Job manager tool

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The job manager tool allows a user to see the jobs that have been or are currently running (if job logging has been enabled using the configure tool). This is an in memory database that is lost if the machine is rebooted or the mpd that hosts the data is restarted. There is a gui and command line version of the tool.

Figure 4: Snapshot of the MPIJob tool


Connect to the job host.

Read the jobs on the job host.

Delete the currently selected job. This does not kill the processes, it only removes the data from the mpd job database.

Connect to the hosts where the processes are running and kill all the processes.
Jobs window

This window shows the list of jobs. Jobs are listed in the format ``timestamp : user@jobid : state'' The timestamp is in the format, ``<hourh.minutem.seconds>''
Job window

This window shows the details of the selected job.
Full details

With this box checked, the complete information of all the processes launched in a job is displayed.

The command line version of mpijob is used this way:
mpijob -jobs [jobhost] 
mpijob jobid [-full] [jobhost] 
mpijob -killjob jobid [jobhost] 
mpijob -clear [all, before timestamp, or jobid] [jobhost] 
mpdjob -tofile filename [all, before timestamp, or jobid] [jobhost] 
timestamp =<> 

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