Submitting bug reports

Up: In Case of Trouble Next: FAQ Previous: Things to try first

Send any problem that you can not solve by checking this section to [email protected].

Please include:

* The version of mpich (e.g., 1.2.5)
* The operating system configuration you are running under.
* The output of running your program with the -mpiversion argument (e.g., mpirun -np 1 a.exe -mpiversion)
* The version of mpd. Run mpd -v to get this information.

If you have more than one problem, please send them in separate messages; this simplifies our handling of problem reports.

The rest of this section contains some information on trouble-shooting mpich. Some of these describe problems that are peculiar to some environments and give suggested work-arounds. Each section is organized in question and answer format, with questions that relate to more than one environment (workstation, operating system, etc.) first, followed by questions that are specific to a particular environment. Problems with workstation clusters are collected together as well. To make it easier to find solutions, the most common problems are described first.

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