MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00007 class JsonContentTest extends MediaWikiLangTestCase {
00012     public function testValidConstruct( $text, $modelId, $isValid, $expected ) {
00013         $obj = new JsonContent( $text, $modelId );
00014         $this->assertEquals( $isValid, $obj->isValid() );
00015         $this->assertEquals( $expected, $obj->getJsonData() );
00016     }
00018     public static function provideValidConstruction() {
00019         return array(
00020             array( 'foo', CONTENT_MODEL_JSON, false, null ),
00021             array( FormatJson::encode( array() ), CONTENT_MODEL_JSON, true, array() ),
00022             array( FormatJson::encode( array( 'foo' ) ), CONTENT_MODEL_JSON, true, array( 'foo' ) ),
00023         );
00024     }
00029     public function testBeautifyUsesFormatJson( $data ) {
00030         $obj = new JsonContent( FormatJson::encode( $data ) );
00031         $this->assertEquals( FormatJson::encode( $data, true ), $obj->beautifyJSON() );
00032     }
00034     public static function provideDataToEncode() {
00035         return array(
00036             array( array() ),
00037             array( array( 'foo' ) ),
00038             array( array( 'foo', 'bar' ) ),
00039             array( array( 'baz' => 'foo', 'bar' ) ),
00040             array( array( 'baz' => 1000, 'bar' ) ),
00041         );
00042     }
00047     public function testPreSaveTransform( $data ) {
00048         $obj = new JsonContent( FormatJson::encode( $data ) );
00049         $newObj = $obj->preSaveTransform( $this->getMockTitle(), $this->getMockUser(), $this->getMockParserOptions() );
00050         $this->assertTrue( $newObj->equals( new JsonContent( FormatJson::encode( $data, true ) ) ) );
00051     }
00053     private function getMockTitle() {
00054         return $this->getMockBuilder( 'Title' )
00055             ->disableOriginalConstructor()
00056             ->getMock();
00057     }
00059     private function getMockUser() {
00060         return $this->getMockBuilder( 'User' )
00061             ->disableOriginalConstructor()
00062             ->getMock();
00063     }
00064     private function getMockParserOptions() {
00065         return $this->getMockBuilder( 'ParserOptions' )
00066             ->disableOriginalConstructor()
00067             ->getMock();
00068     }
00073     public function testFillParserOutput( $data, $expected ) {
00074         $obj = new JsonContent( FormatJson::encode( $data ) );
00075         $parserOutput = $obj->getParserOutput( $this->getMockTitle(), null, null, true );
00076         $this->assertInstanceOf( 'ParserOutput', $parserOutput );
00077         $this->assertEquals( $expected, $parserOutput->getText() );
00078     }
00080     public static function provideDataAndParserText() {
00081         return array(
00082             array(
00083                 array(),
00084                 '<table class="mw-json"><tbody></tbody></table>'
00085             ),
00086             array(
00087                 array( 'foo' ),
00088                 '<table class="mw-json"><tbody><tr><th>0</th><td class="value">&quot;foo&quot;</td></tr></tbody></table>'
00089             ),
00090             array(
00091                 array( 'foo', 'bar' ),
00092                 '<table class="mw-json"><tbody><tr><th>0</th><td class="value">&quot;foo&quot;</td></tr>' .
00093                 "\n" .
00094                 '<tr><th>1</th><td class="value">&quot;bar&quot;</td></tr></tbody></table>'
00095             ),
00096             array(
00097                 array( 'baz' => 'foo', 'bar' ),
00098                 '<table class="mw-json"><tbody><tr><th>baz</th><td class="value">&quot;foo&quot;</td></tr>' .
00099                 "\n" .
00100                 '<tr><th>0</th><td class="value">&quot;bar&quot;</td></tr></tbody></table>'
00101             ),
00102             array(
00103                 array( 'baz' => 1000, 'bar' ),
00104                 '<table class="mw-json"><tbody><tr><th>baz</th><td class="value">1000</td></tr>' .
00105                 "\n" .
00106                 '<tr><th>0</th><td class="value">&quot;bar&quot;</td></tr></tbody></table>'
00107             ),
00108             array(
00109                 array( '<script>alert("evil!")</script>'),
00110                 '<table class="mw-json"><tbody><tr><th>0</th><td class="value">&quot;&lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;evil!&quot;)&lt;/script&gt;&quot;</td></tr></tbody></table>',
00111             ),
00112         );
00113     }
00114 }