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Installing mnoGoSearch

  1. Unpack the distribution and change dir into the top-level directory of the unpacked distribution.

    tar -zxf mnogosearch-x.x.x.tar.gz

  2. To simplify the configuration process we included a configuration script with the package - Run and select mnoGoSearch configuration options in a question-and-answer manner. After you specify all the configuration options, the script will run ./configure with the options you chose. It will also create the install.options file containing your configuration preferences that you can use to run the script later, bypassing questions. After configuration is finished, build and install the package as described in section 3.

    In case you would like to configure mnoGoSearch manually without using the configuration script, do the following:

    If you would like to configure the package with SQL database support:

    sh$ ./configure --with-mysql


    sh$ ./configure --with-pgsql

    or with another depending on what database you prefer,

    or with multiple databases:

    sh$ ./configure --with-mysql --with-pgsql --with-freetds

    By default, mnoGoSearch is installed in /usr/local/mnogosearch in the following subdirectories:

    bin mconv, mguesser, search.cgi, udm-config
    lib libmnogocharset.a(so), libmnogosearch.a(so)
    sbin indexer,
    etc indexer.conf-dist, search.htm-dist, langmap.conf-dist, stopwords.conf-dist
    man indexer.1, indexer.conf.5
    docvarious documentation

    If you have no permission to write to that directory or just want to install mnoGoSearch to another location, please use configure with --prefix option, e.g.

    ./configure --prefix=/user/home/mnogo --with-mysql

    To install mnoGoSearch with HTTPS support use configure with the following option:

    ./configure --with-openssl

    or in case the OpenSSL library is installed in a non-standard location:

    ./configure --with-openssl=/path/to/library

    Note: Please note that OpenSSL library installed on your system is required for HTTPS support.

    You can see all available options with ./configure --help

    If you want to provide some specific flags to C compiler (for example, '-O7 -mpentium' to build highly optimized binary for Pentium™ processors if you use egcs/pgcc), you can do so using the

    sh$ CFLAGS="-O7 -mpentium"

    command prior to running configure.

    To compile mnoGoSearch on FreeBSD with Solid in old aout format use

    sh$ CFLAGS="-aout"

    prior to running configure.

    To enable DMALLOC memory debugger support use --with-dmalloc. Don't forget to set environment variable DMALLOC_OPTION before debugging indexer or search.cgi (see dmalloc manual for details).

    The euc-kr, big5, gb2312 and shift-jis character sets are not supported by default. To build mnoGoSearch with support for these charsets, use configure with --with-extra-charsets command line argument.

    To build mnoGoSearch with support for all additional charsets, use:

    ./configure --with-extra-charsets=all

    To build mnoGoSearch with only one specified charset support use:

    ./configure --with-extra-charsets=shift-jis

    To build mnoGoSearch with several specified charsets support, use a comma separated list of the charsets you want:

    ./configure --with-extra-charset=big5,gb2312

    If you run into problems with configure, please see the Section called Possible installation problems .

  3. Build and install the package.

    sh$ make

    sh$ make install

    If you run into problems with configure, please see the Section called Possible installation problems .

  4. Create a database mnoGoSearch will store data in. For example, mnogosearch.

    You can use an existing database. In this case, skip this step.


    sh$ mysqladmin create mnogosearch


    sh$ createdb mnogosearch

    See database specific information if you use another database.

  5. Create indexer.conf and set DBAddr

    Change dir to /etc directory of mnoGoSearch installation, typically /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc/.

    Copy indexer.conf-dist into indexer.conf: cp indexer.conf-dist indexer.conf

    Open indexer.conf in your favorite editor, and edit DBAddr to set the parameters of the database you're going to use.

  6. Create search.htm and set DBAddr

    Change dir to /etc directory of mnoGoSearch installation, typically /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc/.

    Copy search.htm-dist into search.htm: cp search.htm-dist search.htm

    Open search.htm in your favorite editor, and edit DBAddr to set the database parameters similary to what you've done at the previous step.

  7. Create tables

    Change dir to sbin directory of the installation, typically /usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin and create tables structure.

    Run :

    sh$ ./indexer -Ecreate

  8. Installing search scripts

    Copy search.cgi to your web-server cgi-bin directory or make an Apache alias to mnoGoSearch's bin directory.