To compile with Visual Fortran, follow the same steps as in the Visual C++ Section Compiling and linking with Microsoft Developer Studio (VC++ 6.x) . Visual Fortran uses the same linker as MS Visual C++.
The mpich dlls contain the following interfaces for Fortran:
Uppercase externals using the standard calling convention with mixed string length
parameters. This is the default for Visual Fortran. But, it doesn't allow passing
strings to any of the message passing functions like MPI_SEND because strings cause
the function signature to change. To use strings you must use the C calling convention.
Uppercase externals using the C calling convention with string length parameters at the
end of the list. This is the default for the Intel Fortran compiler. You can also use
this interface with Visual Fortran by adding the following compiler flags:
/iface:cref /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg
3. mpi_init__
Lowercase double underscore externals using the C calling convention with string length parameters at the end of the argument list. This is the default for g77.