MPIRegister tool

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MPIRegister.exe is a tool to encrypt an account and password into the registry for the current user. It is found in the MPICH mpd bin directory. The information it stores is used by mpirun to launch applications in the context of the specified user. If you don't use mpiregister then mpirun will prompt for an account and password each time it is invoked.


* MPIRegister
* MPIRegister -remove
* MPIRegister -validate [-nocache -host h -port p -phrase x]

First it prompts for an account. Enter the name in the form [Domain ]Account where the domain name is optional (ie mcs ashton or ashton). Then it prompts for the password twice. Finally it asks if you wish to make the action persistent. If you say yes then the data will be saved to the hard drive. If you say no then the data will only remain in memory. This means that you may run mpirun various times and it will not prompt you for an account and password. But, when you re-boot the machine and use mpirun again, it will prompt for an account and password.

The -remove option will delete the information from the registry.

The -validate option will connect to an mpd and attempt to validate the user credentials by logging on the user with the supplied password. This option must be used only after the user credentials have been saved. It does not prompt for credentials. The host, port and phrase options are optional and refer to where the mpd is located. If they are not specified the local host and default mpd port and passphrase are used. The -nocache option causes the mpd to ignore any cached user handles for a slower but more accurate validation.

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