=================================================================== MMBase 1.9.0 - Installation =================================================================== MMBase is distributed as a webapplication, it's not packaged as a .war file, but the structure is the same. In order to install and get MMBase running, you must do the following: 1. Download and install a Java Development Kit (j2sdk-1.5.x or newer). 2. Download and install a Servlet Engine or an Applicationserver (check if the Servlet Engine is up and running and if you can use the jsp-examples), see releasenotes for tested Servlet Engines. On default the distro nees web-app 2.4. If the application server does not support that (e.g. Tomcat 4). then you need to replace web.xml with web-2.3.xml and mmbase-taglib-2.jar with mmbase-taglib.jar. 3. Download and install ImageMagick. See note below if you're having problems with Imagemagick or don't want to use it. 4. Copy the subdir mmbase-webapp into the servlet-engine's webapps dir, or point to it in a configuration file (e.g. server.xml of tomcat). 5. If ImageMagick's convert isn't in your path, edit (if you haven't installed the Resources application) or (if you already installed the Resources applications) for the location of this tool. 6. Start servlet-engine if you want to use the default MMBase-config (uses a hsqldb-database), or goto step 9 for changing default configuration. 7. Check if mmbase is running using the following url: 8. If this is running, goto to see an infopage about MMBase and links to editors, admin, examples, etc. Use admin/admin2k when you're asked to login (see notes below how to change this). 9. Edit jdbc.xml a(in ) for using a different database (see releasenotes for tested databases). If the database is explicitely mentioned in mmbaseroot.xml you should also change that. Other interesting settings can be found in (users, groups, and contextes), and in (logfile configuration and so on). 10. You may want to replace the security implementation by e.g. cloud context security. Remove the entire config/security and place mmbase-cloudcontextsecurity.jar in WEB-INF/lib to do that. 11. For more information about installation en configuration see: 12. If you have any kind of problem goto: website: irc: #mmbase at slashnet =================================================================== Additional Installation Notes =================================================================== MMBASE SECURITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out the dir, to customize the security settings. You _SHOULD CHANGE THE ADMIN PASSWORD_, and also the other passwords, if your setup is more then just a try-out. If you are not going to use MMBase security, you should not leave jsp-editors and admin pages unprotected (by e.g. tomcat or apache security). Remove them altogether if unsure (the /mmbase/edit/ and /mmbase/admin directories). The same goes for editwizards if you are going to install those. The shipped mmexamples directory is DANGEROUS and you should NOT leave it in a production site. It contains for the sake of _examples_ various editors and e.g. a generic jsp to show the source code of other jsp's. Generally, for a production site, it is best to remove all jsp's which are shipped with this distro, besides the ones you are planning to actually use. WEB-APPLICATION POLICY ISSUES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some application servers, such as the Sun Java System Application Server, put restrictions on what web-applications can do. To run MMBase in such web-application servers, you need to give the application a number of permisions, including the use of Classloaders for the MMBase web-applications, or they won't run. In the Sun Java System Application Server you configure this in the server.policy configuration file. Add: // permissions needed for MMBase grant { permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader"; permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createSecurityManager"; permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setIO"; permission java.net.NetPermission "specifyStreamHandler"; permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.rmi.server.hostname", "write"; }; You may want to limit this permission to specific applications. Consult your server documentation and the java documentation for the various Permission classes for more information. IMAGE MAGICK: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imagemagick does work with Windows 98/ME, but MMBase is not able to use it. You have to use Jai (Java Advanced Imaging API). You can do this by changing the properties in (if you've already installed the Resources application) or (if you haven't installed the Resources applications) into: org.mmbase.module.builders.ConvertJAI 20 Please keep in mind that the image builder is less powerfull when using JAI instead of Imagemagick. When using ImageMagick in JVM with substantial amount of the total memory of a UNIX system, you may want to use the 'command server' to avoid errors because of the 'fork' required by a Runtime.exec.