MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00006 class TidyTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
00008     protected function setUp() {
00009         parent::setUp();
00010         $check = MWTidy::tidy( '' );
00011         if ( strpos( $check, '<!--' ) !== false ) {
00012             $this->markTestSkipped( 'Tidy not found' );
00013         }
00014     }
00019     public function testTidyWrapping( $expected, $text, $msg = '' ) {
00020         $text = MWTidy::tidy( $text );
00021         // We don't care about where Tidy wants to stick is <p>s
00022         $text = trim( preg_replace( '#</?p>#', '', $text ) );
00023         // Windows, we love you!
00024         $text = str_replace( "\r", '', $text );
00025         $this->assertEquals( $expected, $text, $msg );
00026     }
00028     public static function provideTestWrapping() {
00029         $testMathML = <<<'MathML'
00030 <math xmlns="">
00031     <mrow>
00032       <mi>a</mi>
00033       <mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo>
00034       <msup>
00035         <mi>x</mi>
00036         <mn>2</mn>
00037       </msup>
00038       <mo>+</mo>
00039       <mi>b</mi>
00040       <mo>&InvisibleTimes; </mo>
00041       <mi>x</mi>
00042       <mo>+</mo>
00043       <mi>c</mi>
00044     </mrow>
00045   </math>
00046 MathML;
00047         return array(
00048             array(
00049                 '<mw:editsection page="foo" section="bar">foo</mw:editsection>',
00050                 '<mw:editsection page="foo" section="bar">foo</mw:editsection>',
00051                 '<mw:editsection> should survive tidy'
00052             ),
00053             array(
00054                 '<editsection page="foo" section="bar">foo</editsection>',
00055                 '<editsection page="foo" section="bar">foo</editsection>',
00056                 '<editsection> should survive tidy'
00057             ),
00058             array( '<mw:toc>foo</mw:toc>', '<mw:toc>foo</mw:toc>', '<mw:toc> should survive tidy' ),
00059             array( "<link foo=\"bar\" />\nfoo", '<link foo="bar"/>foo', '<link> should survive tidy' ),
00060             array( "<meta foo=\"bar\" />\nfoo", '<meta foo="bar"/>foo', '<meta> should survive tidy' ),
00061             array( $testMathML, $testMathML, '<math> should survive tidy' ),
00062         );
00063     }
00064 }