This page last changed on May 31, 2006 by tcarlson.

Configuring Jms - A guide for configuring various JMS servers with Mule. These include ActiveMQ
JBoss MQ, Joram OpenJms, Oracle AQ, SeeBeyond, Spirit Wave, UberMQ, Weblogic Jms and IBM WebSphere MQ.

Jms Provider - How to configure the Mule Jms transport.

Transaction Management - Managing Jms Local and distributed (XA) transactions.


Using Jms Redelivery - How to configure Jms Redelivery in Mule.

Configuring Multiple Jms Clients - How to configure more than one Jms Connection in a single Mule instance.

Configuring a Component Exception Queue - configuring a Jms error queue for your components.

Jms Provider Bridging - Moving jms messages between Jms servers from different vendors.

Spring Events - An example of how to Have you Spring Beans use Mule transports without configuring the Mule Server. The example demonstates using JMS, Axis web services and Email.

Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27