Sales Tax Exempts & Tax Holidays

A sales transaction maybe subject to tax exempt, including but not limited to the following conditions:

Sales Tax Exempt Setup


Sales Tax Exempt Id

This is an auto-generated and read-only field.

Sales Tax Exempt Code

Provide a unique code for the sales tax exempt.

Sales Tax Exempt Name

Provide a name for the sales tax exempt.

Tax Exempt Type Id

Select the tax exempt type or search by clicking the icon .

Store Id

Select the store or search by clicking the icon .

Sales Tax Id

Select the sales tax or search by clicking the icon .

Valid From, Valid To

Provide a duration during which the exemption will be valid and effective.

Price From, Price To

Provide a price range for which exemption will be effective. The items falling in this price range will be exempted.

Since this form implements ScrudFactory helper module, the detailed explanation of this feature is not provided in this document. View ScrudFactory Helper Module Documentation for more information.

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