=================================================================== MMBase 1.9.0 - Release Notes =================================================================== ============ INTRODUCTION: ============ This document describes the changes that have been made in the final release of MMBase 1.9.0, relative to the previous release of MMBase (1.8.x). Bug reports should be entered at the bug reporting system for MMBase at: ============ NEW FEATURES: ============ -------------------- General New Features: -------------------- [1.9.0] - On a lot of places java 1.5 features were used in the implementation of core and applications. (like generics, varargs, StringBuilder). - start on org.mmbase.framework - command server for image magick (to avoid memory doubling) Taglib New Features: ------------------- - varStatus attribute on list-tags (like c:forEach) - jspvar of writers can have any value. Editwizard New Features: ------------------------ -------------------- Obsolete Features: -------------------- [1.9.0] ------------------ Bug Fixes: ------------------ [1.9.0] --------------------------------------------------------- Known API incompatibilities of bridge, between 1.8 to 1.9. --------------------------------------------------------- - Bridge. A RelationList is no NodeList any more (though a Relation is still a Node). - Taglib. /WEB-INF/config/builders/applications/images.xml (after installation of 'Resource') or /WEB-INF/config/applications/Resources/builders/images.xml (before installation of 'Resource') into: org.mmbase.module.builders.ConvertJAI 20 Please keep in mind that the image builder is less powerful when using JAI instead of Imagemagick. - Jumpers jump to /index.html by default, which can e.g. shield the image servlet (if 'dotlessly' mapped). Remove the setting from jumpers.xml if you prefer nice 404's (this is like this on default) - Resin provides its own XSL-transformation implementation, on this area are some known problems. - Resin cannot swallow some of the larger jsp/taglib pages. ============ Requirements: ============ MMBase needs an servlet engine which supports the servlet api 2.3 and jsp api 1.2. Furthermore it needs a database and a jdbc-driver. Some pages require servlet api 2.4 (using EL, Jspx). The 'bin' distro does include a hsqldb database and driver. ========= Tested on: ========= The applications listed here are known to be tested with MMBase, but the list is probably a lot bigger :-) See also /version?server ------------- Java versions ------------- - J2SE 1.5 ------------- Java compilers ------------- - Sun's javac 1.5 When altering line 115 in org.mmbase.cache.CacheManager from Cache cache = getCache(cacheName); to Cache cache = getCache(cacheName); the compiler will run into a bug in Sun's javac regarding the casting of generic types. See: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4916620 ------------------ Servlet engines / Application servers ------------------ These are the applications servers on which MMBase was tested. - Tomcat 5.5.17, 5.5.20, 6.0 - .. --------- Databases --------- - Mysql - Hsqldb 1.8.0 (shipped with distro) - Postgresql - PostgreSQL 8.1.3