User Guides
Beginner's Guide
Configuration Guide
Design Studio Guide
Programming Model Guide
Testing Framework Guide
'How To ...' Guides
Design Model Reference
Design Model UML Profile
Test Schema Reference
MetaBoss design library
Run-time libraries API
Dev-time libraries API
HatMaker Example
Enterprise Model Description
Enterprise Model Reference
SystemTest Example
WebServices Example
About MetaBoss
Quality Assurance
Compatibility Notes
Change Log
Version 1.4.0001
Built on 15 Dec 2005 22:31:47

Welcome to MetaBoss

MetaBoss is an integrated suite of tools for design, development and management of enterprise software systems through modelling. It utilises OMG's Model Driven Architecture concepts and is primarily oriented at enterprises using Java based tools and technologies. It encourages serious upfront analysis and design and aims to crystallise the value of it by automating a number of activities in Software Development Life Cycle.

This documentation pack is targeted towards MetaBoss users and contains technical material for software engineers, designers and alike. Please visit MetaBoss web site if you require more general and high level overview of MetaBoss.

Contents of this documentation pack are located on the right hand site of this (and any other) page. The documentation is split onto following sections:

  • User Guides
    This section contains various guides detailing certain aspects of working with MetaBoss.

  • References
    This section contains reference documents, such as Metadocs, Javadocs, XML schemas, UML models etc.

  • HatMaker Example
    This section contains description and reference of the example enterprise model included in MetaBoss release.

  • Miscellaneous
    This section contains all other documents, which might be of interest to users.