=================================================================== MMBase 1.9.0 - Readme =================================================================== MMBase is an Open Source content management system that can be used for publishing websites (among other things like email, sms, etc). MMBase coveres the whole spectrum needed to manage and maintain information. In other words, MMBase has editors for editorial people to insert, manipulate, and delete information. MMBase uses jsp/taglib as a language which enables web designers to publish the information dynamically. It includes the following contents: LICENSE MPL-1.0 license readme.txt This file releasenotes.txt Releasenotes for this distro (contains changes/bugfixes/know issues) installation.txt Instructions for installing MMBase upgrade.txt Instructions for upgrading existing MMBase installations mmbase-webapp/ Webapplication dir, this dir goes into your applicationserver/servlet engine WEB-INF/ Webapplication config dir, contains both the config for the webapp and for MMBase config/ MMBase config dir accounts.properties File with accounts/passwords (deprecated) applications/ Applications that can be installed builders/ Builder config files core/ Core builder files applications/ Application builder files, contains builders of default installed applications. caches.xml Configuration file for cache configuration databases/ Databaseconfig for databases that can be used with MMBase dtd/ dtds which have no place elsewhere :) Other dtds are placed inside one of the jars log/ Logging configuration magic.xml File with information about mimetypes modules/ All modules that can be used, including core modules and optional modules. Not all modules are activated by default security/ Configuration for the security utils/ All config related to org.mmbase.util-classes xslt/ Some xslt's for displaying config files in adminpages lib/ All jars needed by MMBase legal Contains licenses for external jars which are distributed with MMBase web.xml a default configuration file for MMBase as a webapp, should be sufficient for most basic configurations mmbase/ All mmbase-related templates admin/ Admin pages edit/ basic/ Basic jsp-editors mmeditors/ Jsp-editors based on old (and deprecated) scan editors my_editors/ Alternative my_editors wizards/ Editwizards index.jsp mpl-1.0.jsp License style mmexamples/ Examples directory MMBase is distributed in two different 'flavours', mmbase-src and mmbase. First is the source distribution and the second is the binary distribution. The binary distribution's target users are end-users and first-time users. It contains a working hsqldb database, applications that can be deployed and a few working examples. The logging for the binary distro is going to the standardout, you have to find out which log file of your Servlet-engine is logging standard out, for Tomcat 4/5 ie catalina.out. The source distribution's target users are developers who like to start building their own MMBase.