Installation and User's Guide to mpich,a Portable Implementation of MPIVersion 1.2.5The ch_nt device for workstations and clusters of Microsoft Windows machines

David Ashton, William Gropp, and Ewing Lusk ANL-01/x Rev xMarch 2002

MPI (Message-Passing Interface) is a standard specification for message-passing libraries. Mpich is a portable implementation of the full MPI-1.2 specification for a wide variety of parallel and distributed computing environments. Mpich contains, along with the MPI library itself, a programming environment for working with MPI programs. The programming environment includes a startup mechanism and a profiling library for studying the performance of MPI programs. This document describes how to install and use mpich on Micrsoft Windows systems.

This document describes how to obtain, install, and use mpich [7], the portable implementation of the MPI Message-Passing Standard. This document describes version 1.2.5.


  • Introduction
  • System Requirements
  • Quick Start
  • Downloading mpich
  • Installing
  • Configuring
  • Making and running an example
  • Programming Tips
  • Compiling and linking with Microsoft Developer Studio (VC++ 6.x)
  • Compiling with VC++ from the command line
  • Compiling and linking with Fortran
  • Compiling and linking with gcc or g77
  • Debugging
  • The printf Approach
  • Error handlers
  • Starting processes manually
  • Attaching a debugger to a running program
  • Log and tracefile tools
  • Logging C applications
  • Logging Fortran applications
  • Jumpshot
  • Performance measurements
  • Tools
  • mpirun for mpd
  • Usage
  • Configuration files for mpirun
  • Command line options for mpirun
  • MPIRegister tool
  • Configuration tool
  • Create the host list
  • Select the options to configure
  • Apply the settings
  • Update tool
  • Create the host list
  • Select the new binaries
  • Apply the updates
  • Runtime environment variable options
  • Job manager tool
  • MPD process launcher
  • Quick reference
  • Command line options
  • Console commands
  • mpich and threads
  • Rebuilding the mpich dlls from the source distribution
  • Download the source distribution
  • Build
  • Documentation
  • In Case of Trouble
  • Things to try first
  • Submitting bug reports
  • FAQ
  • Error 64 - GetQueuedCompletenessStatus failed
  • No more connections
  • my windows don't show up
  • mpirun options don't work
  • mpirun in a bash shell doesn't work
  • Does mpich work on Windows98?
  • Can I run on both Windows and Linux at the same time?
  • Appendices
  • History of Mpich
  • File Manifest
  • Manual installation
  • Automated installation
  • Distribution files
  • MSDEV Project settings
  • Bibliography