Obsolete Systems

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To configure for the Intel Paragon, use

    configure --with-device=ch_nx --with-arch=paragon 
Two troubleshootings tip for the Paragon are
    1. Q: I got the following messages when I tried to build on the Paragon:
    PGC-W-0115-Duplicate standard type (init.c: 576) 
    PGC/Paragon Paragon Rel R5.0: compilation completed with warnings 
    PGC-W-0115-Duplicate standard type (init.c: 576) 
    PGC/Paragon Paragon Rel R5.0: compilation completed with warnings 

    A: This is because the compiler doesn't handle long long but doesn't reject it either. It causes no harm.

    2. Q: I get errors compiling or running Fortran programs.


    Fortran programs will need to use a absolute path for the mpif.h include file, due to a bug in the if77 compiler (it searches include directories in the wrong order).

A troubleshooting tip for the older Intel i860 system is
    1. Q: The link test fails on an Intel i860 with
        icc  -o overtake overtake.o test.o -L/mpich/lib/intelnx/  -lmpi  -lnode 
    /usr/ipsc/XDEV/i860/bin/ld860: Error: undefined symbol '_MPI_Keyval_create' 
    /usr/ipsc/XDEV/i860/bin/ld860: Fatal: no output file created 

    A: You are probably building mpich on an old 386 running System V release 2. This version of Unix has very severe limitations on the length of filenames (more severe than we are willing to cater to). The specific problem here is that the name of the file mpich/src/context/keyval_create.c is too long for this system, and was not properly archived. You best bet is to build mpich on a different, more modern system (for example, a Sun running SunOS or Solaris).

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