MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00046 class ExternalStore {
00054     public static function getStoreObject( $proto, array $params = array() ) {
00055         global $wgExternalStores;
00057         if ( !$wgExternalStores || !in_array( $proto, $wgExternalStores ) ) {
00058             return false; // protocol not enabled
00059         }
00061         $class = 'ExternalStore' . ucfirst( $proto );
00063         // Any custom modules should be added to $wgAutoLoadClasses for on-demand loading
00064         return class_exists( $class ) ? new $class( $params ) : false;
00065     }
00075     public static function fetchFromURL( $url, array $params = array() ) {
00076         $parts = explode( '://', $url, 2 );
00077         if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) {
00078             return false; // invalid URL
00079         }
00081         list( $proto, $path ) = $parts;
00082         if ( $path == '' ) { // bad URL
00083             return false;
00084         }
00086         $store = self::getStoreObject( $proto, $params );
00087         if ( $store === false ) {
00088             return false;
00089         }
00091         return $store->fetchFromURL( $url );
00092     }
00101     public static function batchFetchFromURLs( array $urls ) {
00102         $batches = array();
00103         foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
00104             $scheme = parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_SCHEME );
00105             if ( $scheme ) {
00106                 $batches[$scheme][] = $url;
00107             }
00108         }
00109         $retval = array();
00110         foreach ( $batches as $proto => $batchedUrls ) {
00111             $store = self::getStoreObject( $proto );
00112             if ( $store === false ) {
00113                 continue;
00114             }
00115             $retval += $store->batchFetchFromURLs( $batchedUrls );
00116         }
00117         // invalid, not found, db dead, etc.
00118         $missing = array_diff( $urls, array_keys( $retval ) );
00119         if ( $missing ) {
00120             foreach ( $missing as $url ) {
00121                 $retval[$url] = false;
00122             }
00123         }
00125         return $retval;
00126     }
00139     public static function insert( $url, $data, array $params = array() ) {
00140         $parts = explode( '://', $url, 2 );
00141         if ( count( $parts ) != 2 ) {
00142             return false; // invalid URL
00143         }
00145         list( $proto, $path ) = $parts;
00146         if ( $path == '' ) { // bad URL
00147             return false;
00148         }
00150         $store = self::getStoreObject( $proto, $params );
00151         if ( $store === false ) {
00152             return false;
00153         } else {
00154             return $store->store( $path, $data );
00155         }
00156     }
00169     public static function insertToDefault( $data, array $params = array() ) {
00170         global $wgDefaultExternalStore;
00172         return self::insertWithFallback( (array)$wgDefaultExternalStore, $data, $params );
00173     }
00187     public static function insertWithFallback( array $tryStores, $data, array $params = array() ) {
00188         $error = false;
00189         while ( count( $tryStores ) > 0 ) {
00190             $index = mt_rand( 0, count( $tryStores ) - 1 );
00191             $storeUrl = $tryStores[$index];
00192             wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": trying $storeUrl\n" );
00193             list( $proto, $path ) = explode( '://', $storeUrl, 2 );
00194             $store = self::getStoreObject( $proto, $params );
00195             if ( $store === false ) {
00196                 throw new MWException( "Invalid external storage protocol - $storeUrl" );
00197             }
00198             try {
00199                 $url = $store->store( $path, $data ); // Try to save the object
00200             } catch ( MWException $error ) {
00201                 $url = false;
00202             }
00203             if ( strlen( $url ) ) {
00204                 return $url; // Done!
00205             } else {
00206                 unset( $tryStores[$index] ); // Don't try this one again!
00207                 $tryStores = array_values( $tryStores ); // Must have consecutive keys
00208                 wfDebugLog( 'ExternalStorage',
00209                     "Unable to store text to external storage $storeUrl" );
00210             }
00211         }
00212         // All stores failed
00213         if ( $error ) {
00214             throw $error; // rethrow the last error
00215         } else {
00216             throw new MWException( "Unable to store text to external storage" );
00217         }
00218     }
00226     public static function insertToForeignDefault( $data, $wiki ) {
00227         return self::insertToDefault( $data, array( 'wiki' => $wiki ) );
00228     }
00229 }