Up: In Case of Trouble
Next: Acknowledgments
Previous: HP-UX
These are currently undocumented, and some require configure options to have
been specified (like -mpipktsize and -chmemdebug). The option
-mpiversion is useful for finding out how your installation of
mpich was configured and exactly what version it is. The options
If an error occurs, start xterms attached to the process
that generated the error. Requires the mpich be configured with
-mpedbg and works on only some workstations systems.
Print out the version and configuration arguements for
the mpich implementation being used.
These arguments are provided to the program, not to mpirun.
For example,
mpirun -np 2 a.out -mpiversion
Up: In Case of Trouble
Next: Acknowledgments
Previous: HP-UX