Employee Salaries

MixERP payroll has a complete salary system. You can create unlimited number of salary items for a given employee. Each salary item can have its own implementation for the following:

Employee Salaries

Salary Id This will be automatically generated.
Employee Id Select an employee from the list.
Salary Name Provide a friendly name for this salary item.
Salary Type Id Select a salary type from the list.
Pay Grade Id Select a pay grade from the list.
Amount Enter the salary amount in salary setup currency.
Overtime Hourly Rate Enter an overtime rate in amount for this salary item. Remember that an employee can have multiple salary items with different overtime rates. You can set this to 0 (zero) if you want to keep this salary item from creating an overtime entry during salary posting.
Auto Deduction Based On Attendance Specify whether or not this salary item attracts deduction for days not worked.
Pension Fund Id Select a pension fund from the list. Remember than an employee can have multiple salary items with different (or no) pension funds. You can leave this field empty if you do not want to link this salary item to a pension fund.
Employment Tax Id Select an employment tax from the list or leave this field empty if this salary item is nontaxable.
Salary Tax Id Select a salary tax from the list or leave this field empty if this salary item is nontaxable.

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