This page last changed on Feb 23, 2006 by rossmason.

Mule and Spring can integrate on different levels. You can can choose as much or little Mule in your Spring application or Spring in your Mule application. The following pages describe in detail how you can use Mule and Spring together.

  • Configuring a Spring context using Mule Xml
    There are lots of reasons why you might want to use Mule and Spring together, but configuring Mule in Spring bean Xml can be a verbose process. Now you can configure it using Mule Xml and mix Spring beans in the configuration.
  • Mule Events in Spring
    A really easy way for your beans to send and receive Mule events via the Spring Application Context without any code changes!
  • Spring Events Example
    Uses a simple restaurant demonstration to show how to send and recieve Mule events using the Spring ApplicationContext without needing to write any Mule specific code or configuration!

    There are currently two Spring-related additions in the Sandbox. Take a look and if you want to help get them into the main distribution, get involved!

Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27