00001 <?php 00012 class JpegMetadataExtractorTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { 00013 00014 protected $filePath; 00015 00016 protected function setUp() { 00017 parent::setUp(); 00018 00019 $this->filePath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/media/'; 00020 } 00021 00030 public function testUtf8Comment( $file ) { 00031 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . $file ); 00032 $this->assertEquals( array( 'UTF-8 JPEG Comment — ¼' ), $res['COM'] ); 00033 } 00034 00035 public static function provideUtf8Comment() { 00036 return array( 00037 array( 'jpeg-comment-utf.jpg' ), 00038 array( 'jpeg-padding-even.jpg' ), 00039 array( 'jpeg-padding-odd.jpg' ), 00040 ); 00041 } 00042 00044 public function testIso88591Comment() { 00045 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-comment-iso8859-1.jpg' ); 00046 $this->assertEquals( array( 'ISO-8859-1 JPEG Comment - ¼' ), $res['COM'] ); 00047 } 00048 00053 public function testBinaryCommentStripped() { 00054 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-comment-binary.jpg' ); 00055 $this->assertEmpty( $res['COM'] ); 00056 } 00057 00058 /* Very rarely a file can have multiple comments. 00059 * Order of comments is based on order inside the file. 00060 */ 00061 public function testMultipleComment() { 00062 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-comment-multiple.jpg' ); 00063 $this->assertEquals( array( 'foo', 'bar' ), $res['COM'] ); 00064 } 00065 00066 public function testXMPExtraction() { 00067 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-xmp-psir.jpg' ); 00068 $expected = file_get_contents( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-xmp-psir.xmp' ); 00069 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res['XMP'] ); 00070 } 00071 00072 public function testPSIRExtraction() { 00073 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-xmp-psir.jpg' ); 00074 $expected = '50686f746f73686f7020332e30003842494d04040000000' 00075 . '000181c02190004746573741c02190003666f6f1c020000020004'; 00076 $this->assertEquals( $expected, bin2hex( $res['PSIR'][0] ) ); 00077 } 00078 00079 public function testXMPExtractionAltAppId() { 00080 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-xmp-alt.jpg' ); 00081 $expected = file_get_contents( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-xmp-psir.xmp' ); 00082 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res['XMP'] ); 00083 } 00084 00085 public function testIPTCHashComparisionNoHash() { 00086 $segments = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-xmp-psir.jpg' ); 00087 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::doPSIR( $segments['PSIR'][0] ); 00088 00089 $this->assertEquals( 'iptc-no-hash', $res ); 00090 } 00091 00092 public function testIPTCHashComparisionBadHash() { 00093 $segments = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-iptc-bad-hash.jpg' ); 00094 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::doPSIR( $segments['PSIR'][0] ); 00095 00096 $this->assertEquals( 'iptc-bad-hash', $res ); 00097 } 00098 00099 public function testIPTCHashComparisionGoodHash() { 00100 $segments = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'jpeg-iptc-good-hash.jpg' ); 00101 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::doPSIR( $segments['PSIR'][0] ); 00102 00103 $this->assertEquals( 'iptc-good-hash', $res ); 00104 } 00105 00106 public function testExifByteOrder() { 00107 $res = JpegMetadataExtractor::segmentSplitter( $this->filePath . 'exif-user-comment.jpg' ); 00108 $expected = 'BE'; 00109 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $res['byteOrder'] ); 00110 } 00111 }