Message Oriented Middleware Developer Tools

Product Vendor Description
API Wrapper Tolima Informatic To speed up your application development, we have written a higher level API for IBM's MQSeries (MQI). The API Wrapper (written in PL/I) uses the C linkage convention and can be called from any language supporting this standard.

Note: Supported platforms are OS/390, OS/2, AIX and 32-Bit Windows.

Application to Application Interfacing MicroFocus Unlike other middleware solutions, AAI provides more than remote procedure calls. AAI middleware models include:
  • Messaging
  • Remote procedure call (RPC)
  • Iterative processing
  • Administration system
App-Link Synergy Software Technologies App-Link is a facility designed to provide a programmer with a highly intuitive and reliable mechanism for performing IPC in the Microsoft Windows environment.   Using App-Link, the developer can very easily exchange data between processes running on a single computer in a single application, on a single computer in multiple applications, or on multiple computers attached via a network connection.
Communication Server TOPCALL The winning combination of TOPCALL’s Communication Server and IBM’s MQSeries allows organisations to integrate technology investments previously purchased in isolation.
Component Broker IBM Component Broker is an enterprise solution for distributed object computing that includes an operational environment and toolset.
Interspace Planetworks USA Interspace integrates best of breed desktop development tools like Java, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, C/C++, ActiveX, Multimedia Web Tools and Net Tools out of the box, with the leading transaction and messaging middleware platforms such as CICS, Encina, MQSeries, VisualAge Generator, TOP END and TUXEDO.
OCA-MQSeries Aquisoft Group OCA-MQSeries for CA-IDMS allows you to use IBM’s MQSeries product from within CA-IDMS.
ObjectQ Information Design ObjectQ is a Middleware tool with a flexible Application Programming Interface (API) that gives you the capability to use more than one Middleware product.
Q Jump Information Design Java bindings for BEAMesssageQ, IBM MQSeries and Microsoft MSMQ.

Last updated 20 Apr 2001

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