Comparison of Client-Server Middleware

Middleware Systems

The underlying networking protocols on which middleware systems are built are

  • IP
  • UDP
  • TCP

The middleware systems we have looked at are

  • Sun ONC/RPC (Open Network Computing)
  • RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
  • CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
  • Web services (SOAP/WSDL/UDDI)
  • Jini
  • JXTA (to come)

There are a number of others that we haven't looked at, including

  • Open Software Foundation DCE (Distributed Computing Environment)
  • Microsoft DCOM
  • Enterprise Java Beans

There are a lot of middleware services that we haven't looked at

  • Transaction monitors
  • Directory systems such as LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
  • Messaging systems such as Java JMS
  • Event-based systems such as Elvin

Data representation (what is moved)

Sockets byte/char streams
ONC XDR (External data representation)
RMI Java MarshalledObject
Web services SOAP
CORBA CDR (Common data representation)
Jini Java MarshalledObject

Transport (how it is moved)

Sockets TCP/UDP
RMI JRMP (Java remote method protocol)
Web services various, usually HTTP
CORBA IIOP (Internet inter-orb protocol
Jini Jini protocols (discovery, join, etc)

Service description

Sockets none
ONC Sun IDL (Interface definition language)
RMI Java interface
Web services WSDL (Web service description language)
Jini Java interface

Locating services

Sockets known address
ONC known address
RMI RMI Naming Service
Web services UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)
CORBA Naming service/Trader
Jini Jini Lookup Service

Lookup matching

Sockets none
ONC none
RMI exact string match
Web services string searches
CORBA string match or string search
Jini object match

Language bindings

Sockets Unix C, Java, Perl, Visual Basic, Visual C++, ...
ONC Unix C, Java, Perl, ...
RMI Java only (JDK 1.1 on, not Visual Java)
Web services Java, .NET, Perl
CORBA C, C++, Cobol, Python, ...
Jini Java only (JDK 1.2 on)

Language paradigm

Sockets streams
ONC procedujre call
RMI method call
Web services procedure call
CORBA method call
Jini method call

Remote reference

Sockets socket
ONC opaque data structure
RMI proxy object
Web services URL
CORBA proxy reference
Jini proxy object


Some middleware systems support event mechanisms for asynchronous processing, some only support synchronous processing
Sockets synchronous
ONC synchronous
RMI synchronous
Web services synchronous
CORBA synchronous/asynchronous
Jini synchronous/asynchronous

Garbage collection

Some systems will garbage collect objects/services and clean up registries. Others won't.
Sockets no
ONC no
RMI yes
Web services no
Jini yes


Can a Jini service talk to a CORBA client? Can a Web service be used by an ONC client? Generally not, even if the two middleware systems share lots of concepts (e.g. CORBA and RMI are both O/O based). Reasons

  • the data type representations will be different
  • the protocol format will be different

To allow services of one protocol to talk to clients of another, a bridge has to be built, where something understands enough of both protocols.

Jini to CORBA

See earlier lecture. Build a Jini service that is also a CORBA client to translate between protocols


Standard RMI:

Since the client does not see the protocol, this can be changed from JRMP to IIOP. The server uses an object that uses IIOP instead of JRMP. i.e. it uses PortableRemoteObject instead of UnicastRemoteObject.

CORBA 2.3 introduced "objects by value". An ORB that supports this concept knows how to handle RMI stub objects


Many RPC systems such as Sun ONC and RMI use a random port (above 1024) to perform the remote call. This means that it must be possible to connect to a random port. Network administrators do not like this, since attacks can be mounted on these ports.

Foe security, network admins will close off as many ports as they can, and only leave a few open. Typically they will leave open

  • port 80 for HTTP traffic
  • port 21 for an ftp server
  • port 25 for mail
and a few others. If all others are closed, then most RPC systems won't work.

Tunnelling is the technique of wrapping a message as another protocol's message and sending it by the second protocol instead of the first. When the message arrives, it is unwrapped and sent to the correct receiver. HTTP tunnelling uses an HTTP server, and a CGI script (or equivalent). Messages are sent to the HTTP server which passes them to the CGI script. The CGI script knows how to handle the original message.

Jan Newmarch (
[email protected]