0001 //
0002 // This file is generated by MetaBoss Ver 1.4.0001 at Thu Dec 15 22:36:26 EST 2005
0003 // MetaBoss is Copyright 2000-2005 © Softaris Pty.Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
0004 // Content of this file is Copyright 2000-2005 © Softaris Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
0005 // This content is licensed under Open Source Gnu Public License (GPL)
0006 // Full terms and conditions of GPL can be found found at www.gnu.org
0007 //
0008 // The generator class is com.metaboss.sdlctools.services.codegeneration.servicemoduleadaptergenerator.generic.stringstructures.BSAdapterGeneratorImpl
0009 package com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport;
0011 import javax.naming.Context;
0012 import javax.naming.InitialContext;
0013 import javax.naming.NamingException;
0014 import com.metaboss.enterprise.bs.BSException;
0015 import com.metaboss.enterprise.datatypes.DataTypeValidationException;
0016 import com.metaboss.enterprise.datatypes.DataTypeFieldValidationException;
0017 import com.metaboss.enterprise.messages.Message;
0019 /** This class is an adapter between siple (non MetaBoss compliant) java client code and enterprise services.
0020 * It offers client code a simple String based access to the enterprise services. This simplicity
0021 * comes at the expence of losing the benefits strong data types, such as compile time detection of
0022 * some data validation errors */
0023 public class ADBSDataManagement
0024 {
0026 /** This class contains an input to the getStudent operation */
0027 public static final class PXSTGetStudentInput
0028 {
0029 /** <p>The unique key referring to the instance of Student to be retrieved.</p>
0030 */
0031 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentKey StudentKey;
0032 }
0034 /** This class contains result of the getStudent operation. */
0035 public static final class PXSTGetStudentResult
0036 {
0037 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError StudentNotFoundErrorMessage;
0038 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0039 /** <p>Details of a particuar Student found in the domain.</p>
0040 */
0041 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentDetails Student;
0042 }
0044 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetStudentInput enterprise data structure and
0045 * PXSTGetStudentInput string based proxy structure.
0046 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0047 public static final class TRSTGetStudentInput
0048 {
0049 private TRSTGetStudentInput ()
0050 {
0051 }
0053 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0054 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetStudentInput fromProxy( PXSTGetStudentInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0055 {
0056 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetStudentInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetStudentInput();
0057 try
0058 {
0059 lStruct.setStudentKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentKey.fromProxy( pProxy.StudentKey));
0060 }
0061 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0062 {
0063 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("StudentKey", e);
0064 }
0065 return lStruct;
0066 }
0067 }
0069 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetStudentResult enterprise data structure and
0070 * PXSTGetStudentResult string based proxy structure.
0071 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0072 public static final class TRSTGetStudentResult
0073 {
0074 private TRSTGetStudentResult ()
0075 {
0076 }
0078 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0079 public static PXSTGetStudentResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetStudentResult pStruct)
0080 {
0081 PXSTGetStudentResult lProxy = new PXSTGetStudentResult();
0082 lProxy.StudentNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getStudentNotFoundError());
0083 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0084 lProxy.Student = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getStudent());
0085 return lProxy;
0086 }
0087 }
0089 /** Retrieves details of a particular Student instance from the domain. Instance is identified by key structure.
0090 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0091 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0092 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0093 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetStudentResult getStudent( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetStudentInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0094 {
0095 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0096 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0097 return TRSTGetStudentResult.toProxy(lService.getStudent(TRSTGetStudentInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0098 }
0100 /** This class contains an input to the createStudent operation */
0101 public static final class PXSTCreateStudentInput
0102 {
0103 /** <p>Proposed details of the new instance of the Student in the domain.</p>
0104 */
0105 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentDetails ProposedDetails;
0106 }
0108 /** This class contains result of the createStudent operation. */
0109 public static final class PXSTCreateStudentResult
0110 {
0111 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentCreationDuplicateKeyError DuplicateKeyErrorMessage;
0112 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0113 /** <p>Details of an instance after successfull creation. Mostly the same as the details passed in, but will have some autogenerated fields populated.</p>
0114 */
0115 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentDetails CreatedDetails;
0116 }
0118 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateStudentInput enterprise data structure and
0119 * PXSTCreateStudentInput string based proxy structure.
0120 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0121 public static final class TRSTCreateStudentInput
0122 {
0123 private TRSTCreateStudentInput ()
0124 {
0125 }
0127 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0128 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateStudentInput fromProxy( PXSTCreateStudentInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0129 {
0130 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateStudentInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateStudentInput();
0131 try
0132 {
0133 lStruct.setProposedDetails(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentDetails.fromProxy( pProxy.ProposedDetails));
0134 }
0135 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0136 {
0137 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("ProposedDetails", e);
0138 }
0139 return lStruct;
0140 }
0141 }
0143 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateStudentResult enterprise data structure and
0144 * PXSTCreateStudentResult string based proxy structure.
0145 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0146 public static final class TRSTCreateStudentResult
0147 {
0148 private TRSTCreateStudentResult ()
0149 {
0150 }
0152 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0153 public static PXSTCreateStudentResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateStudentResult pStruct)
0154 {
0155 PXSTCreateStudentResult lProxy = new PXSTCreateStudentResult();
0156 lProxy.DuplicateKeyErrorMessage = TRMOStudentCreationDuplicateKeyError.toProxy(pStruct.getDuplicateKeyError());
0157 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0158 lProxy.CreatedDetails = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getCreatedDetails());
0159 return lProxy;
0160 }
0161 }
0163 /** Creates new instance of Student in the domain.
0164 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0165 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0166 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0167 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTCreateStudentResult createStudent( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTCreateStudentInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0168 {
0169 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0170 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0171 return TRSTCreateStudentResult.toProxy(lService.createStudent(TRSTCreateStudentInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0172 }
0174 /** This class contains an input to the deleteStudent operation */
0175 public static final class PXSTDeleteStudentInput
0176 {
0177 /** <p>The unique key referring to the instance of Student to be deleted.</p>
0178 */
0179 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentKey StudentKey;
0180 }
0182 /** This class contains result of the deleteStudent operation. */
0183 public static final class PXSTDeleteStudentResult
0184 {
0185 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError StudentNotFoundErrorMessage;
0186 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0187 }
0189 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteStudentInput enterprise data structure and
0190 * PXSTDeleteStudentInput string based proxy structure.
0191 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0192 public static final class TRSTDeleteStudentInput
0193 {
0194 private TRSTDeleteStudentInput ()
0195 {
0196 }
0198 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0199 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteStudentInput fromProxy( PXSTDeleteStudentInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0200 {
0201 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteStudentInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteStudentInput();
0202 try
0203 {
0204 lStruct.setStudentKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentKey.fromProxy( pProxy.StudentKey));
0205 }
0206 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0207 {
0208 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("StudentKey", e);
0209 }
0210 return lStruct;
0211 }
0212 }
0214 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteStudentResult enterprise data structure and
0215 * PXSTDeleteStudentResult string based proxy structure.
0216 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0217 public static final class TRSTDeleteStudentResult
0218 {
0219 private TRSTDeleteStudentResult ()
0220 {
0221 }
0223 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0224 public static PXSTDeleteStudentResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteStudentResult pStruct)
0225 {
0226 PXSTDeleteStudentResult lProxy = new PXSTDeleteStudentResult();
0227 lProxy.StudentNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getStudentNotFoundError());
0228 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0229 return lProxy;
0230 }
0231 }
0233 /** Deletes existing instance of Student in the domain.
0234 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0235 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0236 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0237 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTDeleteStudentResult deleteStudent( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTDeleteStudentInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0238 {
0239 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0240 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0241 return TRSTDeleteStudentResult.toProxy(lService.deleteStudent(TRSTDeleteStudentInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0242 }
0244 /** This class contains an input to the getAllStudentsCount operation */
0245 public static final class PXSTGetAllStudentsCountInput
0246 {
0247 }
0249 /** This class contains result of the getAllStudentsCount operation. */
0250 public static final class PXSTGetAllStudentsCountResult
0251 {
0252 /** <p>Number of Students found in the domain.</p>
0253 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0254 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.CollectionSize CollectionSize} datatype.</p>
0255 */
0256 public String StudentsCount;
0257 }
0259 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsCountInput enterprise data structure and
0260 * PXSTGetAllStudentsCountInput string based proxy structure.
0261 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0262 public static final class TRSTGetAllStudentsCountInput
0263 {
0264 private TRSTGetAllStudentsCountInput ()
0265 {
0266 }
0268 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0269 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsCountInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllStudentsCountInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0270 {
0271 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsCountInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsCountInput();
0272 return lStruct;
0273 }
0274 }
0276 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsCountResult enterprise data structure and
0277 * PXSTGetAllStudentsCountResult string based proxy structure.
0278 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0279 public static final class TRSTGetAllStudentsCountResult
0280 {
0281 private TRSTGetAllStudentsCountResult ()
0282 {
0283 }
0285 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0286 public static PXSTGetAllStudentsCountResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsCountResult pStruct)
0287 {
0288 PXSTGetAllStudentsCountResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllStudentsCountResult();
0289 com.almamater.types.core.CollectionSize lStudentsCount = pStruct.getStudentsCount();
0290 if (lStudentsCount != null)
0291 lProxy.StudentsCount = lStudentsCount.toString();
0292 return lProxy;
0293 }
0294 }
0296 /** Retrieves count of all Students present in the domain.
0297 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0298 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0299 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0300 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllStudentsCountResult getAllStudentsCount( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllStudentsCountInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0301 {
0302 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0303 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0304 return TRSTGetAllStudentsCountResult.toProxy(lService.getAllStudentsCount(TRSTGetAllStudentsCountInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0305 }
0307 /** This class contains an input to the getAllStudents operation */
0308 public static final class PXSTGetAllStudentsInput
0309 {
0310 /** <p>Array of zero or more ordering instructions (weight of the instruction is diminising towards the end of the array). Returned Students will be sorted in accordance with these instructions.</p>
0311 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0312 * {@link com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction StudentOrderingInstruction} datatype.</p>
0313 */
0314 public String[] OrderingInstructions;
0315 }
0317 /** This class contains result of the getAllStudents operation. */
0318 public static final class PXSTGetAllStudentsResult
0319 {
0320 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0321 /** <p>Details of all Students found in the domain.</p>
0322 */
0323 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentDetails[] Students;
0324 }
0326 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsInput enterprise data structure and
0327 * PXSTGetAllStudentsInput string based proxy structure.
0328 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0329 public static final class TRSTGetAllStudentsInput
0330 {
0331 private TRSTGetAllStudentsInput ()
0332 {
0333 }
0335 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0336 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllStudentsInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0337 {
0338 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsInput();
0339 try
0340 {
0341 if (pProxy.OrderingInstructions != null)
0342 {
0343 com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction[] lStructArray = new com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction[pProxy.OrderingInstructions.length];
0344 for (int i = 0; i < lStructArray.length; i++)
0345 {
0346 String lProxyElement = pProxy.OrderingInstructions[i];
0347 if (lProxyElement != null)
0348 lStructArray[i] = com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction.createFromString(lProxyElement);
0349 }
0350 lStruct.setOrderingInstructions(lStructArray);
0351 }
0352 }
0353 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0354 {
0355 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("OrderingInstructions", e);
0356 }
0357 return lStruct;
0358 }
0359 }
0361 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsResult enterprise data structure and
0362 * PXSTGetAllStudentsResult string based proxy structure.
0363 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0364 public static final class TRSTGetAllStudentsResult
0365 {
0366 private TRSTGetAllStudentsResult ()
0367 {
0368 }
0370 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0371 public static PXSTGetAllStudentsResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllStudentsResult pStruct)
0372 {
0373 PXSTGetAllStudentsResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllStudentsResult();
0374 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0375 lProxy.Students = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getStudents());
0376 return lProxy;
0377 }
0378 }
0380 /** Retrieves details of all Students present in the domain.
0381 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0382 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0383 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0384 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllStudentsResult getAllStudents( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllStudentsInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0385 {
0386 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0387 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0388 return TRSTGetAllStudentsResult.toProxy(lService.getAllStudents(TRSTGetAllStudentsInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0389 }
0391 /** This class contains an input to the getSubsetOfStudents operation */
0392 public static final class PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsInput
0393 {
0394 /** <p>Zero-based offset from the first entity details to be returned to the beginning of the whole collection of Students present in domain.</p>
0395 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0396 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.CollectionOffset CollectionOffset} datatype.</p>
0397 */
0398 public String FirstRecordOffset;
0399 /** <p>The desired maximum number of detail records to be returned. Note that actual number of details returned might be lower if domain does not have sufficient number of Students.</p>
0400 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0401 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.SubsetSize SubsetSize} datatype.</p>
0402 */
0403 public String RequiredMaxSize;
0404 /** <p>Array of zero or more ordering instructions (weight of the instruction is diminising towards the end of the array). Returned subset of the Students will be cut out after sorting of the whole set has been done in accordance with these instructions.</p>
0405 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0406 * {@link com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction StudentOrderingInstruction} datatype.</p>
0407 */
0408 public String[] OrderingInstructions;
0409 }
0411 /** This class contains result of the getSubsetOfStudents operation. */
0412 public static final class PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult
0413 {
0414 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0415 /** <p>Details of all Students found in the domain starting from specified offset and spanning no more than required maximum number of records.</p>
0416 */
0417 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentDetails[] Students;
0418 }
0420 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfStudentsInput enterprise data structure and
0421 * PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsInput string based proxy structure.
0422 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0423 public static final class TRSTGetSubsetOfStudentsInput
0424 {
0425 private TRSTGetSubsetOfStudentsInput ()
0426 {
0427 }
0429 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0430 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfStudentsInput fromProxy( PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0431 {
0432 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfStudentsInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfStudentsInput();
0433 try
0434 {
0435 lStruct.setFirstRecordOffset(com.almamater.types.core.CollectionOffset.createFromString(pProxy.FirstRecordOffset));
0436 }
0437 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0438 {
0439 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("FirstRecordOffset", e);
0440 }
0441 try
0442 {
0443 lStruct.setRequiredMaxSize(com.almamater.types.core.SubsetSize.createFromString(pProxy.RequiredMaxSize));
0444 }
0445 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0446 {
0447 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("RequiredMaxSize", e);
0448 }
0449 try
0450 {
0451 if (pProxy.OrderingInstructions != null)
0452 {
0453 com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction[] lStructArray = new com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction[pProxy.OrderingInstructions.length];
0454 for (int i = 0; i < lStructArray.length; i++)
0455 {
0456 String lProxyElement = pProxy.OrderingInstructions[i];
0457 if (lProxyElement != null)
0458 lStructArray[i] = com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.StudentOrderingInstruction.createFromString(lProxyElement);
0459 }
0460 lStruct.setOrderingInstructions(lStructArray);
0461 }
0462 }
0463 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0464 {
0465 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("OrderingInstructions", e);
0466 }
0467 return lStruct;
0468 }
0469 }
0471 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfStudentsResult enterprise data structure and
0472 * PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult string based proxy structure.
0473 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0474 public static final class TRSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult
0475 {
0476 private TRSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult ()
0477 {
0478 }
0480 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0481 public static PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfStudentsResult pStruct)
0482 {
0483 PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult lProxy = new PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult();
0484 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0485 lProxy.Students = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getStudents());
0486 return lProxy;
0487 }
0488 }
0490 /** Retrieves details of the required subset of Students present in the domain.
0491 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0492 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0493 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0494 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult getSubsetOfStudents( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetSubsetOfStudentsInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0495 {
0496 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0497 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0498 return TRSTGetSubsetOfStudentsResult.toProxy(lService.getSubsetOfStudents(TRSTGetSubsetOfStudentsInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0499 }
0501 /** This class contains an input to the updateStudent operation */
0502 public static final class PXSTUpdateStudentInput
0503 {
0504 /** <p>Proposed new details of the existing instance of the Student. Only identifier fields and fields with new values need to be populated.</p>
0505 */
0506 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentDetails ProposedDetails;
0507 }
0509 /** This class contains result of the updateStudent operation. */
0510 public static final class PXSTUpdateStudentResult
0511 {
0512 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentVersionMismatchError VersionMismatchErrorMessage;
0513 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError StudentNotFoundErrorMessage;
0514 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0515 /** <p>Details of an instance after successfull update. Mostly the same as the details passed in, but may have some autogenerated fields populated or updated.</p>
0516 */
0517 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentDetails UpdatedDetails;
0518 }
0520 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateStudentInput enterprise data structure and
0521 * PXSTUpdateStudentInput string based proxy structure.
0522 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0523 public static final class TRSTUpdateStudentInput
0524 {
0525 private TRSTUpdateStudentInput ()
0526 {
0527 }
0529 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0530 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateStudentInput fromProxy( PXSTUpdateStudentInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0531 {
0532 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateStudentInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateStudentInput();
0533 try
0534 {
0535 lStruct.setProposedDetails(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentDetails.fromProxy( pProxy.ProposedDetails));
0536 }
0537 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0538 {
0539 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("ProposedDetails", e);
0540 }
0541 return lStruct;
0542 }
0543 }
0545 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateStudentResult enterprise data structure and
0546 * PXSTUpdateStudentResult string based proxy structure.
0547 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0548 public static final class TRSTUpdateStudentResult
0549 {
0550 private TRSTUpdateStudentResult ()
0551 {
0552 }
0554 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0555 public static PXSTUpdateStudentResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateStudentResult pStruct)
0556 {
0557 PXSTUpdateStudentResult lProxy = new PXSTUpdateStudentResult();
0558 lProxy.VersionMismatchErrorMessage = TRMOStudentVersionMismatchError.toProxy(pStruct.getVersionMismatchError());
0559 lProxy.StudentNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getStudentNotFoundError());
0560 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0561 lProxy.UpdatedDetails = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getUpdatedDetails());
0562 return lProxy;
0563 }
0564 }
0566 /** Updates existing instance of Student in the domain.
0567 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0568 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0569 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0570 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTUpdateStudentResult updateStudent( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTUpdateStudentInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0571 {
0572 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0573 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0574 return TRSTUpdateStudentResult.toProxy(lService.updateStudent(TRSTUpdateStudentInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0575 }
0577 /** This class contains an input to the getCourse operation */
0578 public static final class PXSTGetCourseInput
0579 {
0580 /** <p>The unique key referring to the instance of Course to be retrieved.</p>
0581 */
0582 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseKey CourseKey;
0583 }
0585 /** This class contains result of the getCourse operation. */
0586 public static final class PXSTGetCourseResult
0587 {
0588 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
0589 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0590 /** <p>Details of a particuar Course found in the domain.</p>
0591 */
0592 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails Course;
0593 }
0595 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetCourseInput enterprise data structure and
0596 * PXSTGetCourseInput string based proxy structure.
0597 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0598 public static final class TRSTGetCourseInput
0599 {
0600 private TRSTGetCourseInput ()
0601 {
0602 }
0604 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0605 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetCourseInput fromProxy( PXSTGetCourseInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0606 {
0607 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetCourseInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetCourseInput();
0608 try
0609 {
0610 lStruct.setCourseKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseKey.fromProxy( pProxy.CourseKey));
0611 }
0612 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0613 {
0614 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("CourseKey", e);
0615 }
0616 return lStruct;
0617 }
0618 }
0620 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetCourseResult enterprise data structure and
0621 * PXSTGetCourseResult string based proxy structure.
0622 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0623 public static final class TRSTGetCourseResult
0624 {
0625 private TRSTGetCourseResult ()
0626 {
0627 }
0629 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0630 public static PXSTGetCourseResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetCourseResult pStruct)
0631 {
0632 PXSTGetCourseResult lProxy = new PXSTGetCourseResult();
0633 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
0634 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0635 lProxy.Course = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getCourse());
0636 return lProxy;
0637 }
0638 }
0640 /** Retrieves details of a particular Course instance from the domain. Instance is identified by key structure.
0641 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0642 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0643 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0644 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetCourseResult getCourse( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetCourseInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0645 {
0646 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0647 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0648 return TRSTGetCourseResult.toProxy(lService.getCourse(TRSTGetCourseInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0649 }
0651 /** This class contains an input to the createCourse operation */
0652 public static final class PXSTCreateCourseInput
0653 {
0654 /** <p>Proposed details of the new instance of the Course in the domain.</p>
0655 */
0656 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails ProposedDetails;
0657 }
0659 /** This class contains result of the createCourse operation. */
0660 public static final class PXSTCreateCourseResult
0661 {
0662 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage;
0663 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseCreationDuplicateKeyError DuplicateKeyErrorMessage;
0664 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0665 /** <p>Details of an instance after successfull creation. Mostly the same as the details passed in, but will have some autogenerated fields populated.</p>
0666 */
0667 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails CreatedDetails;
0668 }
0670 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateCourseInput enterprise data structure and
0671 * PXSTCreateCourseInput string based proxy structure.
0672 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0673 public static final class TRSTCreateCourseInput
0674 {
0675 private TRSTCreateCourseInput ()
0676 {
0677 }
0679 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0680 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateCourseInput fromProxy( PXSTCreateCourseInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0681 {
0682 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateCourseInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateCourseInput();
0683 try
0684 {
0685 lStruct.setProposedDetails(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.fromProxy( pProxy.ProposedDetails));
0686 }
0687 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0688 {
0689 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("ProposedDetails", e);
0690 }
0691 return lStruct;
0692 }
0693 }
0695 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateCourseResult enterprise data structure and
0696 * PXSTCreateCourseResult string based proxy structure.
0697 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0698 public static final class TRSTCreateCourseResult
0699 {
0700 private TRSTCreateCourseResult ()
0701 {
0702 }
0704 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0705 public static PXSTCreateCourseResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateCourseResult pStruct)
0706 {
0707 PXSTCreateCourseResult lProxy = new PXSTCreateCourseResult();
0708 lProxy.TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getTeacherNotFoundError());
0709 lProxy.DuplicateKeyErrorMessage = TRMOCourseCreationDuplicateKeyError.toProxy(pStruct.getDuplicateKeyError());
0710 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0711 lProxy.CreatedDetails = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getCreatedDetails());
0712 return lProxy;
0713 }
0714 }
0716 /** Creates new instance of Course in the domain.
0717 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0718 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0719 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0720 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTCreateCourseResult createCourse( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTCreateCourseInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0721 {
0722 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0723 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0724 return TRSTCreateCourseResult.toProxy(lService.createCourse(TRSTCreateCourseInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0725 }
0727 /** This class contains an input to the deleteCourse operation */
0728 public static final class PXSTDeleteCourseInput
0729 {
0730 /** <p>The unique key referring to the instance of Course to be deleted.</p>
0731 */
0732 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseKey CourseKey;
0733 }
0735 /** This class contains result of the deleteCourse operation. */
0736 public static final class PXSTDeleteCourseResult
0737 {
0738 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
0739 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0740 }
0742 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteCourseInput enterprise data structure and
0743 * PXSTDeleteCourseInput string based proxy structure.
0744 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0745 public static final class TRSTDeleteCourseInput
0746 {
0747 private TRSTDeleteCourseInput ()
0748 {
0749 }
0751 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0752 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteCourseInput fromProxy( PXSTDeleteCourseInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0753 {
0754 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteCourseInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteCourseInput();
0755 try
0756 {
0757 lStruct.setCourseKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseKey.fromProxy( pProxy.CourseKey));
0758 }
0759 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0760 {
0761 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("CourseKey", e);
0762 }
0763 return lStruct;
0764 }
0765 }
0767 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteCourseResult enterprise data structure and
0768 * PXSTDeleteCourseResult string based proxy structure.
0769 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0770 public static final class TRSTDeleteCourseResult
0771 {
0772 private TRSTDeleteCourseResult ()
0773 {
0774 }
0776 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0777 public static PXSTDeleteCourseResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteCourseResult pStruct)
0778 {
0779 PXSTDeleteCourseResult lProxy = new PXSTDeleteCourseResult();
0780 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
0781 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0782 return lProxy;
0783 }
0784 }
0786 /** Deletes existing instance of Course in the domain.
0787 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0788 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0789 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0790 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTDeleteCourseResult deleteCourse( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTDeleteCourseInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0791 {
0792 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0793 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0794 return TRSTDeleteCourseResult.toProxy(lService.deleteCourse(TRSTDeleteCourseInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0795 }
0797 /** This class contains an input to the getAllCoursesCount operation */
0798 public static final class PXSTGetAllCoursesCountInput
0799 {
0800 }
0802 /** This class contains result of the getAllCoursesCount operation. */
0803 public static final class PXSTGetAllCoursesCountResult
0804 {
0805 /** <p>Number of Courses found in the domain.</p>
0806 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0807 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.CollectionSize CollectionSize} datatype.</p>
0808 */
0809 public String CoursesCount;
0810 }
0812 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesCountInput enterprise data structure and
0813 * PXSTGetAllCoursesCountInput string based proxy structure.
0814 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0815 public static final class TRSTGetAllCoursesCountInput
0816 {
0817 private TRSTGetAllCoursesCountInput ()
0818 {
0819 }
0821 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0822 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesCountInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllCoursesCountInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0823 {
0824 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesCountInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesCountInput();
0825 return lStruct;
0826 }
0827 }
0829 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesCountResult enterprise data structure and
0830 * PXSTGetAllCoursesCountResult string based proxy structure.
0831 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0832 public static final class TRSTGetAllCoursesCountResult
0833 {
0834 private TRSTGetAllCoursesCountResult ()
0835 {
0836 }
0838 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0839 public static PXSTGetAllCoursesCountResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesCountResult pStruct)
0840 {
0841 PXSTGetAllCoursesCountResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllCoursesCountResult();
0842 com.almamater.types.core.CollectionSize lCoursesCount = pStruct.getCoursesCount();
0843 if (lCoursesCount != null)
0844 lProxy.CoursesCount = lCoursesCount.toString();
0845 return lProxy;
0846 }
0847 }
0849 /** Retrieves count of all Courses present in the domain.
0850 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0851 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0852 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0853 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllCoursesCountResult getAllCoursesCount( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllCoursesCountInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0854 {
0855 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0856 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0857 return TRSTGetAllCoursesCountResult.toProxy(lService.getAllCoursesCount(TRSTGetAllCoursesCountInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0858 }
0860 /** This class contains an input to the getAllCourses operation */
0861 public static final class PXSTGetAllCoursesInput
0862 {
0863 /** <p>Array of zero or more ordering instructions (weight of the instruction is diminising towards the end of the array). Returned Courses will be sorted in accordance with these instructions.</p>
0864 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0865 * {@link com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction CourseOrderingInstruction} datatype.</p>
0866 */
0867 public String[] OrderingInstructions;
0868 }
0870 /** This class contains result of the getAllCourses operation. */
0871 public static final class PXSTGetAllCoursesResult
0872 {
0873 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0874 /** <p>Details of all Courses found in the domain.</p>
0875 */
0876 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails[] Courses;
0877 }
0879 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesInput enterprise data structure and
0880 * PXSTGetAllCoursesInput string based proxy structure.
0881 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0882 public static final class TRSTGetAllCoursesInput
0883 {
0884 private TRSTGetAllCoursesInput ()
0885 {
0886 }
0888 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0889 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllCoursesInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0890 {
0891 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesInput();
0892 try
0893 {
0894 if (pProxy.OrderingInstructions != null)
0895 {
0896 com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction[] lStructArray = new com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction[pProxy.OrderingInstructions.length];
0897 for (int i = 0; i < lStructArray.length; i++)
0898 {
0899 String lProxyElement = pProxy.OrderingInstructions[i];
0900 if (lProxyElement != null)
0901 lStructArray[i] = com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction.createFromString(lProxyElement);
0902 }
0903 lStruct.setOrderingInstructions(lStructArray);
0904 }
0905 }
0906 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0907 {
0908 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("OrderingInstructions", e);
0909 }
0910 return lStruct;
0911 }
0912 }
0914 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesResult enterprise data structure and
0915 * PXSTGetAllCoursesResult string based proxy structure.
0916 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0917 public static final class TRSTGetAllCoursesResult
0918 {
0919 private TRSTGetAllCoursesResult ()
0920 {
0921 }
0923 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
0924 public static PXSTGetAllCoursesResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesResult pStruct)
0925 {
0926 PXSTGetAllCoursesResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllCoursesResult();
0927 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
0928 lProxy.Courses = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getCourses());
0929 return lProxy;
0930 }
0931 }
0933 /** Retrieves details of all Courses present in the domain.
0934 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
0935 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
0936 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
0937 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllCoursesResult getAllCourses( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllCoursesInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
0938 {
0939 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0940 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
0941 return TRSTGetAllCoursesResult.toProxy(lService.getAllCourses(TRSTGetAllCoursesInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
0942 }
0944 /** This class contains an input to the getSubsetOfCourses operation */
0945 public static final class PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesInput
0946 {
0947 /** <p>Zero-based offset from the first entity details to be returned to the beginning of the whole collection of Courses present in domain.</p>
0948 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0949 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.CollectionOffset CollectionOffset} datatype.</p>
0950 */
0951 public String FirstRecordOffset;
0952 /** <p>The desired maximum number of detail records to be returned. Note that actual number of details returned might be lower if domain does not have sufficient number of Courses.</p>
0953 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0954 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.SubsetSize SubsetSize} datatype.</p>
0955 */
0956 public String RequiredMaxSize;
0957 /** <p>Array of zero or more ordering instructions (weight of the instruction is diminising towards the end of the array). Returned subset of the Courses will be cut out after sorting of the whole set has been done in accordance with these instructions.</p>
0958 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
0959 * {@link com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction CourseOrderingInstruction} datatype.</p>
0960 */
0961 public String[] OrderingInstructions;
0962 }
0964 /** This class contains result of the getSubsetOfCourses operation. */
0965 public static final class PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult
0966 {
0967 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
0968 /** <p>Details of all Courses found in the domain starting from specified offset and spanning no more than required maximum number of records.</p>
0969 */
0970 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails[] Courses;
0971 }
0973 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfCoursesInput enterprise data structure and
0974 * PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesInput string based proxy structure.
0975 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
0976 public static final class TRSTGetSubsetOfCoursesInput
0977 {
0978 private TRSTGetSubsetOfCoursesInput ()
0979 {
0980 }
0982 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
0983 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfCoursesInput fromProxy( PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
0984 {
0985 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfCoursesInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfCoursesInput();
0986 try
0987 {
0988 lStruct.setFirstRecordOffset(com.almamater.types.core.CollectionOffset.createFromString(pProxy.FirstRecordOffset));
0989 }
0990 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0991 {
0992 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("FirstRecordOffset", e);
0993 }
0994 try
0995 {
0996 lStruct.setRequiredMaxSize(com.almamater.types.core.SubsetSize.createFromString(pProxy.RequiredMaxSize));
0997 }
0998 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
0999 {
1000 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("RequiredMaxSize", e);
1001 }
1002 try
1003 {
1004 if (pProxy.OrderingInstructions != null)
1005 {
1006 com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction[] lStructArray = new com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction[pProxy.OrderingInstructions.length];
1007 for (int i = 0; i < lStructArray.length; i++)
1008 {
1009 String lProxyElement = pProxy.OrderingInstructions[i];
1010 if (lProxyElement != null)
1011 lStructArray[i] = com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.CourseOrderingInstruction.createFromString(lProxyElement);
1012 }
1013 lStruct.setOrderingInstructions(lStructArray);
1014 }
1015 }
1016 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1017 {
1018 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("OrderingInstructions", e);
1019 }
1020 return lStruct;
1021 }
1022 }
1024 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfCoursesResult enterprise data structure and
1025 * PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult string based proxy structure.
1026 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1027 public static final class TRSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult
1028 {
1029 private TRSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult ()
1030 {
1031 }
1033 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1034 public static PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfCoursesResult pStruct)
1035 {
1036 PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult lProxy = new PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult();
1037 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1038 lProxy.Courses = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getCourses());
1039 return lProxy;
1040 }
1041 }
1043 /** Retrieves details of the required subset of Courses present in the domain.
1044 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1045 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1046 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1047 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult getSubsetOfCourses( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetSubsetOfCoursesInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1048 {
1049 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1050 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1051 return TRSTGetSubsetOfCoursesResult.toProxy(lService.getSubsetOfCourses(TRSTGetSubsetOfCoursesInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1052 }
1054 /** This class contains an input to the updateCourse operation */
1055 public static final class PXSTUpdateCourseInput
1056 {
1057 /** <p>Proposed new details of the existing instance of the Course. Only identifier fields and fields with new values need to be populated.</p>
1058 */
1059 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails ProposedDetails;
1060 }
1062 /** This class contains result of the updateCourse operation. */
1063 public static final class PXSTUpdateCourseResult
1064 {
1065 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseVersionMismatchError VersionMismatchErrorMessage;
1066 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
1067 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage;
1068 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1069 /** <p>Details of an instance after successfull update. Mostly the same as the details passed in, but may have some autogenerated fields populated or updated.</p>
1070 */
1071 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails UpdatedDetails;
1072 }
1074 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateCourseInput enterprise data structure and
1075 * PXSTUpdateCourseInput string based proxy structure.
1076 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1077 public static final class TRSTUpdateCourseInput
1078 {
1079 private TRSTUpdateCourseInput ()
1080 {
1081 }
1083 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1084 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateCourseInput fromProxy( PXSTUpdateCourseInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1085 {
1086 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateCourseInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateCourseInput();
1087 try
1088 {
1089 lStruct.setProposedDetails(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.fromProxy( pProxy.ProposedDetails));
1090 }
1091 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1092 {
1093 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("ProposedDetails", e);
1094 }
1095 return lStruct;
1096 }
1097 }
1099 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateCourseResult enterprise data structure and
1100 * PXSTUpdateCourseResult string based proxy structure.
1101 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1102 public static final class TRSTUpdateCourseResult
1103 {
1104 private TRSTUpdateCourseResult ()
1105 {
1106 }
1108 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1109 public static PXSTUpdateCourseResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateCourseResult pStruct)
1110 {
1111 PXSTUpdateCourseResult lProxy = new PXSTUpdateCourseResult();
1112 lProxy.VersionMismatchErrorMessage = TRMOCourseVersionMismatchError.toProxy(pStruct.getVersionMismatchError());
1113 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
1114 lProxy.TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getTeacherNotFoundError());
1115 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1116 lProxy.UpdatedDetails = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getUpdatedDetails());
1117 return lProxy;
1118 }
1119 }
1121 /** Updates existing instance of Course in the domain.
1122 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1123 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1124 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1125 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTUpdateCourseResult updateCourse( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTUpdateCourseInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1126 {
1127 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1128 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1129 return TRSTUpdateCourseResult.toProxy(lService.updateCourse(TRSTUpdateCourseInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1130 }
1132 /** This class contains an input to the getTeacher operation */
1133 public static final class PXSTGetTeacherInput
1134 {
1135 /** <p>The unique key referring to the instance of Teacher to be retrieved.</p>
1136 */
1137 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherKey TeacherKey;
1138 }
1140 /** This class contains result of the getTeacher operation. */
1141 public static final class PXSTGetTeacherResult
1142 {
1143 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage;
1144 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1145 /** <p>Details of a particuar Teacher found in the domain.</p>
1146 */
1147 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails Teacher;
1148 }
1150 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetTeacherInput enterprise data structure and
1151 * PXSTGetTeacherInput string based proxy structure.
1152 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1153 public static final class TRSTGetTeacherInput
1154 {
1155 private TRSTGetTeacherInput ()
1156 {
1157 }
1159 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1160 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetTeacherInput fromProxy( PXSTGetTeacherInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1161 {
1162 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetTeacherInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetTeacherInput();
1163 try
1164 {
1165 lStruct.setTeacherKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherKey.fromProxy( pProxy.TeacherKey));
1166 }
1167 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1168 {
1169 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("TeacherKey", e);
1170 }
1171 return lStruct;
1172 }
1173 }
1175 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetTeacherResult enterprise data structure and
1176 * PXSTGetTeacherResult string based proxy structure.
1177 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1178 public static final class TRSTGetTeacherResult
1179 {
1180 private TRSTGetTeacherResult ()
1181 {
1182 }
1184 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1185 public static PXSTGetTeacherResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetTeacherResult pStruct)
1186 {
1187 PXSTGetTeacherResult lProxy = new PXSTGetTeacherResult();
1188 lProxy.TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getTeacherNotFoundError());
1189 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1190 lProxy.Teacher = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getTeacher());
1191 return lProxy;
1192 }
1193 }
1195 /** Retrieves details of a particular Teacher instance from the domain. Instance is identified by key structure.
1196 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1197 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1198 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1199 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetTeacherResult getTeacher( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetTeacherInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1200 {
1201 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1202 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1203 return TRSTGetTeacherResult.toProxy(lService.getTeacher(TRSTGetTeacherInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1204 }
1206 /** This class contains an input to the createTeacher operation */
1207 public static final class PXSTCreateTeacherInput
1208 {
1209 /** <p>Proposed details of the new instance of the Teacher in the domain.</p>
1210 */
1211 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails ProposedDetails;
1212 }
1214 /** This class contains result of the createTeacher operation. */
1215 public static final class PXSTCreateTeacherResult
1216 {
1217 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1218 /** <p>Details of an instance after successfull creation. Mostly the same as the details passed in, but will have some autogenerated fields populated.</p>
1219 */
1220 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails CreatedDetails;
1221 }
1223 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateTeacherInput enterprise data structure and
1224 * PXSTCreateTeacherInput string based proxy structure.
1225 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1226 public static final class TRSTCreateTeacherInput
1227 {
1228 private TRSTCreateTeacherInput ()
1229 {
1230 }
1232 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1233 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateTeacherInput fromProxy( PXSTCreateTeacherInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1234 {
1235 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateTeacherInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateTeacherInput();
1236 try
1237 {
1238 lStruct.setProposedDetails(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.fromProxy( pProxy.ProposedDetails));
1239 }
1240 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1241 {
1242 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("ProposedDetails", e);
1243 }
1244 return lStruct;
1245 }
1246 }
1248 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateTeacherResult enterprise data structure and
1249 * PXSTCreateTeacherResult string based proxy structure.
1250 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1251 public static final class TRSTCreateTeacherResult
1252 {
1253 private TRSTCreateTeacherResult ()
1254 {
1255 }
1257 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1258 public static PXSTCreateTeacherResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STCreateTeacherResult pStruct)
1259 {
1260 PXSTCreateTeacherResult lProxy = new PXSTCreateTeacherResult();
1261 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1262 lProxy.CreatedDetails = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getCreatedDetails());
1263 return lProxy;
1264 }
1265 }
1267 /** Creates new instance of Teacher in the domain.
1268 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1269 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1270 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1271 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTCreateTeacherResult createTeacher( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTCreateTeacherInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1272 {
1273 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1274 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1275 return TRSTCreateTeacherResult.toProxy(lService.createTeacher(TRSTCreateTeacherInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1276 }
1278 /** This class contains an input to the deleteTeacher operation */
1279 public static final class PXSTDeleteTeacherInput
1280 {
1281 /** <p>The unique key referring to the instance of Teacher to be deleted.</p>
1282 */
1283 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherKey TeacherKey;
1284 }
1286 /** This class contains result of the deleteTeacher operation. */
1287 public static final class PXSTDeleteTeacherResult
1288 {
1289 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage;
1290 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1291 }
1293 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteTeacherInput enterprise data structure and
1294 * PXSTDeleteTeacherInput string based proxy structure.
1295 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1296 public static final class TRSTDeleteTeacherInput
1297 {
1298 private TRSTDeleteTeacherInput ()
1299 {
1300 }
1302 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1303 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteTeacherInput fromProxy( PXSTDeleteTeacherInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1304 {
1305 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteTeacherInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteTeacherInput();
1306 try
1307 {
1308 lStruct.setTeacherKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherKey.fromProxy( pProxy.TeacherKey));
1309 }
1310 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1311 {
1312 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("TeacherKey", e);
1313 }
1314 return lStruct;
1315 }
1316 }
1318 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteTeacherResult enterprise data structure and
1319 * PXSTDeleteTeacherResult string based proxy structure.
1320 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1321 public static final class TRSTDeleteTeacherResult
1322 {
1323 private TRSTDeleteTeacherResult ()
1324 {
1325 }
1327 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1328 public static PXSTDeleteTeacherResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STDeleteTeacherResult pStruct)
1329 {
1330 PXSTDeleteTeacherResult lProxy = new PXSTDeleteTeacherResult();
1331 lProxy.TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getTeacherNotFoundError());
1332 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1333 return lProxy;
1334 }
1335 }
1337 /** Deletes existing instance of Teacher in the domain.
1338 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1339 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1340 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1341 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTDeleteTeacherResult deleteTeacher( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTDeleteTeacherInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1342 {
1343 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1344 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1345 return TRSTDeleteTeacherResult.toProxy(lService.deleteTeacher(TRSTDeleteTeacherInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1346 }
1348 /** This class contains an input to the getAllTeachersCount operation */
1349 public static final class PXSTGetAllTeachersCountInput
1350 {
1351 }
1353 /** This class contains result of the getAllTeachersCount operation. */
1354 public static final class PXSTGetAllTeachersCountResult
1355 {
1356 /** <p>Number of Teachers found in the domain.</p>
1357 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
1358 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.CollectionSize CollectionSize} datatype.</p>
1359 */
1360 public String TeachersCount;
1361 }
1363 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersCountInput enterprise data structure and
1364 * PXSTGetAllTeachersCountInput string based proxy structure.
1365 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1366 public static final class TRSTGetAllTeachersCountInput
1367 {
1368 private TRSTGetAllTeachersCountInput ()
1369 {
1370 }
1372 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1373 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersCountInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllTeachersCountInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1374 {
1375 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersCountInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersCountInput();
1376 return lStruct;
1377 }
1378 }
1380 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersCountResult enterprise data structure and
1381 * PXSTGetAllTeachersCountResult string based proxy structure.
1382 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1383 public static final class TRSTGetAllTeachersCountResult
1384 {
1385 private TRSTGetAllTeachersCountResult ()
1386 {
1387 }
1389 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1390 public static PXSTGetAllTeachersCountResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersCountResult pStruct)
1391 {
1392 PXSTGetAllTeachersCountResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllTeachersCountResult();
1393 com.almamater.types.core.CollectionSize lTeachersCount = pStruct.getTeachersCount();
1394 if (lTeachersCount != null)
1395 lProxy.TeachersCount = lTeachersCount.toString();
1396 return lProxy;
1397 }
1398 }
1400 /** Retrieves count of all Teachers present in the domain.
1401 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1402 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1403 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1404 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllTeachersCountResult getAllTeachersCount( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllTeachersCountInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1405 {
1406 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1407 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1408 return TRSTGetAllTeachersCountResult.toProxy(lService.getAllTeachersCount(TRSTGetAllTeachersCountInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1409 }
1411 /** This class contains an input to the getAllTeachers operation */
1412 public static final class PXSTGetAllTeachersInput
1413 {
1414 /** <p>Array of zero or more ordering instructions (weight of the instruction is diminising towards the end of the array). Returned Teachers will be sorted in accordance with these instructions.</p>
1415 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
1416 * {@link com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction TeacherOrderingInstruction} datatype.</p>
1417 */
1418 public String[] OrderingInstructions;
1419 }
1421 /** This class contains result of the getAllTeachers operation. */
1422 public static final class PXSTGetAllTeachersResult
1423 {
1424 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1425 /** <p>Details of all Teachers found in the domain.</p>
1426 */
1427 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails[] Teachers;
1428 }
1430 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersInput enterprise data structure and
1431 * PXSTGetAllTeachersInput string based proxy structure.
1432 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1433 public static final class TRSTGetAllTeachersInput
1434 {
1435 private TRSTGetAllTeachersInput ()
1436 {
1437 }
1439 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1440 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllTeachersInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1441 {
1442 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersInput();
1443 try
1444 {
1445 if (pProxy.OrderingInstructions != null)
1446 {
1447 com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction[] lStructArray = new com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction[pProxy.OrderingInstructions.length];
1448 for (int i = 0; i < lStructArray.length; i++)
1449 {
1450 String lProxyElement = pProxy.OrderingInstructions[i];
1451 if (lProxyElement != null)
1452 lStructArray[i] = com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction.createFromString(lProxyElement);
1453 }
1454 lStruct.setOrderingInstructions(lStructArray);
1455 }
1456 }
1457 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1458 {
1459 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("OrderingInstructions", e);
1460 }
1461 return lStruct;
1462 }
1463 }
1465 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersResult enterprise data structure and
1466 * PXSTGetAllTeachersResult string based proxy structure.
1467 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1468 public static final class TRSTGetAllTeachersResult
1469 {
1470 private TRSTGetAllTeachersResult ()
1471 {
1472 }
1474 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1475 public static PXSTGetAllTeachersResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllTeachersResult pStruct)
1476 {
1477 PXSTGetAllTeachersResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllTeachersResult();
1478 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1479 lProxy.Teachers = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getTeachers());
1480 return lProxy;
1481 }
1482 }
1484 /** Retrieves details of all Teachers present in the domain.
1485 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1486 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1487 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1488 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllTeachersResult getAllTeachers( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllTeachersInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1489 {
1490 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1491 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1492 return TRSTGetAllTeachersResult.toProxy(lService.getAllTeachers(TRSTGetAllTeachersInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1493 }
1495 /** This class contains an input to the getSubsetOfTeachers operation */
1496 public static final class PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersInput
1497 {
1498 /** <p>Zero-based offset from the first entity details to be returned to the beginning of the whole collection of Teachers present in domain.</p>
1499 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
1500 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.CollectionOffset CollectionOffset} datatype.</p>
1501 */
1502 public String FirstRecordOffset;
1503 /** <p>The desired maximum number of detail records to be returned. Note that actual number of details returned might be lower if domain does not have sufficient number of Teachers.</p>
1504 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
1505 * {@link com.almamater.types.core.SubsetSize SubsetSize} datatype.</p>
1506 */
1507 public String RequiredMaxSize;
1508 /** <p>Array of zero or more ordering instructions (weight of the instruction is diminising towards the end of the array). Returned subset of the Teachers will be cut out after sorting of the whole set has been done in accordance with these instructions.</p>
1509 * <p>The range of string values this field can be populated with is governed by the
1510 * {@link com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction TeacherOrderingInstruction} datatype.</p>
1511 */
1512 public String[] OrderingInstructions;
1513 }
1515 /** This class contains result of the getSubsetOfTeachers operation. */
1516 public static final class PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult
1517 {
1518 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1519 /** <p>Details of all Teachers found in the domain starting from specified offset and spanning no more than required maximum number of records.</p>
1520 */
1521 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails[] Teachers;
1522 }
1524 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfTeachersInput enterprise data structure and
1525 * PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersInput string based proxy structure.
1526 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1527 public static final class TRSTGetSubsetOfTeachersInput
1528 {
1529 private TRSTGetSubsetOfTeachersInput ()
1530 {
1531 }
1533 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1534 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfTeachersInput fromProxy( PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1535 {
1536 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfTeachersInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfTeachersInput();
1537 try
1538 {
1539 lStruct.setFirstRecordOffset(com.almamater.types.core.CollectionOffset.createFromString(pProxy.FirstRecordOffset));
1540 }
1541 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1542 {
1543 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("FirstRecordOffset", e);
1544 }
1545 try
1546 {
1547 lStruct.setRequiredMaxSize(com.almamater.types.core.SubsetSize.createFromString(pProxy.RequiredMaxSize));
1548 }
1549 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1550 {
1551 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("RequiredMaxSize", e);
1552 }
1553 try
1554 {
1555 if (pProxy.OrderingInstructions != null)
1556 {
1557 com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction[] lStructArray = new com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction[pProxy.OrderingInstructions.length];
1558 for (int i = 0; i < lStructArray.length; i++)
1559 {
1560 String lProxyElement = pProxy.OrderingInstructions[i];
1561 if (lProxyElement != null)
1562 lStructArray[i] = com.almamater.crs.types.system.courses.TeacherOrderingInstruction.createFromString(lProxyElement);
1563 }
1564 lStruct.setOrderingInstructions(lStructArray);
1565 }
1566 }
1567 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1568 {
1569 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("OrderingInstructions", e);
1570 }
1571 return lStruct;
1572 }
1573 }
1575 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfTeachersResult enterprise data structure and
1576 * PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult string based proxy structure.
1577 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1578 public static final class TRSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult
1579 {
1580 private TRSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult ()
1581 {
1582 }
1584 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1585 public static PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetSubsetOfTeachersResult pStruct)
1586 {
1587 PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult lProxy = new PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult();
1588 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1589 lProxy.Teachers = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getTeachers());
1590 return lProxy;
1591 }
1592 }
1594 /** Retrieves details of the required subset of Teachers present in the domain.
1595 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1596 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1597 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1598 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult getSubsetOfTeachers( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetSubsetOfTeachersInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1599 {
1600 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1601 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1602 return TRSTGetSubsetOfTeachersResult.toProxy(lService.getSubsetOfTeachers(TRSTGetSubsetOfTeachersInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1603 }
1605 /** This class contains an input to the updateTeacher operation */
1606 public static final class PXSTUpdateTeacherInput
1607 {
1608 /** <p>Proposed new details of the existing instance of the Teacher. Only identifier fields and fields with new values need to be populated.</p>
1609 */
1610 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails ProposedDetails;
1611 }
1613 /** This class contains result of the updateTeacher operation. */
1614 public static final class PXSTUpdateTeacherResult
1615 {
1616 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherVersionMismatchError VersionMismatchErrorMessage;
1617 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage;
1618 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1619 /** <p>Details of an instance after successfull update. Mostly the same as the details passed in, but may have some autogenerated fields populated or updated.</p>
1620 */
1621 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails UpdatedDetails;
1622 }
1624 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateTeacherInput enterprise data structure and
1625 * PXSTUpdateTeacherInput string based proxy structure.
1626 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1627 public static final class TRSTUpdateTeacherInput
1628 {
1629 private TRSTUpdateTeacherInput ()
1630 {
1631 }
1633 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1634 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateTeacherInput fromProxy( PXSTUpdateTeacherInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1635 {
1636 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateTeacherInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateTeacherInput();
1637 try
1638 {
1639 lStruct.setProposedDetails(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.fromProxy( pProxy.ProposedDetails));
1640 }
1641 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1642 {
1643 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("ProposedDetails", e);
1644 }
1645 return lStruct;
1646 }
1647 }
1649 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateTeacherResult enterprise data structure and
1650 * PXSTUpdateTeacherResult string based proxy structure.
1651 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1652 public static final class TRSTUpdateTeacherResult
1653 {
1654 private TRSTUpdateTeacherResult ()
1655 {
1656 }
1658 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1659 public static PXSTUpdateTeacherResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STUpdateTeacherResult pStruct)
1660 {
1661 PXSTUpdateTeacherResult lProxy = new PXSTUpdateTeacherResult();
1662 lProxy.VersionMismatchErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherVersionMismatchError.toProxy(pStruct.getVersionMismatchError());
1663 lProxy.TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getTeacherNotFoundError());
1664 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1665 lProxy.UpdatedDetails = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.toProxy( pStruct.getUpdatedDetails());
1666 return lProxy;
1667 }
1668 }
1670 /** Updates existing instance of Teacher in the domain.
1671 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1672 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1673 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1674 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTUpdateTeacherResult updateTeacher( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTUpdateTeacherInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1675 {
1676 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1677 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1678 return TRSTUpdateTeacherResult.toProxy(lService.updateTeacher(TRSTUpdateTeacherInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1679 }
1681 /** This class contains an input to the addLecturersToCourse operation */
1682 public static final class PXSTAddLecturersToCourseInput
1683 {
1684 /** <p>The unique key identifying the Course to be edited.</p>
1685 */
1686 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseKey CourseKey;
1687 /** <p>The array of unique keys identifying Lecturers to be added.</p>
1688 */
1689 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherKey[] LecturerKeys;
1690 }
1692 /** This class contains result of the addLecturersToCourse operation. */
1693 public static final class PXSTAddLecturersToCourseResult
1694 {
1695 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
1696 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage;
1697 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1698 }
1700 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddLecturersToCourseInput enterprise data structure and
1701 * PXSTAddLecturersToCourseInput string based proxy structure.
1702 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1703 public static final class TRSTAddLecturersToCourseInput
1704 {
1705 private TRSTAddLecturersToCourseInput ()
1706 {
1707 }
1709 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1710 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddLecturersToCourseInput fromProxy( PXSTAddLecturersToCourseInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1711 {
1712 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddLecturersToCourseInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddLecturersToCourseInput();
1713 try
1714 {
1715 lStruct.setCourseKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseKey.fromProxy( pProxy.CourseKey));
1716 }
1717 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1718 {
1719 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("CourseKey", e);
1720 }
1721 try
1722 {
1723 lStruct.setLecturerKeys(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherKey.fromProxyArray( pProxy.LecturerKeys));
1724 }
1725 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1726 {
1727 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("LecturerKeys", e);
1728 }
1729 return lStruct;
1730 }
1731 }
1733 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddLecturersToCourseResult enterprise data structure and
1734 * PXSTAddLecturersToCourseResult string based proxy structure.
1735 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1736 public static final class TRSTAddLecturersToCourseResult
1737 {
1738 private TRSTAddLecturersToCourseResult ()
1739 {
1740 }
1742 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1743 public static PXSTAddLecturersToCourseResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddLecturersToCourseResult pStruct)
1744 {
1745 PXSTAddLecturersToCourseResult lProxy = new PXSTAddLecturersToCourseResult();
1746 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
1747 lProxy.TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getTeacherNotFoundError());
1748 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1749 return lProxy;
1750 }
1751 }
1753 /** Adds one or more Lecturers to the specified Course instance.
1754 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1755 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1756 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1757 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTAddLecturersToCourseResult addLecturersToCourse( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTAddLecturersToCourseInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1758 {
1759 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1760 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1761 return TRSTAddLecturersToCourseResult.toProxy(lService.addLecturersToCourse(TRSTAddLecturersToCourseInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1762 }
1764 /** This class contains an input to the removeLecturersFromCourse operation */
1765 public static final class PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput
1766 {
1767 /** <p>The unique key identifying the Course to be edited.</p>
1768 */
1769 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseKey CourseKey;
1770 /** <p>The array of unique keys identifying Lecturers to be removed.</p>
1771 */
1772 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherKey[] LecturerKeys;
1773 }
1775 /** This class contains result of the removeLecturersFromCourse operation. */
1776 public static final class PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult
1777 {
1778 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
1779 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage;
1780 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1781 }
1783 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput enterprise data structure and
1784 * PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput string based proxy structure.
1785 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1786 public static final class TRSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput
1787 {
1788 private TRSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput ()
1789 {
1790 }
1792 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1793 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput fromProxy( PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1794 {
1795 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput();
1796 try
1797 {
1798 lStruct.setCourseKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseKey.fromProxy( pProxy.CourseKey));
1799 }
1800 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1801 {
1802 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("CourseKey", e);
1803 }
1804 try
1805 {
1806 lStruct.setLecturerKeys(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherKey.fromProxyArray( pProxy.LecturerKeys));
1807 }
1808 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1809 {
1810 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("LecturerKeys", e);
1811 }
1812 return lStruct;
1813 }
1814 }
1816 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult enterprise data structure and
1817 * PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult string based proxy structure.
1818 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1819 public static final class TRSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult
1820 {
1821 private TRSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult ()
1822 {
1823 }
1825 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1826 public static PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult pStruct)
1827 {
1828 PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult lProxy = new PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult();
1829 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
1830 lProxy.TeacherNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOTeacherInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getTeacherNotFoundError());
1831 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1832 return lProxy;
1833 }
1834 }
1836 /** Removes one or more Lecturers from the specified Course instance.
1837 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1838 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1839 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1840 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult removeLecturersFromCourse( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1841 {
1842 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1843 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1844 return TRSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseResult.toProxy(lService.removeLecturersFromCourse(TRSTRemoveLecturersFromCourseInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1845 }
1847 /** This class contains an input to the getAllLecturersForCourse operation */
1848 public static final class PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseInput
1849 {
1850 /** <p>The unique key identifying the Course to be queried.</p>
1851 */
1852 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseKey CourseKey;
1853 }
1855 /** This class contains result of the getAllLecturersForCourse operation. */
1856 public static final class PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult
1857 {
1858 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
1859 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1860 /** <p>Details of all Lecturers associated with the given Course</p>
1861 */
1862 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTTeacherDetails[] Lecturers;
1863 }
1865 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllLecturersForCourseInput enterprise data structure and
1866 * PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseInput string based proxy structure.
1867 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1868 public static final class TRSTGetAllLecturersForCourseInput
1869 {
1870 private TRSTGetAllLecturersForCourseInput ()
1871 {
1872 }
1874 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1875 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllLecturersForCourseInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1876 {
1877 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllLecturersForCourseInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllLecturersForCourseInput();
1878 try
1879 {
1880 lStruct.setCourseKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseKey.fromProxy( pProxy.CourseKey));
1881 }
1882 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1883 {
1884 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("CourseKey", e);
1885 }
1886 return lStruct;
1887 }
1888 }
1890 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllLecturersForCourseResult enterprise data structure and
1891 * PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult string based proxy structure.
1892 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1893 public static final class TRSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult
1894 {
1895 private TRSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult ()
1896 {
1897 }
1899 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1900 public static PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllLecturersForCourseResult pStruct)
1901 {
1902 PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult();
1903 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
1904 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1905 lProxy.Lecturers = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTTeacherDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getLecturers());
1906 return lProxy;
1907 }
1908 }
1910 /** Returns all Lecturers associated with the specified Course instance.
1911 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1912 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1913 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1914 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult getAllLecturersForCourse( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllLecturersForCourseInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1915 {
1916 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
1917 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
1918 return TRSTGetAllLecturersForCourseResult.toProxy(lService.getAllLecturersForCourse(TRSTGetAllLecturersForCourseInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
1919 }
1921 /** This class contains an input to the addCoursesToStudent operation */
1922 public static final class PXSTAddCoursesToStudentInput
1923 {
1924 /** <p>The unique key identifying the Student to be edited.</p>
1925 */
1926 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentKey StudentKey;
1927 /** <p>The array of unique keys identifying Courses to be added.</p>
1928 */
1929 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseKey[] CourseKeys;
1930 }
1932 /** This class contains result of the addCoursesToStudent operation. */
1933 public static final class PXSTAddCoursesToStudentResult
1934 {
1935 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
1936 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError StudentNotFoundErrorMessage;
1937 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
1938 }
1940 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddCoursesToStudentInput enterprise data structure and
1941 * PXSTAddCoursesToStudentInput string based proxy structure.
1942 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1943 public static final class TRSTAddCoursesToStudentInput
1944 {
1945 private TRSTAddCoursesToStudentInput ()
1946 {
1947 }
1949 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
1950 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddCoursesToStudentInput fromProxy( PXSTAddCoursesToStudentInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
1951 {
1952 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddCoursesToStudentInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddCoursesToStudentInput();
1953 try
1954 {
1955 lStruct.setStudentKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentKey.fromProxy( pProxy.StudentKey));
1956 }
1957 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1958 {
1959 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("StudentKey", e);
1960 }
1961 try
1962 {
1963 lStruct.setCourseKeys(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseKey.fromProxyArray( pProxy.CourseKeys));
1964 }
1965 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
1966 {
1967 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("CourseKeys", e);
1968 }
1969 return lStruct;
1970 }
1971 }
1973 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddCoursesToStudentResult enterprise data structure and
1974 * PXSTAddCoursesToStudentResult string based proxy structure.
1975 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
1976 public static final class TRSTAddCoursesToStudentResult
1977 {
1978 private TRSTAddCoursesToStudentResult ()
1979 {
1980 }
1982 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
1983 public static PXSTAddCoursesToStudentResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STAddCoursesToStudentResult pStruct)
1984 {
1985 PXSTAddCoursesToStudentResult lProxy = new PXSTAddCoursesToStudentResult();
1986 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
1987 lProxy.StudentNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getStudentNotFoundError());
1988 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
1989 return lProxy;
1990 }
1991 }
1993 /** Adds one or more Courses to the specified Student instance.
1994 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
1995 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
1996 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
1997 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTAddCoursesToStudentResult addCoursesToStudent( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTAddCoursesToStudentInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
1998 {
1999 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
2000 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
2001 return TRSTAddCoursesToStudentResult.toProxy(lService.addCoursesToStudent(TRSTAddCoursesToStudentInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
2002 }
2004 /** This class contains an input to the removeCoursesFromStudent operation */
2005 public static final class PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput
2006 {
2007 /** <p>The unique key identifying the Student to be edited.</p>
2008 */
2009 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentKey StudentKey;
2010 /** <p>The array of unique keys identifying Courses to be removed.</p>
2011 */
2012 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseKey[] CourseKeys;
2013 }
2015 /** This class contains result of the removeCoursesFromStudent operation. */
2016 public static final class PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult
2017 {
2018 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError CourseNotFoundErrorMessage;
2019 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError StudentNotFoundErrorMessage;
2020 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
2021 }
2023 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput enterprise data structure and
2024 * PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput string based proxy structure.
2025 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
2026 public static final class TRSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput
2027 {
2028 private TRSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput ()
2029 {
2030 }
2032 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
2033 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput fromProxy( PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
2034 {
2035 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput();
2036 try
2037 {
2038 lStruct.setStudentKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentKey.fromProxy( pProxy.StudentKey));
2039 }
2040 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
2041 {
2042 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("StudentKey", e);
2043 }
2044 try
2045 {
2046 lStruct.setCourseKeys(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseKey.fromProxyArray( pProxy.CourseKeys));
2047 }
2048 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
2049 {
2050 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("CourseKeys", e);
2051 }
2052 return lStruct;
2053 }
2054 }
2056 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult enterprise data structure and
2057 * PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult string based proxy structure.
2058 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
2059 public static final class TRSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult
2060 {
2061 private TRSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult ()
2062 {
2063 }
2065 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
2066 public static PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult pStruct)
2067 {
2068 PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult lProxy = new PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult();
2069 lProxy.CourseNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOCourseInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getCourseNotFoundError());
2070 lProxy.StudentNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getStudentNotFoundError());
2071 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
2072 return lProxy;
2073 }
2074 }
2076 /** Removes one or more Courses from the specified Student instance.
2077 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
2078 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
2079 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
2080 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult removeCoursesFromStudent( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
2081 {
2082 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
2083 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
2084 return TRSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentResult.toProxy(lService.removeCoursesFromStudent(TRSTRemoveCoursesFromStudentInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
2085 }
2087 /** This class contains an input to the getAllCoursesForStudent operation */
2088 public static final class PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentInput
2089 {
2090 /** <p>The unique key identifying the Student to be queried.</p>
2091 */
2092 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTStudentKey StudentKey;
2093 }
2095 /** This class contains result of the getAllCoursesForStudent operation. */
2096 public static final class PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult
2097 {
2098 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError StudentNotFoundErrorMessage;
2099 public com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.PXMOInvalidOperationInputError InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage;
2100 /** <p>Details of all Courses associated with the given Student</p>
2101 */
2102 public com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.PXSTCourseDetails[] Courses;
2103 }
2105 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesForStudentInput enterprise data structure and
2106 * PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentInput string based proxy structure.
2107 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
2108 public static final class TRSTGetAllCoursesForStudentInput
2109 {
2110 private TRSTGetAllCoursesForStudentInput ()
2111 {
2112 }
2114 /** This method converts string based operation input structure to the enterprise operation input structure. */
2115 public static com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesForStudentInput fromProxy( PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentInput pProxy) throws DataTypeFieldValidationException
2116 {
2117 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesForStudentInput lStruct = new com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesForStudentInput();
2118 try
2119 {
2120 lStruct.setStudentKey(com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTStudentKey.fromProxy( pProxy.StudentKey));
2121 }
2122 catch (DataTypeValidationException e)
2123 {
2124 throw new DataTypeFieldValidationException("StudentKey", e);
2125 }
2126 return lStruct;
2127 }
2128 }
2130 /** This class contains utilities to translate data between com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesForStudentResult enterprise data structure and
2131 * PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult string based proxy structure.
2132 * This class is used internally in the adapter, but it can also be used externally by any code needing translation. */
2133 public static final class TRSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult
2134 {
2135 private TRSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult ()
2136 {
2137 }
2139 /** This method converts enterprise data structure to the string based proxy structure. */
2140 public static PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult toProxy( com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.STGetAllCoursesForStudentResult pStruct)
2141 {
2142 PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult lProxy = new PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult();
2143 lProxy.StudentNotFoundErrorMessage = TRMOStudentInstanceNotFoundError.toProxy(pStruct.getStudentNotFoundError());
2144 lProxy.InvalidOperationInputErrorMessage = com.almamater.adapters.generic.stringstructures.types.core.TRMOInvalidOperationInputError.toProxy(pStruct.getInvalidOperationInputError());
2145 lProxy.Courses = com.almamater.crs.adapters.generic.stringstructures.services.coursesdomainsupport.TRSTCourseDetails.toProxyArray( pStruct.getCourses());
2146 return lProxy;
2147 }
2148 }
2150 /** Returns all Courses associated with the specified Student instance.
2151 * @exception DataTypeValidationException thrown if any of the input strings did not pass validation during conversion to enterprise datatypes
2152 * @exception NamingException thrown if this adapter was unable to lookup enteprise service component
2153 * @exception BSException re-thrown from enteprise service component */
2154 public ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult getAllCoursesForStudent( ADBSDataManagement.PXSTGetAllCoursesForStudentInput pInput) throws BSException, DataTypeValidationException, NamingException
2155 {
2156 Context lContext = new InitialContext();
2157 com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement lService = (com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement)lContext.lookup(com.almamater.crs.services.coursesdomainsupport.BSDataManagement.COMPONENT_URL);
2158 return TRSTGetAllCoursesForStudentResult.toProxy(lService.getAllCoursesForStudent(TRSTGetAllCoursesForStudentInput.fromProxy(pInput)));
2159 }
2160 }