00001 <?php 00022 require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php'; 00023 00027 class CompareParserCache extends Maintenance { 00028 public function __construct() { 00029 parent::__construct(); 00030 $this->mDescription = "Parse random pages and compare output to cache."; 00031 $this->addOption( 'namespace', 'Page namespace number', true, true ); 00032 $this->addOption( 'maxpages', 'Number of pages to try', true, true ); 00033 } 00034 00035 public function execute() { 00036 $pages = $this->getOption( 'maxpages' ); 00037 00038 $dbr = $this->getDB( DB_SLAVE ); 00039 00040 $totalsec = 0.0; 00041 $scanned = 0; 00042 $withcache = 0; 00043 $withdiff = 0; 00044 while ( $pages-- > 0 ) { 00045 $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'page', '*', 00046 array( 00047 'page_namespace' => $this->getOption( 'namespace' ), 00048 'page_is_redirect' => 0, 00049 'page_random >= ' . wfRandom() 00050 ), 00051 __METHOD__, 00052 array( 00053 'ORDER BY' => 'page_random', 00054 ) 00055 ); 00056 00057 if ( !$row ) { 00058 continue; 00059 } 00060 ++$scanned; 00061 00062 $title = Title::newFromRow( $row ); 00063 $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); 00064 $revision = $page->getRevision(); 00065 $content = $revision->getContent( Revision::RAW ); 00066 00067 $parserOptions = $page->makeParserOptions( 'canonical' ); 00068 00069 $parserOutputOld = ParserCache::singleton()->get( $page, $parserOptions ); 00070 00071 if ( $parserOutputOld ) { 00072 $t1 = microtime( true ); 00073 $parserOutputNew = $content->getParserOutput( 00074 $title, $revision->getId(), $parserOptions, false ); 00075 $sec = microtime( true ) - $t1; 00076 $totalsec += $sec; 00077 00078 $this->output( "Parsed '{$title->getPrefixedText()}' in $sec seconds.\n" ); 00079 00080 $this->output( "Found cache entry found for '{$title->getPrefixedText()}'..." ); 00081 $oldHtml = trim( preg_replace( '#<!-- .+-->#Us', '', $parserOutputOld->getText() ) ); 00082 $newHtml = trim( preg_replace( '#<!-- .+-->#Us', '', $parserOutputNew->getText() ) ); 00083 $diff = wfDiff( $oldHtml, $newHtml ); 00084 if ( strlen( $diff ) ) { 00085 $this->output( "differences found:\n\n$diff\n\n" ); 00086 ++$withdiff; 00087 } else { 00088 $this->output( "No differences found.\n" ); 00089 } 00090 ++$withcache; 00091 } else { 00092 $this->output( "No parser cache entry found for '{$title->getPrefixedText()}'.\n" ); 00093 } 00094 } 00095 00096 $ave = $totalsec ? $totalsec / $scanned : 0; 00097 $this->output( "Checked $scanned pages; $withcache had prior cache entries.\n" ); 00098 $this->output( "Pages with differences found: $withdiff\n" ); 00099 $this->output( "Average parse time: $ave sec\n" ); 00100 } 00101 } 00102 00103 $maintClass = "CompareParserCache"; 00104 require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;