Shipper Information

Shipper Id This will be automatically generated.
Company Name Enter the company name of the shipper or leave this field empty.
PO Box Enter PO box or zip code information of this shipper or leave this field empty..
Address Line 1 Enter line 1 address of this shipper or leave this field empty..
Address Line 2 Enter line 2 address of this shipper or leave this field empty..
Street Enter the street of this shipper or leave this field empty.
City Enter the city of this shipper or leave this field empty.
State Enter the state of this shipper.
Country Enter the country of this shipper.
Phone Enter the phone number of this shipper or leave this field empty.
Fax Enter the fax number of this shipper or leave this field empty.
Cell Enter the cell number (mobile) of the shipper or leave this field empty.
Email Enter the email address of this shipper or leave this field empty.
Url Enter the website url address of this shipper or leave this field empty.
Contact Person Enter the name of the contact person of this shipper.
Contact PO Box Enter PO box or zip code information of the contact person or leave this field empty..
Contact Address Line 1 Enter line 1 address of the contact person or leave this field empty..
Contact Address Line 2 Enter line 2 address of the contact person or leave this field empty..
Contact Street Enter the street of the contact person or leave this field empty.
Contact City Enter the city of the contact person or leave this field empty.
Contact State Enter the state of the contact person.
Contact Country Enter the country of the contact person.
Contact Phone Enter the phone number of the contact person or leave this field empty.
Contact Cell Enter the cell number (mobile) of the contact person or leave this field empty.
Contact Email Enter the email address of the contact person or leave this field empty.
Pan Number Enter the business Permanent Account Number of this shipper or leave this field empty.
SST Number Enter the State Sales Tax Number of this shipper or leave this field empty.
CST Number Enter the Central Sales Tax Number of this shipper or leave this field empty.
Account Id Select an account from the list.

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