This is the complete list of members for IP, including all inherited members.
$proxyIpSet | IP | privatestatic |
canonicalize($addr) | IP | static |
clearCaches() | IP | static |
combineHostAndPort($host, $port, $defaultPort=false) | IP | static |
formatHex($hex) | IP | static |
getSubnet($ip) | IP | static |
hexToOctet($ip_hex) | IP | static |
hexToQuad($ip_hex) | IP | static |
IPv6ToRawHex($ip) | IP | privatestatic |
isConfiguredProxy($ip) | IP | static |
isInRange($addr, $range) | IP | static |
isInRanges($ip, $ranges) | IP | static |
isIPAddress($ip) | IP | static |
isIPv4($ip) | IP | static |
isIPv6($ip) | IP | static |
isPublic($ip) | IP | static |
isTrustedProxy($ip) | IP | static |
isValid($ip) | IP | static |
isValidBlock($ipblock) | IP | static |
parseCIDR($range) | IP | static |
parseCIDR6($range) | IP | privatestatic |
parseRange($range) | IP | static |
parseRange6($range) | IP | privatestatic |
prettifyIP($ip) | IP | static |
sanitizeIP($ip) | IP | static |
sanitizeRange($range) | IP | static |
splitHostAndPort($both) | IP | static |
toHex($ip) | IP | static |