=================================================================== MMBase 1.9.0 - Building =================================================================== This is the source distribution of the MMBase project. It includes the following contents: building.txt This file installation.txt Instructions for installing MMBase readme.txt General info about the MMBase distro release-notes.txt Releasenotes for this distro (contains changes/bugfixes/know issues) upgrade.txt Instructions for upgrading existing MMBase installations build.properties Build properties for ant, you may add your own properties build.properties.default Default build properties for ant (locations of external libs, etc) build.xml Ant build for, see top of this file for more information config/ MMBase config dir accounts.properties File with accounts/passwords (deprecated) applications/ Applications that can be installed builders/ Builder config files core/ Core builder files applications/ Application builder files, contains builders of default installed applications caches.xml Configuration file for cache configuration databases/ Databaseconfig for databases that can be used with MMBase dtd/ dtds which have no place elsewhere :) Other dtds are placed inside one of the jars log/ Logging configuration magic.xml File with information about mimetypes modules/ All modules that can be used, including core modules and optional modules. Not all modules are activated by default security/ Configuration for the security utils/ All config related to org.mmbase.util-classes xslt/ Some xslt's for displaying config files in adminpages docs/ api/ Apidocs for MMBase-sources html/ Html-directory mmbase/ All mmbase-related templates admin/ Admin pages edit/ basic/ Basic jsp-editors mmeditors/ Jsp-editors based on old (and deprecated) scan editors my_editors/ Alternative my_editors wizards/ Editwizards index.jsp mpl-1.0.jsp License style xmlimporter Xmlimporter tool pages mmdocs/ Documentation for different groups of users (templaters/administrators/etc) mmexamples/ Examples directory src/ Src-dir org/ mmbase/ LICENSE MPL-1.0 license .. Rest of the source dirs tests/ Automated testcases In order build MMBase into your own webapplication, you must do the following: 1. Download and install a Java Development Kit (j2sdk-1.5.x or newer) 2. Download and install the Ant Binary Distribution (Ant 1.5 is required) 3. Choose one of the Ant-targets, eg bindist which will build a complete binary distribution, and start ant with this target ('ant bindist'). See 'ant -projecthelp' for more information about the different targets. 4. Ant will now download all needed packages, unpacks them and will start building mmbase. All the output from the build proces (downloaded packages, compiled classes, jars, etc) can be found in . 5. Now you can install MMBase using the installation.txt