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I. mnoGoSearch commands reference

Table of Contents
AddType -- associates file names or extensions with mime types
Affix -- loads an Ispell affix file
Alias -- associates master and mirror sites
AliasProg -- calls external URL parser
Allow -- allows to index defined URLs
AlwaysFoundWord -- defines word that is always treated as found
AuthBasic -- defines basic HTTP authorization user name and password
BrowserCharset -- defines browser charset
Cache -- enables or disables cache search results
CaseFolding -- choose alternative case mapping
Category -- defines documents category
CheckMP3 -- checks for MP3 meta information
CheckMP3Only -- check for MP3 meta information
CheckOnly -- checks for file existence only
CollectLinks -- enables or disables storing links between pages - for popularity rank.
CrossWords -- specifies whether to use crosswords
CustomLog -- logging to stdout using the given format
CVSIgnore -- enables or disables indexing internal CVS files
DateFactor -- giving less score to old documents
DateFormat -- defines date format
DBAddr -- sets database address
DefaultContentType -- defines default Content-Type
Dehyphenate -- enables searching for dehyphenated forms of compound words
DefaultLang -- defines default language
DetectClones -- enables or disables clone detection
Disallow -- disallows indexing defined URLs
DocMemCacheSize -- this command is obsolete
DocSizeWeight -- change document size impact on the document score
DocTimeOut -- defines maximal time for document downloading
ExcerptSize -- defines maximal length of excerpt
ExcerptStopword -- whether to hightlight stopwords.
ExcerptPadding -- defines excerpt padding length
FlushServerTable -- flushes to inactive
FollowSymLinks -- whether to dereference symlinks
ForceIISCharset1251 -- assume windows-1251 charset
GuesserUseMeta -- enables or disables using meta tags
GroupBySite -- enables grouping search results by site
HlBeg -- configures search results highlighting
HlEnd -- configures search results highlighting
HoldBadHrefs -- defines timeout for holding bad URLs
HrefOnly -- scan HTML pages only for URLs
HTDBAddr -- describes a remote SQL data source connection string
HTDBDoc -- describes a query to fetch document content from a SQL source
HTDBLimit -- limits the amount of document IDs fetched in a single HTDBList query
HTDBList -- describes a query to fetch document IDs from a SQL data source
HTTPHeader -- adds desired headers in indexer HTTP request
ImportEnv -- imports an environment variable
Include -- includes additional configuration file
Index -- prevents indexer from storing words into database
IndexIf -- allows indexing documents whose section matches the given pattern
IndexTime -- Enables or disables Last-Modified HTTP header processing.
IspellUsePrefixes -- allows to use ispell prefixes while searching
LangMapFile -- loads language map for charset and language guesser
LangMapUpdate -- no description available yet
Limit -- describes a fast limit
LoadChineseList -- loads Chinese word frequency list
LoadTagInfo -- load tag values to display in search results
LoadThaiList -- loads Thai word frequency list
LoadURLInfo -- load section values to display in search results
LocalCharset -- defines local charset
Locale -- sets a desired locale
LogLevel -- Verbosity level
MaxDocSize -- defines maximal document size
MaxDocPerSite -- defines maximal document number to pick up from each site
MaxHops -- defines maximal way in "mouse clicks"
MaxNetErrors -- defines maximal network errors
MaxWordLength -- defines maximal word length
Mime -- defines external parser for given mime-type
MinCoordFactor -- giving more score to documents having found words closer to the beginning
MinWordLength -- defines minimal word length
MirrorHeadersRoot -- defines root directory of mirrored document's headers
MirrorPeriod -- defines period for mirrored files
MirrorRoot -- defines root directory to enable sites mirroring
NetErrorDelayTime -- defines document processing delay
NewsExtensions -- enables news extensions
NoIndexIf -- disallows indexing documents whose section matches the given pattern.
NumSections -- specifying the number of sections configured in indexer.conf
WordDensityFactor -- giving more score to documents having higher word density
WordFormFactor -- giving more score to the original query word form (as opposite to generated synonym or ispell forms)
NumDistinctWordFactor -- giving more score to documents having more distinct words
NumWordFactor -- giving more score to documents having more found words
ParserTimeOut -- defines amount of time for parser execution
Period -- defines reindex period
PopRankFeedBack -- calculates sites weights
PopRankShowCntRatio -- PopRankShowCntRatio
PopRankShowCntWeight -- PopRankShowCntWeight
PopRankSkipSameSite -- skips links from same site
PopRankUseShowCnt -- PopRankUseShowCnt
PopRankUseTracking -- PopRankUseTracking
Proxy -- defines HTTP proxy address
ProxyAuthBasic -- defines HTTP proxy user name and password
R0 - R9 -- sets random number
ReadTimeOut -- defines stalled connections timeout
Realm -- describes web-space to index using regex/wild patterns
RemoteCharset -- defines default character set for next Server command(s)
RemoteFileNameCharset -- defines default character set of file and directory names
ReplaceVar -- creates or modifies a variable
ResultContentType -- specifies the "Content-Type" header produced by search.cgi
ResultsLimit -- ResultsLimit
ReverseAlias -- ReverseAlias
Robots -- allows using robots.txt
SaveSectionSize -- use section sizes for better relevancy quality
Section -- defines document's section
Server -- describes web-space you want to index
ServerTable -- loads servers from database
ServerWeight -- defines a server's weight for calculation of popularity
Skip -- skip indexing of the matching URLs
Spell -- loads an Ispell dictionary file
SQLWordForms -- load synonyms or word forms from the database
StartHops -- 'Hops' value for start URLs.
StopwordFile -- loads stopwords file
StrictModeThreshold -- threshold to switch to a less strict search mode
StripAccents -- convert letters to their non-accented counterparts
Subnet -- Subnet
SubstringMatchMinWordLength -- defines minimal word length for substring match
Suggest -- Display misspelled search word suggestions
Synonym -- loads a synonym list from a file
SyslogFacility -- sets syslog facility
Tag -- generic grouping tag
URL -- inserts URL into database
URLDataThreshold -- improves search performance for queries returning small number of results
URLSelectCacheSize -- sets URLs cache size for indexer
UseCookie -- activates using per-session cookies during indexing
UseCRC32URLId -- enables generation CRC32 URL IDs
UseNumericOperators -- activates interpretic numeric operators in a search query
UseRemoteContentType -- specifies if the indexer should get content type from server
UserScore -- specifies a SQL query to calculate user defined score for desired documents.
UserScoreFactor -- set the effect of "UserScore" command
VarDir -- defines mnogosearch var directory
VaryLang -- defines languages for multilingual indexing
wf -- sets the default weights of different document parts
WordCacheSize -- defines maximal in-memory words cache size
WordDistanceWeight -- change word distance impact on the document score