? $rev->getUserText() : '';
01224     }
01238     public static function cascadingsources( $parser, $title = '' ) {
01239         $titleObject = Title::newFromText( $title );
01240         if ( !( $titleObject instanceof Title ) ) {
01241             $titleObject = $parser->mTitle;
01242         }
01243         if ( $titleObject->areCascadeProtectionSourcesLoaded()
01244             || $parser->incrementExpensiveFunctionCount()
01245         ) {
01246             $names = array();
01247             $sources = $titleObject->getCascadeProtectionSources();
01248             foreach ( $sources[0] as $sourceTitle ) {
01249                 $names[] = $sourceTitle->getPrefixedText();
01250             }
01251             return implode( $names, '|' );
01252         }
01253         return '';
01254     }
01256 }