Does mpich work on Windows98?

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Q) Can I run MPICH applications on Windows9x/ME?

A) In a limited way yes. The TCP/IP device for Windows has code that only runs on WindowsNT/2000/XP, but you can use the -localonly option to mpirun on a Win9x machine (See Section Command line options for mpirun ). This means you can run multiple processes on a single Win9x machine but you cannot run applications across multiple Win9x machines. This capability is provided so you can compile and test programs on a single Win9x machine and then run the code on an NT cluster at some other time. To install on a Win9x machine, download the source distribution, unzip the contents, use mpirun from the bin directory and make sure the dlls in the lib directory are in your path. Help files are in the www directory, www index.html.

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