This page last changed on Oct 12, 2006 by andrew.

Default JMX Support Agent

You can configure all Jmx Agents with a single class called DefaultJmxSupportAgent. It will register your Mule instance with the following agents -

  • Rmi agent (if necessary) on rmi://localhost:1099
  • Jmx Registration agent
  • Remote Jmx access on service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/server
  • Jmx Notification agent used to receive Server notifications using Jmx Notifications
  • Log4J Jmx Agent
  • (Optional) JDMK Agent - set loadJdmkAgent property to true (@since Mule 1.3.1)
  • (Optional) MX4J Agent - set loadMx4jAgent property to true (@since Mule 1.3.1)

Just add the following to your configuration -

<agent name="JMX" className=""/>

The agent does a lot of useful plumbing for JMX, however at the expense of defaulting many parameters. If you find a need to customize some subsystems you could either:

  1. Subclass DefaultJmxSupportAgent and override corresponding createXXX() factory methods.
  2. Disassemble the services provided by this support agent into separate agents and configure them individually.
Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27