mpirun and Globus

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In the section we describe how to run MPI programs using the mpich globus2 device in a Globus-enabled distributed computing environment. It is assumed that (a) Globus has been installed and the appropriate Globus daemons are running on the machines you wish to launch your MPI application, (b) you have already acquired your Globus ID and security credentials, (c) your Globus ID has been registered on all machines, and (d) you have a valid (unexpired) Globus proxy. See for information on those topics.

Every mpirun command under the globus2 device submits a Globus Resource Specification Language Script, or simply RSL script, to a Globus-enabled grid of computers. Each RSL script is composed of one or more RSL subjobs, typically one subjob for each machine in the computation. You may supply your own RSL script* explicitly to mpirun (using the -globusrsl <rslfilename> option) in which case you would not specify any other options to mpirun, or you may have mpirun construct an RSL script for you based on the arguments you pass to mpirun and the contents of your machines file (discussed below). In either case it is important to remember communication between nodes in different subjobs is always facilitated over TCP/IP and the more efficient vendor-supplied MPI is used only among nodes within the same subjob.

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