MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00010 class SpecialSearchTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
00023     public function testProfileAndNamespaceLoading( $requested, $userOptions,
00024         $expectedProfile, $expectedNS, $message = 'Profile name and namespaces mismatches!'
00025     ) {
00026         $context = new RequestContext;
00027         $context->setUser(
00028             $this->newUserWithSearchNS( $userOptions )
00029         );
00030         /*
00031         $context->setRequest( new FauxRequest( array(
00032             'ns5'=>true,
00033             'ns6'=>true,
00034         ) ));
00035          */
00036         $context->setRequest( new FauxRequest( $requested ) );
00037         $search = new SpecialSearch();
00038         $search->setContext( $context );
00039         $search->load();
00046         $this->assertEquals(
00047             array( 
00048                 'ProfileName' => $expectedProfile,
00049                 'Namespaces' => $expectedNS,
00050             ),
00051             array( 
00052                 'ProfileName' => $search->getProfile(),
00053                 'Namespaces' => $search->getNamespaces(),
00054             ),
00055             $message
00056         );
00057     }
00059     public static function provideSearchOptionsTests() {
00060         $defaultNS = SearchEngine::defaultNamespaces();
00061         $EMPTY_REQUEST = array();
00062         $NO_USER_PREF = null;
00064         return array(
00072             array(
00073                 $EMPTY_REQUEST, $NO_USER_PREF,
00074                 'default', $defaultNS,
00075                 'Bug 33270: No request nor user preferences should give default profile'
00076             ),
00077             array(
00078                 array( 'ns5' => 1 ), $NO_USER_PREF,
00079                 'advanced', array( 5 ),
00080                 'Web request with specific NS should override user preference'
00081             ),
00082             array(
00083                 $EMPTY_REQUEST, array(
00084                 'searchNs2' => 1,
00085                 'searchNs14' => 1,
00086             ) + array_fill_keys( array_map( function ( $ns ) {
00087                 return "searchNs$ns";
00088             }, $defaultNS ), 0 ),
00089                 'advanced', array( 2, 14 ),
00090                 'Bug 33583: search with no option should honor User search preferences'
00091                     . ' and have all other namespace disabled'
00092             ),
00093         );
00094     }
00101     function newUserWithSearchNS( $opt = null ) {
00102         $u = User::newFromId( 0 );
00103         if ( $opt === null ) {
00104             return $u;
00105         }
00106         foreach ( $opt as $name => $value ) {
00107             $u->setOption( $name, $value );
00108         }
00110         return $u;
00111     }
00117     public function testSearchTermIsNotExpanded() {
00118         $this->setMwGlobals( array(
00119             'wgSearchType' => null,
00120         ) );
00122         # Initialize [[Special::Search]]
00123         $search = new SpecialSearch();
00124         $search->getContext()->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Special:Search' ) );
00125         $search->load();
00127         # Simulate a user searching for a given term
00128         $term = '{{SITENAME}}';
00129         $search->showResults( $term );
00131         # Lookup the HTML page title set for that page
00132         $pageTitle = $search
00133             ->getContext()
00134             ->getOutput()
00135             ->getHTMLTitle();
00137         # Compare :-]
00138         $this->assertRegExp(
00139             '/' . preg_quote( $term ) . '/',
00140             $pageTitle,
00141             "Search term '{$term}' should not be expanded in Special:Search <title>"
00142         );
00143     }
00144 }