MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00021 abstract class LanguageClassesTestCase extends MediaWikiTestCase {
00036     private $languageObject;
00041     protected function getLang() {
00042         return $this->languageObject;
00043     }
00048     protected function setUp() {
00049         parent::setUp();
00050         $found = preg_match( '/Language(.+)Test/', get_called_class(), $m );
00051         if ( $found ) {
00052             # Normalize language code since classes uses underscores
00053             $m[1] = strtolower( str_replace( '_', '-', $m[1] ) );
00054         } else {
00055             # Fallback to english language
00056             $m[1] = 'en';
00057             wfDebug(
00058                 __METHOD__ . " could not extract a language name "
00059                     . "out of " . get_called_class() . " failling back to 'en'\n"
00060             );
00061         }
00062         // @todo validate $m[1] which should be a valid language code
00063         $this->languageObject = Language::factory( $m[1] );
00064     }
00070     protected function tearDown() {
00071         unset( $this->languageObject );
00072         parent::tearDown();
00073     }
00074 }