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The mpich distribution contains a variety of sample programs, which
are located in the mpich source tree. Most of these will work with
any MPI implementation, not just mpich.
contains a few short programs in Fortran, C, and C++
for testing the simplest features of MPI.
contains multiple test directories for the various
parts of MPI. Enter ``make testing'' in this directory
to run our suite of function tests.
Performance benchmarking programs. See the
runmpptest for information on how to run the
benchmarks. These are relatively sophisticated.
A Mandelbrot program that uses the MPE graphics
package that comes with mpich. It should work with
any other MPI implementation as well, but we have not
tested it. This is a good demo program if you have
a fast X server and not too many processes.
A program for solving the Mastermind
puzzle in parallel. It can use graphics (gmm)
or not (mm).
Additional examples from the book Using MPI
[11] are available at
www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/using. Tutorial material on MPI can also be
found at www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi.

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