MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00011 $fallback = 'fr';
00013 $namespaceNames = array(
00014     NS_MEDIA            => 'Medya',
00015     NS_SPECIAL          => 'Espesyal',
00016     NS_TALK             => 'Diskite',
00017     NS_USER             => 'Itilizatè',
00018     NS_USER_TALK        => 'Diskisyon_Itilizatè',
00019     NS_PROJECT_TALK     => 'Diskisyon_$1',
00020     NS_FILE             => 'Fichye',
00021     NS_FILE_TALK        => 'Diskisyon_Fichye',
00022     NS_MEDIAWIKI        => 'MedyaWiki',
00023     NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK   => 'Diskisyon_MedyaWiki',
00024     NS_TEMPLATE         => 'Modèl',
00025     NS_TEMPLATE_TALK    => 'Diskisyon_Modèl',
00026     NS_HELP             => 'Èd',
00027     NS_HELP_TALK        => 'Diskisyon_Èd',
00028     NS_CATEGORY         => 'Kategori',
00029     NS_CATEGORY_TALK    => 'Diskisyon_Kategori',
00030 );
00032 $namespaceAliases = array(
00033     'Imaj'           => NS_USER,
00034     'Diskisyon_Imaj' => NS_USER_TALK,
00035 );
00037 // Remove French aliases
00038 $namespaceGenderAliases = array();
00040 $specialPageAliases = array(
00041     'Activeusers'               => array( 'ItilizatèAktif' ),
00042     'Allmessages'               => array( 'ToutMesaj' ),
00043     'Allpages'                  => array( 'ToutPaj' ),
00044     'Ancientpages'              => array( 'PajAnsyen' ),
00045     'Badtitle'                  => array( 'MovèTit' ),
00046     'Blankpage'                 => array( 'PajVid' ),
00047     'Block'                     => array( 'Bloke', 'BlokeIP', 'BlokeItilizatè' ),
00048     'Booksources'               => array( 'SousLiv' ),
00049     'BrokenRedirects'           => array( 'RedireksyonKase' ),
00050     'Categories'                => array( 'Kategori' ),
00051     'ChangePassword'            => array( 'ChanjeMopas', 'ResètMopas' ),
00052     'ComparePages'              => array( 'KonparePaj' ),
00053     'Confirmemail'              => array( 'VerifyeImèl' ),
00054     'Contributions'             => array( 'Kontribisyon', 'Kontrib' ),
00055     'CreateAccount'             => array( 'KreyeKont' ),
00056     'Deadendpages'              => array( 'PajEnpas' ),
00057     'DeletedContributions'      => array( 'SiprimeKontribisyon' ),
00058     'DoubleRedirects'           => array( 'RedireksyonDoub' ),
00059     'Emailuser'                 => array( 'ImèlItilizatè' ),
00060     'ExpandTemplates'           => array( 'EtannModèl' ),
00061     'Export'                    => array( 'Ekspòte' ),
00062     'Fewestrevisions'           => array( 'MwensRevizyon' ),
00063     'FileDuplicateSearch'       => array( 'ChacheFichyeDoub' ),
00064     'Filepath'                  => array( 'ChemenFichye' ),
00065     'Import'                    => array( 'Enpòte' ),
00066     'Invalidateemail'           => array( 'EnvalideImèl' ),
00067     'BlockList'                 => array( 'LisBloke', 'LisIPBloke' ),
00068     'LinkSearch'                => array( 'ChacheLyen' ),
00069     'Listadmins'                => array( 'LisAdmin' ),
00070     'Listbots'                  => array( 'LisWobo' ),
00071     'Listfiles'                 => array( 'LisFichye', 'Lis_Fichye', 'LisImaj' ),
00072     'Listgrouprights'           => array( 'LisDwaGwoup' ),
00073     'Listredirects'             => array( 'LisRedireksyon' ),
00074     'Listusers'                 => array( 'LisItilizatè' ),
00075     'Lockdb'                    => array( 'KadnaseDB' ),
00076     'Log'                       => array( 'Jounal' ),
00077     'Lonelypages'               => array( 'PajPoukontli', 'PajOfelen' ),
00078     'Longpages'                 => array( 'PajLong' ),
00079     'MergeHistory'              => array( 'FizyoneIstwa' ),
00080     'MIMEsearch'                => array( 'ChacheMIME' ),
00081     'Mostcategories'            => array( 'PlisKategori' ),
00082     'Mostimages'                => array( 'ImajPlisLye', 'PlisFichye', 'PlisImaj' ),
00083     'Mostlinked'                => array( 'PajPlisLye', 'PlisLye' ),
00084     'Mostlinkedcategories'      => array( 'KategoriPlisLye', 'KategoriPlisItilize' ),
00085     'Mostlinkedtemplates'       => array( 'ModèlPlisLye', 'ModèlPlisItilize' ),
00086     'Mostrevisions'             => array( 'PlisRevizyon' ),
00087     'Movepage'                  => array( 'DeplasePaj' ),
00088     'Mycontributions'           => array( 'KontribisyonM' ),
00089     'MyLanguage'                => array( 'LangMwen' ),
00090     'Mypage'                    => array( 'PajMwen' ),
00091     'Mytalk'                    => array( 'DiskisyonM' ),
00092     'Myuploads'                 => array( 'ChajmanM' ),
00093     'Newimages'                 => array( 'NouvoImaj' ),
00094     'Newpages'                  => array( 'PajNouvo' ),
00095     'PasswordReset'             => array( 'ResètMopas2' ),
00096     'PermanentLink'             => array( 'LyenPouToutTan' ),
00097     'Popularpages'              => array( 'PajPopilè' ),
00098     'Preferences'               => array( 'Preferans' ),
00099     'Prefixindex'               => array( 'EndèksPrefiks' ),
00100     'Protectedpages'            => array( 'PajPwoteje' ),
00101     'Protectedtitles'           => array( 'TitPwoteje' ),
00102     'Randompage'                => array( 'Oaza', 'PajOaza' ),
00103     'RandomInCategory'          => array( 'OazaNanKategori' ),
00104     'Randomredirect'            => array( 'RedireksyonOaza' ),
00105     'Recentchanges'             => array( 'ChanjmanResan' ),
00106     'Recentchangeslinked'       => array( 'LyenChanjmanResan', 'ChanjmanAk' ),
00107     'Revisiondelete'            => array( 'RevizyonSiprime' ),
00108     'Search'                    => array( 'Chache', 'Fouye' ),
00109     'Shortpages'                => array( 'PajKout' ),
00110     'Specialpages'              => array( 'PajEspesyal' ),
00111     'Statistics'                => array( 'Estatistik' ),
00112     'Tags'                      => array( 'Etikèt' ),
00113     'Unblock'                   => array( 'Debloke' ),
00114     'Uncategorizedcategories'   => array( 'KategoriPakategorize' ),
00115     'Uncategorizedimages'       => array( 'ImajPakategorize' ),
00116     'Uncategorizedpages'        => array( 'PajPakategorize' ),
00117     'Uncategorizedtemplates'    => array( 'ModèlPakategorize' ),
00118     'Undelete'                  => array( 'Restore' ),
00119     'Unlockdb'                  => array( 'DekadnaseDB' ),
00120     'Unusedcategories'          => array( 'KategoriPaItilize' ),
00121     'Unusedimages'              => array( 'FichyePaItilize', 'ImajPaItilize' ),
00122     'Unusedtemplates'           => array( 'ModèlVyèj' ),
00123     'Unwatchedpages'            => array( 'PajPaSiveye' ),
00124     'Upload'                    => array( 'Chaje' ),
00125     'UploadStash'               => array( 'ChajePil' ),
00126     'Userlogin'                 => array( 'Koneksyon' ),
00127     'Userlogout'                => array( 'Dekoneksyon' ),
00128     'Userrights'                => array( 'DwaItilizatè', 'FèSysop', 'FèBot' ),
00129     'Version'                   => array( 'Vèsyon' ),
00130     'Wantedcategories'          => array( 'KategoriNouBezwen' ),
00131     'Wantedfiles'               => array( 'FichyeNouBezwen' ),
00132     'Wantedpages'               => array( 'PajNouBezwen', 'LyenKase' ),
00133     'Wantedtemplates'           => array( 'ModèlNouBezwen' ),
00134     'Watchlist'                 => array( 'LisSwivi' ),
00135     'Whatlinkshere'             => array( 'SakLye' ),
00136     'Withoutinterwiki'          => array( 'SanEntèwiki' ),
00137 );
00139 $linkTrail = '/^([a-zàèòÀÈÒ]+)(.*)$/sDu';