Basic Message Oriented Middleware

Product Vendor Description
MessageQ BEA Systems BEA MessageQ is easy-to-use, fast, and reliable message software that allows applications to communicate using the industry-leading queued message bus technology.
MQSeries International Business Machines MQSeries messaging software enables business applications to exchange information across over twenty-five different operating system platforms in a way that is straightforward and easy for programmers to implement. For a directory of MQSeries related products and services, click here. IBM maintains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about MQSeries.
MQSeries Willow Technology Willow develops and markets MQSeries software products under various licensing agreements with IBM Corporation.�Willow also offers system integration, custom development, proof of concept and consultancy services for MQSeries.
MSMQ Microsoft Microsoft� Message Queue Server (MSMQ), also known by its code name "Falcon," makes it easy for application programs to communicate with other application programs quickly, reliably and asynchronously by sending and receiving messages.
NetWeave Vertex Interactive NetWeave is a broad based middleware product that allows companies to interconnect their otherwise incompatible legacy computer systems and to open them up to today's modern technologies of workstations, LANs, and SQL servers.
Nirvana PCB Systems Nirvana is a Java based message oriented middleware package supporting the publish subscribe model. It supports message persistence and XML DOM Documents as well as straight TCP communications and HTTP/HTTPS tunneling. Nirvana supports a federated namespace and instances can be joined together.
Pipes Peerlogic A reliable, high-performance message-oriented middleware (MOM) solution for developing and deploying distributed applications in a large-scale, dynamic environment.
SmartSockets Talarian Talarian's SmartSockets is a rapid application development toolkit which enables processes to communicate quickly, reliably, and securely across different operating system platforms, through the use of messages.
TIB/ETX TIBCO TIB/ETX is a transaction-based messaging system that enables fault-tolerant guaranteed delivery across LANs and WANs. It extends the core TIB middleware platform to provide a transactional form of publish/subscribe that delivers quality, up-to-the-minute data without compromising security.
TIB/Rendezvous TIBCO TIB�/Rendezvous� software is a revolutionary developer's tool for building scalable, distributed applications on heterogeneous platforms. Distributed applications developed using TIB/Rendezvous software can exchange data transparently -- over local networks, throughout an enterprise, even across the Internet.
X-IPC Level 8 Systems X-IPC is an advanced software tool set for the development of multitasking and distributed applications. X-IPC provides fault-tolerant management of guaranteed delivery and real-time message queuing, synchronization semaphores and shared memory, all of which are network-transparent.

Last updated 05 May 2001

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