00001 <?php 00002 00003 class StringUtilsTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { 00004 00012 public function testIsUtf8WithMbstring( $expected, $string ) { 00013 if ( !function_exists( 'mb_check_encoding' ) ) { 00014 $this->markTestSkipped( 'Test requires the mbstring PHP extension' ); 00015 } 00016 $this->assertEquals( $expected, 00017 StringUtils::isUtf8( $string ), 00018 'Testing string "' . $this->escaped( $string ) . '" with mb_check_encoding' 00019 ); 00020 } 00021 00030 public function testIsUtf8WithPhpFallbackImplementation( $expected, $string ) { 00031 $this->assertEquals( $expected, 00032 StringUtils::isUtf8( $string, true ), 00033 'Testing string "' . $this->escaped( $string ) . '" with pure PHP implementation' 00034 ); 00035 } 00036 00042 function escaped( $string ) { 00043 $escaped = ''; 00044 $length = strlen( $string ); 00045 for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) { 00046 $char = $string[$i]; 00047 $val = ord( $char ); 00048 if ( $val > 127 ) { 00049 $escaped .= '\x' . dechex( $val ); 00050 } else { 00051 $escaped .= $char; 00052 } 00053 } 00054 00055 return $escaped; 00056 } 00057 00063 public static function provideStringsForIsUtf8Check() { 00064 // Expected return values for StringUtils::isUtf8() 00065 $PASS = true; 00066 $FAIL = false; 00067 00068 return array( 00069 'some ASCII' => array( $PASS, 'Some ASCII' ), 00070 'euro sign' => array( $PASS, "Euro sign €" ), 00071 00072 'first possible sequence 1 byte' => array( $PASS, "\x00" ), 00073 'first possible sequence 2 bytes' => array( $PASS, "\xc2\x80" ), 00074 'first possible sequence 3 bytes' => array( $PASS, "\xe0\xa0\x80" ), 00075 'first possible sequence 4 bytes' => array( $PASS, "\xf0\x90\x80\x80" ), 00076 'first possible sequence 5 bytes' => array( $FAIL, "\xf8\x88\x80\x80\x80" ), 00077 'first possible sequence 6 bytes' => array( $FAIL, "\xfc\x84\x80\x80\x80\x80" ), 00078 00079 'last possible sequence 1 byte' => array( $PASS, "\x7f" ), 00080 'last possible sequence 2 bytes' => array( $PASS, "\xdf\xbf" ), 00081 'last possible sequence 3 bytes' => array( $PASS, "\xef\xbf\xbf" ), 00082 'last possible sequence 4 bytes (U+1FFFFF)' => array( $FAIL, "\xf7\xbf\xbf\xbf" ), 00083 'last possible sequence 5 bytes' => array( $FAIL, "\xfb\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf" ), 00084 'last possible sequence 6 bytes' => array( $FAIL, "\xfd\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf" ), 00085 00086 'boundary 1' => array( $PASS, "\xed\x9f\xbf" ), 00087 'boundary 2' => array( $PASS, "\xee\x80\x80" ), 00088 'boundary 3' => array( $PASS, "\xef\xbf\xbd" ), 00089 'boundary 4' => array( $PASS, "\xf2\x80\x80\x80" ), 00090 'boundary 5 (U+FFFFF)' => array( $PASS, "\xf3\xbf\xbf\xbf" ), 00091 'boundary 6 (U+100000)' => array( $PASS, "\xf4\x80\x80\x80" ), 00092 'boundary 7 (U+10FFFF)' => array( $PASS, "\xf4\x8f\xbf\xbf" ), 00093 'boundary 8 (U+110000)' => array( $FAIL, "\xf4\x90\x80\x80" ), 00094 00095 'malformed 1' => array( $FAIL, "\x80" ), 00096 'malformed 2' => array( $FAIL, "\xbf" ), 00097 'malformed 3' => array( $FAIL, "\x80\xbf" ), 00098 'malformed 4' => array( $FAIL, "\x80\xbf\x80" ), 00099 'malformed 5' => array( $FAIL, "\x80\xbf\x80\xbf" ), 00100 'malformed 6' => array( $FAIL, "\x80\xbf\x80\xbf\x80" ), 00101 'malformed 7' => array( $FAIL, "\x80\xbf\x80\xbf\x80\xbf" ), 00102 'malformed 8' => array( $FAIL, "\x80\xbf\x80\xbf\x80\xbf\x80" ), 00103 00104 'last byte missing 1' => array( $FAIL, "\xc0" ), 00105 'last byte missing 2' => array( $FAIL, "\xe0\x80" ), 00106 'last byte missing 3' => array( $FAIL, "\xf0\x80\x80" ), 00107 'last byte missing 4' => array( $FAIL, "\xf8\x80\x80\x80" ), 00108 'last byte missing 5' => array( $FAIL, "\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80" ), 00109 'last byte missing 6' => array( $FAIL, "\xdf" ), 00110 'last byte missing 7' => array( $FAIL, "\xef\xbf" ), 00111 'last byte missing 8' => array( $FAIL, "\xf7\xbf\xbf" ), 00112 'last byte missing 9' => array( $FAIL, "\xfb\xbf\xbf\xbf" ), 00113 'last byte missing 10' => array( $FAIL, "\xfd\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf" ), 00114 00115 'extra continuation byte 1' => array( $FAIL, "e\xaf" ), 00116 'extra continuation byte 2' => array( $FAIL, "\xc3\x89\xaf" ), 00117 'extra continuation byte 3' => array( $FAIL, "\xef\xbc\xa5\xaf" ), 00118 'extra continuation byte 4' => array( $FAIL, "\xf0\x9d\x99\xb4\xaf" ), 00119 00120 'impossible bytes 1' => array( $FAIL, "\xfe" ), 00121 'impossible bytes 2' => array( $FAIL, "\xff" ), 00122 'impossible bytes 3' => array( $FAIL, "\xfe\xfe\xff\xff" ), 00123 00124 'overlong sequences 1' => array( $FAIL, "\xc0\xaf" ), 00125 'overlong sequences 2' => array( $FAIL, "\xc1\xaf" ), 00126 'overlong sequences 3' => array( $FAIL, "\xe0\x80\xaf" ), 00127 'overlong sequences 4' => array( $FAIL, "\xf0\x80\x80\xaf" ), 00128 'overlong sequences 5' => array( $FAIL, "\xf8\x80\x80\x80\xaf" ), 00129 'overlong sequences 6' => array( $FAIL, "\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80\xaf" ), 00130 00131 'maximum overlong sequences 1' => array( $FAIL, "\xc1\xbf" ), 00132 'maximum overlong sequences 2' => array( $FAIL, "\xe0\x9f\xbf" ), 00133 'maximum overlong sequences 3' => array( $FAIL, "\xf0\x8f\xbf\xbf" ), 00134 'maximum overlong sequences 4' => array( $FAIL, "\xf8\x87\xbf\xbf" ), 00135 'maximum overlong sequences 5' => array( $FAIL, "\xfc\x83\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf" ), 00136 00137 'surrogates 1 (U+D799)' => array( $PASS, "\xed\x9f\xbf" ), 00138 'surrogates 2 (U+E000)' => array( $PASS, "\xee\x80\x80" ), 00139 'surrogates 3 (U+D800)' => array( $FAIL, "\xed\xa0\x80" ), 00140 'surrogates 4 (U+DBFF)' => array( $FAIL, "\xed\xaf\xbf" ), 00141 'surrogates 5 (U+DC00)' => array( $FAIL, "\xed\xb0\x80" ), 00142 'surrogates 6 (U+DFFF)' => array( $FAIL, "\xed\xbf\xbf" ), 00143 'surrogates 7 (U+D800 U+DC00)' => array( $FAIL, "\xed\xa0\x80\xed\xb0\x80" ), 00144 00145 'noncharacters 1' => array( $PASS, "\xef\xbf\xbe" ), 00146 'noncharacters 2' => array( $PASS, "\xef\xbf\xbf" ), 00147 ); 00148 } 00149 }